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FSX/P3D Junkers JU52 1ZNA
FSX/P3D Junkers JU52 1ZNA
41.08Mb (1759 downloads)
New livery (1ZNA) for this Junkers 52 Package, by O.Fischer. Model conversion by Bulbbulb2. Oversight and cfg editing by InDeepSchit. Repaint by Stephen Browning
Posted Feb 7, 2021 11:34 by STEPHEN BROWNING
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-253N Avianca Columbia package
74.64Mb (1019 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-253N Avianca Columbia package. Avianca Columbia is based at San Salvador International Airport and currently have 2 Airbus A321-253N with a further 15 on order. Includes 2020 revised model and VC. Modified the Project Airbus A321-200 to resemble a NX model. 2020 updated A321 model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77. Autobrakes fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever. ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX". Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v5 and should work in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Feb 6, 2021 11:40 by chris evans
Lockheed F-94B for FSX-P3D (Missing gauges added)
Lockheed F-94B for FSX-P3D (Missing gauges added)
64.38Mb (1292 downloads)
Lockheed F-94B All Weather Interceptor, ca.1950-59. This is, as the actual aircraft, a rebuild of Tim Conrad's T-33 by Allen. Somebody asked for a Q&D FSX conversion, then it vanished. I found the files while clearing the drive, went back over it, fixed stuff up, and it's a nice F-94B. Model by Tim Conrad, Allen, skins by Allen and Y.T.
Posted Feb 6, 2021 02:32 by John Galt
FSX/P3D Sikorsky H-53E Super Stallion X
FSX/P3D Sikorsky H-53E Super Stallion X
31.48Mb (2916 downloads)
Rory Kelly's H-53E package FSX-P3D native version 2021. Straight out-of-box convert, some quickie skins. It looks great, flys well, easy to hover and sling, has superb deck manners. Basic VC, but the externals are much nicer than I recall. Texture mapping is adequate for repainting. 2 versions - MH-53E and CH_53E. In truth, I like it better than the Nemeth payware offering...have fun
Posted Feb 6, 2021 01:44 by Equis Richard
FSX-P3D  Mi-6 (ZH) HOOK X Package
FSX-P3D  Mi-6 (ZH) HOOK X Package
66.70Mb (1882 downloads)
Vlad's 2013 FSX-P3D Mi-6 HOOK 'BFRH' (Bol'shoy grebanyy russkiy vertolet) in FSX native, should be GTG in P3D. New 2013 build. this is a really cool model, probably Vlad's finest work. It's like a locomotive with a dynamic system... See readme file for details, have fun. Spaceba, Vadimir!
Posted Feb 5, 2021 10:14 by Zhirnyy Ublyudok
FSX - VTSM - Koh Samui Airport, Thailand
FSX - VTSM - Koh Samui Airport, Thailand
52.18Mb (755 downloads)
Today, after almost half a year of construction, I am presenting my new airport to you: VTSM - Samui Airport in front of ....... since I was already there myself and again no decent freeware scenerywas to be found for the FSX, so building it yourself was once again the trend I tested the airport on another computer - everything works fine Traffic works, Ai traffic as well as road traffic and ILS approach works. So have fun in Koh Samui at the airport and the surrounding area ....... The best way to go on a voyage of discovery is with a small plane or helicopter so that you can do the same see many details ......... lands at the airport VTSM with an A319 or a Boing 737 larger planes are not there then allowed to take a helicopter or a small plane and fly over the island explores the many details ............... Installation: Put the folder VTSM - Samui in the folder FSX Addon Scenery and activate Him......... ! The steps listed below only if you don't have these add-ons yet! ! to be able to see people unzip the supplied folder 3dpeoble_Lib and put the unzipped folder in your FSX Addon Scenery and activate it Support: If you have any problems or questions, please send an email to now have fun and good luck on your flight LG Jamaica. Demo video at:
Posted Feb 5, 2021 03:54 by Ewald Wagner
Jackson Hole Airport, Wyoming, USA
14.20Mb (411 downloads)
Jackson Hole Airport (KJAC) 2021, Jackson, Wyoming, USA. So want to go skiing or maybe see the Grand Tetons, or make the short drive to Yellowstone? Well fly up to Jackson and park your plane. This update adds a custom passenger terminal, FBOs, Teton Interagency Helibase, custom hangers, and some other eye candy. I used Google Earth, some website pictures and air charts to help design the airport. I have not been to KJAC airport since 2014. A lot has changed since then and some more changes are coming in 2022. To the best of my knowledge this is pretty close to the real thing.
Posted Feb 5, 2021 01:17 by MadDog80
FSX/P3D Boeing 727-100 United N7017U Textures
FSX/P3D Boeing 727-100 United N7017U Textures
6.28Mb (220 downloads)
This is the Rainbow scheme paint of the 727-100 aircraft that did land at Meigs field on September 28, 1992 by captain BC Thomas. This aircraft was donated to Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Requires the TDS Boeing 727-100 JT8D model.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2021 17:59 by Flanker256
P3D/FSX Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F-15 Eagle made flyable FSX/P3D Fix/Update V2
P3D/FSX Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F-15 Eagle made flyable FSX/P3D Fix/Update V2
14.07Mb (792 downloads)
Additions and updates to the P3D/FSX Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) F-15 Eagle made flyable aircraft as posted by GARNIER D on Mar 9, 2019. Afterburner and engine glow effects amomg among other additions. Now no more "Your fuel level is critically low in the selected tank" message. Also working HUD in VC under P3Dv4. For full addtions list and credits read the WhatIsThis.txt. For installation read the INSTALL.txt This is my second update of the aircraft and you don't need the first update.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 4, 2021 17:15 by Flanker256
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt Bf 109T
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt Bf 109T
7.05Mb (1021 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt Bf 109T Messerschmitt Me 109T was a projected carrier version of the Me 109E model. Prior to the war, the Kriegsmarine had become fascinated with the idea of the aircraft carrier. The Graf Zeppelin carrier wasn't completed and 63 of 70 T-1s were built as T-2s without carrier equipment. These fighters were assigned to I/JG.77, deployed in Norway on landing strips which were both short and subject to frequent, powerful cross-winds. At the end of 1941 the unit was ordered to return their aircraft to Germany and received E-3s as replacements. Mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Feb 4, 2021 13:19 by A.F.Scrub