FSX > Page 1841

23.12Mb (1136 downloads)
FSX Louisville PhotoReal Scenery Section P Update
This contains a missing file from the high resolution, 1Meter/Pixel, terrain scenery for Louisville, Ky, section, P, which features the Floyd Knobs West of Rubber Town. Please add this file following a previous install of LouX1MP.
By Jim Jones.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 19, 2009 16:06 by Jim Jones

2.02Mb (6435 downloads)
Textures only for the default FSX Bombardier CRJ 700 in Air Nostrum. Air Nostrum, Líneas Aéreas del Mediterráneo, S.A., also known as Iberia Regional, is a regional airline based in Valencia, Spain.
Posted Feb 19, 2009 09:22 by Luis Lopez

14.60Mb (29627 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Lockheed L-1649A Constellation Starliner Version 2.2
Model, texture, and VC by Manfred Jahn, panels and gauges by
Hansjoerg Naegele, 2D main panel by Diego S. Barreto, effects and flight dynamics
by Roland Berger, documentation by Howard Sodja. See the Starliner project
threads at calclassic.proboards55.com for further info and general
feedback. Includes a "no VC" model for use with slow PCs.Model,
textures, and VC by Manfred Jahn, panels and gauges by Hansjoerg Naegele, 2D
panel by Diego S. Barreto, effects and flight dynamics by Roland Berger,
documentation by Howard Sodja.
Posted Feb 19, 2009 05:16 by John Paul

10.10Mb (8026 downloads)
English and Spanish version in the same download.Music, lights,action,rewards...The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has been robbed! Thieves are on the run. Police know that they are fleeing to Bayonne (France) aboard an aircraft.But French Police have no jurisdiction over them, so it is up to you to catch them if you can.Our mission is to reach Bayonne Airport before them, and then take them unawares as soon as they land.rnSe ha producido un robo en el museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, y los ladrones han escapado. La policía ha conseguido averiguar que han escapado en un avión que se dirige a Bayona ( Francia).La policía francesa no tiene jurisdicción sobre el caso, por lo que eres tu quien debe detenerlos.Nuestro objetivo es llegar al aeropuerto de Bayona antes que ellos, para sorprenderles y poder atraparles cuando aterricen.
Posted Feb 19, 2009 02:38 by Jose Enrique Arino

6.30Mb (13101 downloads)
Textures for the default A321 for FSX.
Repaint by Bjorn Nijhuis
Posted Feb 18, 2009 11:50 by bjorn nijhuis

13.71Mb (20502 downloads)
This paint is for the Project Opensky 737-800WL model (included). The paint is based on the Boeing 737 'EI-DLV'. I also added the Virtual Cockpit from the default 737 from Microsoft. This model is only working with FSX. Easy one click install! Model by: Hiroshi Igami, Giles Hacon, Felipe Falanghe. Paint by: Misha Grift.
Posted Feb 18, 2009 10:46 by Misha Grift

1.30Mb (2716 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX AI Default MD-83. This is a fictional repaint because no MD-83 was in service for Air Canada, although part of the DC-9 Family. The DC-9 was in service until 2002. A repaint is portrayed to see if an MD-83 was in service today. Splash screen included. This repaint requires the MD-83 Flyable pack by Braden Peters. By Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 17, 2009 23:14 by Victor Vu

6.12Mb (2587 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default CRJ-700. Air Canada does not have CRJ-700s in service, though a small amount of CRJ-100s or CRJ-200s were in service. A fictional repaint is shown if there is CRJs in service. Splash screen included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 17, 2009 23:13 by Victor Vu

5.91Mb (4102 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default A321. The A321 in the Air Canada fleet contains 10 A321s in service, with 174 passengers on this aircraft. Splash Screen Included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 17, 2009 23:11 by Victor Vu

5.41Mb (3975 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX Default 747. The last Air Canada 747 was retired in 2004 and was replaced by Airbus A340s. The A340s retires three to four years later and were replaced by the Boeing 777-300ER fleet. This aircraft was repainted in memory of the 747-400 fleet for Air Canada. Splash Screen Included. By Victor Vu.
Posted Feb 17, 2009 23:05 by Victor Vu