FSX > Page 2021
3.03Mb (1619 downloads)
Cessna C208B Bermuda Airways Textures only.
This is a repaint of the default Cessna C208B Grand Caravan
in fictional Bermuda Airways Textures. By Anthony Celentano.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.63Mb (4313 downloads)
Cessna 208B Grand Caravan FedEx Textures only.
This is my repaint of the default C208B Grand Caravan in the
FedEx Feeder Livery (Canadian C-FEXF). After a few requests
I decided to go ahead and do this repaint even though FedEx
only operates Cargo Caravans, without the windows. So this is
based on the Canadian C-FEXF, but with passenger windows, and
therefore a slighlty smaller FedEx fuselage logo. Textures by
Amara SokNhep. 647K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
7.72Mb (3867 downloads)
Hawker Sea Fury Critical Mass Racer.
Sea Fury Critical Mass NX85SF is a highly modified T Mk. 20S
and one of the most radical unlimited racers to appear at
Reno. In 1987 it started at the Reno ramp as Blind Mans Bluff
race number 88 due to be flown by lady pilot Joann Osterud.
In 1993 it was bought,upgraded and raced by owner Tom Dwelle
as nr 10 Critical Mass. Powered by a Wright 18 cylinder radial
R-3350 , 3450 hp it goes up to 450 mph around the pylons.
Complete plane by A.F. Scrub. 7.9MB
Critical Mass Racer texture fix.
This fix corrects the top wing textures for Critical Mass.
Replace Mdl, wing.bmp and thumbnail in the original model.
Fix by A.F.Scrub. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
87.11Mb (10346 downloads)
Christen Eagle II MegaPack.
A two seat, tandem configuration unlimited category aerobatic
airplane with smooth VC gauges and is fully spinnable in FS2004.
Initial release features seven paint schemes. Features full
moving parts and special openings. By the Long Island Classics
Design Team. Sounds by Aaron Swindle.Marien Vierbergen. This
'Megapack' contains 33 textures by many artists that will get
credit as they become known. packaged by the Nor-Cal Prop Club
For fs2004 and FSX without service pack 2. Will work
with with faulty vc & panel with service pack 2. 89.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
11.22Mb (1720 downloads)
/ FS2004 Taylor H2 "Sezekly" Cub Land Plane:
Modeled by Golden Age Simulations [Paul Corish, Gil Halpin,
Keith Monson] This model recreates the H2 cub introduced by
Taylor in the midst of the depression, when Continental ended
production of the A-40 4 cyl 40 hp engine . This aircraft was
powered by the 35 hp Sezekly 3 cyl radial engine. The model
is complete with animated pilot and VC cockpit. Sound file by
Sky Song Soundworks , Texture by Ted and repackaged for fsx
by The Nor-Cal Prop Club. 11.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
0.91Mb (1057 downloads)
default Baron Peak Aviation Community Textures only. 929K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
4.11Mb (9439 downloads)
Piper Arrow-IV PH-ANF Full package. Includes Virtual cockpit.
By Rien Cornelissen. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
2.14Mb (949 downloads)
King Air 350 Snow camo Textures only
for the default King Air. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
25.95Mb (8263 downloads)
AI Dash 8 made flyable.
Have you ever wanted to fly the Dash 8? Well now you can. This
package is an upgrade for the deafult FSX Dash 8 that converts
it from an AI aircraft to a player flyable aircraft. This Dash
8 package has all of the aircraft files, so installing this
package could never be eaiser. This package includes three liveries
and a simple to understand readme. Please see the readme for
more information. Please note: this file will work in FSX ONLY.
Will not work in FS2004. Dash 8 package adapted by Braden Peter.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive
55.02Mb (12768 downloads)
Beech D-18 Package.
The best vintage radial engine plane that freeware has ever
produced! Model has several paints full working vc. Awesome
sound and flight physics.Note prop blur effect has been removed
to be compatble with acceleration. Packaged by Nor-Cal Prop
club. Original aircraft by Milton Shupe. 56.3MB
Gauges fix. Addresses problems with the gauges for FSX.
Fix. This
will fix the prop for the beech D-18 Created by Ted .Sp2 /Xp
tested. T & the Nor-Cal Prop Club. 391K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:17 by archive