FSX > Page 1821

78.15Mb (2148 downloads)
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Part 1. Included is Valinhos and Vinhedo citys and Airports: Viracopos and Amarais.
Amarais have not radio auxilies, but is used 1170 mhz to ADF that is the Radio Educadora AM.
Viracopos is OK with radio auxilies like VOR and ILS.
Author: Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Mar 30, 2009 03:50 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti

11.84Mb (2556 downloads)
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Photo Realistic Scenery Base Package. Included is Valinhos and Vinhedo citys and Airports: Viracopos and Amarais.
Amarais have not radio auxilies, but is used 1170 mhz to ADF that is the Radio Educadora AM.
Viracopos is OK with radio auxilies like VOR and ILS.
Author: Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
Posted Mar 30, 2009 03:06 by Gilson Augusto Rocchetti
0.01Mb (1104 downloads)
These AI Traffic files are for Canyonlands, Arches National Parks. KCNY,U43 Airports" updated for Gottfried Razek photo real scenerys.
Arches National Park, Moab (KCNY), Utah, Photo-Sceneryand Canyonlands National Park South, Monticello (U43), Utah, Photo-Scenery )
available on SimViation, >FSX Scenery
Posted Mar 29, 2009 22:45 by Thunder

80.95Mb (28729 downloads)
This is the default B737-800 with multiple textures by many different people. DHL, American, Ryanair, Easyjet, British Airways, Singapore, Qantas, China Airlines, Orbit, Landmark, Boeing House Colors, World Travel, korean, JetAir Fly. Credit goes to the repainters.
Posted Mar 29, 2009 16:37 by Uploader

3.54Mb (2861 downloads)
Our new paint for the default FSX Acceleration P51 includes 100% chrome, Scratches and chip paint, Exhaust burn on fuse, New air file and updated .cfg, Most detail is to be seen with a off angle due to the reflection of the metal. its all there, Black spinner and prop, Aged Interior, now looks used and oxidized, Side step a blue color, Chrome Helmet with Designs.
This version has an installer that replaces your cfg and air file but also installs a back up of the stock files. If you have additional paints beyond that, manually back up your air and cfg files before installing. Paint and additional mods by Owen Young. Visit us at www.flightsimnation.com
Posted Mar 29, 2009 14:06 by Sonic

6.85Mb (9035 downloads)
FSX Shorts S330 30 passenger twin turboprop STOL transport.
Air Ecosse (Scotland). Passenger & cargo versions in the same package.Full package for FSX/SP2 with custom panel, VC, full cabin modelling, sounds, check and ref lists.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design
Posted Mar 29, 2009 06:57 by bob.may@premaircraft.com

11.63Mb (1086 downloads)
These 2 Airports ( Monticello (U43)/ Moab (KCNY) ) are updated for Gottfried Razek photo real scenery. ( "Arches National Park, Moab (KCNY), Utah, Photo-Scenery" )
and "Canyonlands National Park South, Monticello (U43), Utah, Photo-Scenery" available on SimViation, >FSX Scenery
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 29, 2009 00:43 by Thunder

0.26Mb (1148 downloads)
This panel is my first one to be made from scratch. This panel will require a Doofenshmirtz Blimp, or you can use it for other twin-engined aircraft. I made the panel for the blimp because I think that the panel would have the finishing touch. Aircraft.cfg file for the Doofenshmirtz Blimp is included because I added the description for the Blimp. By Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 28, 2009 22:17 by Victor Vu

2.85Mb (2313 downloads)
FSX/FS9 World Wide L1049G Constellation textures for Lockheed_L1049._Paintkit by Manfred Jahn
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 28, 2009 20:05 by Gary Harper

0.49Mb (946 downloads)
This is the Island of Utila, located approx. 20nm North of La Ceiba (Goloson Airport). It is a medium size landing strip, and capable to land a learjet (in the real world). It has limited scenery, and I placed the strip to as close to as it would be, as well as trying to have the dimensions as close as possible.
This scenery was tested on Windows Vista, FSX SP2(FSX Acceleration).
Made with AFCAD.
Created by Sloan Halliday.
Posted Mar 28, 2009 19:25 by Sloan Halliday