FSX > Page 1801

4.03Mb (2349 downloads)
Tired of the same old moon? This relpaces some, or all, default moon textures with various other things, like space stations, planets, or other things, using 512X512 BMPs for higher resolution when zoomed in.
Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Posted May 5, 2009 19:38 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

2.41Mb (4793 downloads)
Replaces the default 64X64 bmp moon textures with 512X512 bmps. Alpha masking replaced by higher resolution images.
Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Posted May 5, 2009 19:33 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

10.76Mb (1045 downloads)
This folder contains a repaint for the Real Flight F6F Hellcat, representing Hellcat G-BTCC which is operated by the fighter collection from Duxford, UK.
Repaint by Jan Kees Blom, based on the paintkit by Real Flight
Posted May 5, 2009 05:50 by Jan Kees Blom

0.82Mb (3051 downloads)
this is a Marine texture for the M1A1 by by Bruce Fitzgerald.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2009 21:17 by FSXF Rhino

0.48Mb (913 downloads)
A new repaint of the default A321 in fictional Divided airlines colors. 'Divided' is a fake knock-off of United
--Gabriel E.
Posted May 4, 2009 18:50 by Gabriel E.

0.50Mb (2399 downloads)
A more close to realistic AFCAD File for Lanseria International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa than the default Airport in FSX
Posted May 4, 2009 13:04 by Bashir Ismail

7.73Mb (8004 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Spitfire FR XIVE
The Mk XIV was the most important of the Griffon powered Spitfires, and the only one to see significant wartime service. It used the two-speed two-stage supercharged Griffon 61 or 65, giving 2,050 hp and a significantly improved performance at higher altitudes when compared to the earlier Merlin engined versions.
After WW2, Mk XIV were flown by many countries into the early fifties. This model depicts a Spit FR XIVE at the fighter school Coxyde BAF. GMAX model by A.F Scrub. Models FSX.Sp1 and FS9 tested under XP and Vista. Spit21 Vista upgraded mdl file included.
Posted May 4, 2009 05:21 by A.F.Scrub

40.97Mb (9745 downloads)
Grumman HU_16 Albatross Northeastern Charters.This is a model of Greg Pepper and Micheal Verlin's .
Originally built for FS9, it has been reworked to fly in FSX sp1. Not tested in sp2.The 2D dash does not work in it. But the VC is fully funtional. Other tther problems still need to be fixed such as the lights do not come down out of the wings .
Unfortunatly Greg Pepper is no longer with us. But Michael Velin has given me permission to Make this available again .
This is freeware and is to remain freeware.
Michael Verlin
Posted May 4, 2009 04:49 by Michael Verlin

3.92Mb (4745 downloads)
Textures for Thomas Ruth's A330-200 in the colors of Royal Jordanian Airlines, aircraft name is "City of Aqaba"
Royal Jordanian dont have any A330-200's but the rumour has it that due to the delay
of the Boeing 787 Dreamliners delivery, which RJ have ordered, they will be renting
a couple of A330-200 until the dreamliners are delivered to RJ by Boeing.
Expect further modifications on this repaint as it is a first draft.
Painted by me and my beautiful wife Fida, as her artistic talent was needed due to Royal Jordanian difficult paint colors.
Enjoy.By Ali Zied
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2009 03:33 by Ali Zied

2.20Mb (6947 downloads)
FSX Boeing 747-400 Martinair Cargo Textures. Registration: PH-MPP. Textures only for the default FSX B747-400. Bonus: Martinair Cargo B747-400 Traffic package included. Created by Gabor Kovacs
Posted May 3, 2009 13:33 by Gábor Kovács