FSX > Page 1583

0.19Mb (1827 downloads)
FSX Aviatika MAI-890 Engine Smoke Effect.
For the Rotax 912 ultralight engine on the
Tim Conrad freeware Aviatika MAI-890 ultralight
biplane for FSX, which you must have previously
installed. By Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 24, 2010 00:12 by Tom Tiedman

3.01Mb (4825 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Continental Airlines textures only for the default B737-800
Posted Jun 23, 2010 17:29 by admin

31.93Mb (14900 downloads)
Boeing 777-300ER Air Force One. Updated with FSX VC using Danny Garnier's 777 VC and Posky 777 VC model added. Model by Project Opensky team.
Posted Jun 23, 2010 09:38 by Chris Evans

16.57Mb (10461 downloads)
FSX SP-2 Acceleration
Aviatika MAI-890 Ultralight Biplane
This release comes with 3 paint schemes and paint kit. Model by Tim Conrad.
Posted Jun 23, 2010 09:10 by Chris Evans

0.18Mb (2259 downloads)
FSX Default Cessna C208B Engine Smoke Effect.
Easy Installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Jun 23, 2010 07:05 by Tom Tiedman

9.01Mb (770 downloads)
This is a set of 4 Textures for the Realflight (Vertigo Studios) Grumman F6F Hellcat depicting the USN Flight Exhibition Team Later to be known as The Blue Lancers then the Blue Angels.
Posted Jun 23, 2010 04:52 by Bruce Martin

0.11Mb (2496 downloads)
FSX default Airbus A321 engine smoke effect.
Easy Installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Jun 23, 2010 01:44 by Tom Tiedman

50.54Mb (3032 downloads)
Episode 1 of 2---In 1934 while fying over the southern part of Chile, Dr Fragatelli of the Roman Museum of Lost Civilizations saw what appeared to be a huge shinny skull in a strange mountain. Now in 1936 he and his expedition is lost in that same mountain. Since last friday the expedition has not answered any transmission. His daughter, Dr. Iliana Fragatelli, has asked you to fly her to the last known position.....you do, and with her on the passenger cabin you take off in pretty bad weather..
Posted Jun 22, 2010 12:47 by Gera Godoy Canova

48.44Mb (11274 downloads)
Multiple livery package for the default FS2004 Boeing 777-200 - which has also been adapted for FSX. Includes over 35 repaints of real airlines.
Enjoy all:)
Posted Jun 22, 2010 01:17 by Thomas Mendoza Jr

8.87Mb (2144 downloads)
Scenery is for Monterey Peninsula Airport KMRY in Northern California. Includes Photoscenery (with Night Time Textures) just within the airport boundary to cover the unattractive stock FSX airport ground. All Taxiways, Aprons have been placed based on the photoscenery. Re-aligned runways, papi and vasi accordingly and corrected RWY28 Vasi glideslope. Scenery includes birds, and boats placed in Monterey bay, all buildings and hangers are from stock FSX library so good on framerates. If you use UTX products, scenery will not affect roads. This Airport is a complete revamp of the stock version. Designed with ADE, Fencebuilder and SBuilder.
Posted Jun 21, 2010 23:40 by Eric McCloud