FSX > Page 1882

0.49Mb (2770 downloads)
Flathead Lake scenery FSX only. Start your heli flight at 8S1 and get out on the Lake to discover cool floating H platforms on the lake, I have also add a view camps around the lake.
Ruud Popping
Posted Nov 17, 2008 02:43 by Ruud Popping
27.04Mb (3948 downloads)
Better Frames,Most scenery objects Very-Dense setting. Simple set up, added NDB for Miramar MCAS. ADF Frequency 463.0, ident NKX, range 100 NM.
Enhanced San Diego harbour shipping port, and marinas. Included BGL. FOR North Island ILS, and updated Carrier in San Diego Bay with arrestor cables
/Deck loaded WITH F-18 AND SH-60.
The airport name is FSXF-Miramar MCAS (KNKX), Added aprons, taxi ways, hangers, vehicles, STATIC. Added ILS approaches,
06L-111.75MHz 06R-111.10MHz 24L-109.55MHz, (stock ils.)-24R-111.15Mhz, new starts, helipads etc...
Posted Nov 16, 2008 12:35 by Thunder
2.84Mb (1356 downloads)
This is an update for Galway- EICM - airport in Ireland. FEATURES: ILS for runway 26 (FREQ. 118.500); The new turnaround at the beginning of runway 26; the extension at the end of runway 26; taxiways Bravo and Charlie; the fire training ground (taxi via Charlie); a paring spot (located where the ACTUAL fuel station is) for FUEL(I am unable to move the fuel station so this is just a parking spot called fuel); the new tarmac section with new parking altered taxi stands for the "Gates"; an Aer Arran only gate 2; helicopter parking spots to represent executive helicopters parking; a taxi line leading to the Aer Arran hanger(Hanger not included); new apron lighting; a fictional ground freq. Ajusts the airport area to resemble the real thing. The flying club parking (located at the east side of the airport)
Posted Nov 16, 2008 12:34 by Shane Lorigan

11.37Mb (6923 downloads)
This is a modified Version of the Mig 15 Model By Jean-Pierre, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois and Benoit M. Dube Langer For Flight Simulator X. This Aircraft Mig-15bis No 0715368 "768" flown by Polkovnik Yevgeny Pepelyayev on May 20 1951, when he shot up the F-86A BuNo49-1080 of 1st Lt. Milton Nelson ( 335th FIS ) his first aerial victory. The "768" was a temporal assignment until his definitive aircraft the MiG-15 bis "325" was ready. Textures and Modifications by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft . Package includes pictures and History
Posted Nov 16, 2008 05:02 by Mark Rooks

0.05Mb (5147 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
S-3B Viking by Rick Sasala; originally for
FS2002. I have updated the flight dynamics
and changed the gauges where necessary on the
2D and 3D panels. You need the original
aircraft for this to work.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 16, 2008 03:21 by Bob Chicilo

33.19Mb (2068 downloads)
FSX Ants Aussie Airports Vol. 1: Snowy Mountains scenery, Australia. Contains scenery of a number of airports in and near the Snowy Mountains region of Australia. Most of the airfields contain photoreal backgrounds. Almost all airport objects are custom made. By Anthony Lynch.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 02:46 by Anthony Lynch
1.03Mb (2866 downloads)
Version 2.6.8. Choose Aircraft. Enter Departure ICAO and Destination ICAO. You get information about ETE, MAX TAS, FUEL you need and Distance between DEP and DEST. FIXED *Database Connection, *Fuel Flow DC 3, *Fuel Flow A 321-200. Added: * MC Donald Douglas MD 11, * Airbus A 320
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:24 by Nerenye

14.19Mb (4534 downloads)
This is the EgyptAir Texture Pack for the FSX Default Airbus A321 and Boeing 737-800. The pack includes a texture in each plane. Splash screen included. The A321 may look slightly different, but the 737-800 may look just fine. By Victor Vu
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:19 by Victor Vu

21.15Mb (6846 downloads)
This is Peter Brun/Lider Designs Gulfstream 100 Modified for Flight Simulator X.
This business jet the smallest of the Gulfstreams This G1 sports a Red and Gold paint scheme Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft
Posted Nov 15, 2008 06:49 by Mark Rooks

0.16Mb (1358 downloads)
This is a correction for the panel of the
Avro C-91 update I did for FSX. You at least
need the original aircraft for this update to
work. I changed the size and position of the
autopilot buttons making it easier to tell
what they are, changed the compass to one
which shows, and added a radio stack window
so the radios can be viewed larger than they
appear on the panel.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2008 04:08 by Bob Chicilo