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RAS challenge
RAS challenge
10.19Mb (872 downloads)
During the first anniversary of (July 6th 2010), a gliding challenge is open to all. You have to fly from Perpignan airport (LFMP) to Milllau (LFCM) in the south of France. The ones how will realize the three best tiles will be abble to choose the addon available. Come numerous to do the challenge. All info on the site. Mathieu O'HARE.
Posted Jul 1, 2010 15:28 by Mathieu O'HARE.
FSX Embraer EMB-120 Engine Smoke Effect
FSX Embraer EMB-120 Engine Smoke Effect
1.02Mb (1588 downloads)
FSX EMB-120 engine smoke effect for the Eric Cantu freeware Embraer EMB-120, which you must have previously installed in FSX. By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 1, 2010 06:00 by Tom Tiedman
FSX Alphasim Dauphin Shands Textures
FSX Alphasim Dauphin Shands Textures
4.99Mb (642 downloads)
Textures only for Alphasims AS365N_Dauphin. ShandsCair at the university of Florida. The 365 Dauphin was in service in 2002.
Posted Jul 1, 2010 00:48 by J ONeill
Metroliner III Serendib Textures
Metroliner III Serendib Textures
0.87Mb (1597 downloads)
Fairchid Metro III Serendib Express. Painted by Enrique Medal. Its needed Model by Jon Murchison.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 30, 2010 15:38 by Enrique Medal
Miller HM-4 Aeroval Package
Miller HM-4 Aeroval Package
16.84Mb (3869 downloads)
FSX 1939 HM-4 Aeroval (moonship) designed by Howel Miller of the famed GeeBee racers of the 1930's.Planned as a feeder airliner and crew trainer. Vidal resin-coated plywood over steel-tube fuselage twin pusher engines. Retractable tricycle gear, with steerable nose wheel. Enclosed cabin with seating for four in two pairs,with entrance doors on both sides of the plane. Only one aircraft was ever made and it failed to attract buyers and was eventually donated to a trades school.Built with FSDS3.5.1 and FSTweaks. The Aircraft has fully lighted VC and detailed 2-d cockpit. Glossy textures on paint and glass. Flight Dynamics by Airwrench and Brian Horsey. Another free aircraft from
Posted Jun 30, 2010 15:13 by Patrick Dyer
Douglas XB19 Camo
Douglas XB19 Camo
6.77Mb (2505 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Douglas XB-19.2 The Douglas XB-19, carrying Army serial number 38-471, was the largest airplane in the world when it first flew in 1941. This is the model as flown after Pearl Harbour and wearing its camouflage. Textures remaped to allow for easier repaints. GMAX designed by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jun 30, 2010 13:53 by A.F.Scrub
Project Airbus A320 Air Canada With VC And Real sounds
Project Airbus A320 Air Canada With VC And Real sounds
60.57Mb (16648 downloads)
Project Airbus A320 Air Canada With VC And Real cfm sounds
Posted Jun 29, 2010 17:08 by HELLOCHEWY
Pilotable IKE Nimitz Carrier X4
27.16Mb (10672 downloads)
This is the FSX Nimitz carrier converted so it is now pilotable. Thanks to Bruce Fizgerald.
Posted Jun 29, 2010 16:25 by Jason
Concarneau VFR France
3.53Mb (869 downloads)
Concarneau as complement of France VFR FSX Britany It adds numerous elements to the city of Concarneau. Closest airport: LFRH. Have been modelled in details: Keriolet Castle, Morros Castle, The old city, the church, the Marinarium, the bridge. Some autogen added as well. Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR FSX Britany. All the elements were developed in the "instant scenery" library framework, so you can modify the scenery as you wish. For feedback use the France vfr forum (English tab) and contact me ( alias Etien )
Posted Jun 29, 2010 15:26 by Etienne V
FSX Missing Gauges Fix for Vistaliners 727-100 Air Panama package
FSX Missing Gauges Fix for Vistaliners 727-100 Air Panama package
0.62Mb (1784 downloads)
Fix for the FSX Update of the FS2004 Vistaliners 727-100 Air Panama Package above. Provides the missing gauges. Just drag and drop the entire "pr_727" folder into your FSX "Gauges" folder and you are good to go. My apologies for the oversight. Tom Tiedman
Posted Jun 29, 2010 10:05 by Tom Tiedman