FSX > Page 1567

28.89Mb (2344 downloads)
The Expedition continues toward the place where the Mysterious Statue is supposed to be. Dr. Lamont has just entered the Shorts twin engine aircraft, the rest of those going to Punta Gorda with him are already in their wicker chairs munching some dried meat as their early breakfast..." Gentlemen", says the Doctor. "This is one more step in our search for the Door to Atlantis, let me warn you all, that we are heading into the unknown and danger lurks every minute of this trek!...so if anyone wants to stay, please leave the aircraft now".....no one moved, except Jeanne Furvua, the 28 year old professor of ancient languages from the University of Luas, she started covering her lips with a bright red lipstick, all ten eyes plus two of the doctor stared at her....The little Shorts started its engines with a crack!!!!
Posted Jul 30, 2010 13:37 by Gera Godoy C
0.47Mb (543 downloads)
For the above 50826 texture,
I didn't properly mirror the VC file for the black/wooden panel version of the C172 resulting in a messed up VC panel. this file includes a corrected version for the black/wood panel
Includes instructions for fix.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 20:52 by Anthony Celentano

20.12Mb (40013 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, with Virtual cockpit included.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 19:51 by Jesse Cruz

72.02Mb (8269 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-900 Arkefly (Summer 2009 lease), with Virtual cockpit included.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 19:47 by Jesse Cruz

5.47Mb (773 downloads)
A fictional texture of the "Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia" for the payware FlightOne BN-2 Islander.
Although the Royal Flying Doctors Service doesn't use BN-2 Islanders, I decided to produce such a texture for bush-piloting in Australia (Orbx/FTX Australia).
Repaint by Daniel Weßelhöft.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 18:01 by Daniel Weßelhöft

1.12Mb (8445 downloads)
Virgin Atlantic textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 09:24 by Kenny F.

0.45Mb (5677 downloads)
FSX compatible engine smoke effect for the
Ito/Rooks F-4 Phantom II such as the
"VX-4 Black Bunny" below and the Rooks "Israeli Air
Force" models, both available here at Simviation.
Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Jul 29, 2010 06:06 by Tom Tiedman

2.40Mb (1737 downloads)
KWYS Yellowstone and Lake Area, Idaho (updated).
Complete objects library included.
Delete any previous KWYS from your
FSX scenery you may have of mine.
Jimmy R Martin
Posted Jul 29, 2010 05:08 by Jimmy R Martin

3.17Mb (2344 downloads)
Malev Hungarian Airlines - Repaint for the default FSX 737-800 by Alex James
Posted Jul 29, 2010 05:06 by Alex James

1.63Mb (827 downloads)
Bienassis as complement of France VFR FSX. This scene has been designed as a complement for France VFR FSX Brittany. It adds the castles of Bienassis. Closest airport LFRD Dinard Pleurtuit Saint-Malo. Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR FSX Britany. All the elements were developped in the "instant scenery" library framework, so you can modify the scene as you wish. For feedback use the france vfr forum (english tab) http://www.francevfr.com/forum/index.php and contact me ( alias Etien )' Notice that most of my scenes have a FS9 version kindly adapted by nicco from the france vfr forum.
Posted Jul 29, 2010 01:39 by Etienne V