FSX > Page 254

23.08Mb (511 downloads)
Boulton Paul P.120 for FSX.
"Boulton Paul P.120 'the Black Widow Maker' British experimental highspeed delta-wing research and test aircraft. An advanced version of the previous P.111. The P.120 first flight was on 6th August 1952 and the last flight was on 29th August 1952 which resulted in the loss of the aircraft. The redesigned tail added extra weight to the P.120 and made it slightly sluggish compared to the lighter P.111. As test pilot A.E. 'Ben' Gunn found on his first flight, positive trimming of the delta tailplane is required to reduce the take-off run! Tyler Gladman
Posted Dec 3, 2020 02:21 by Tyler Gladman

62.17Mb (1114 downloads)
Short S.25 Sunderland package for FSX.
Model from CFS3/FS9 by Ted Kaniuka, Steve 'Sdbolt', and Shessi.
FSX native materials and tags, nice paintwork, L'Azur Seaplane performance mod. It's not a study level model,it is simple, but looks great, and is super FPS slippery; very important when schvitz-hawking a large convoy.
Sunderland I, III and IIIA models, or, close enough. Me likee most beaucoup!
Posted Dec 3, 2020 01:55 by Khulmittel

6.67Mb (524 downloads)
The Short R.24/31 (or Short S.18 and nicknamed the Knuckleduster) was a British twin-engined,
high-wing cantilever gull winged monoplane flying-boat designed and built by Short to Air Ministry
specification R.24/31 for a "General Purpose Open Sea Patrol Flying Boat". The contract also
specified the use of the experimental Rolls-Royce Goshawk engine. The Saunders-Roe London
and the Supermarine Stranraer competed successfully for this contract.
The boats remained in use at the MAEE until 1938. FSX standard update, see readme.
Model By Edward Cook.
Posted Dec 3, 2020 01:14 by Grippa

107.75Mb (1261 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-100 Iberia package. Spain's flag carrier airline is based at Adolfo Suarez Madrid–Barajas Airport and currently have 11 A319 operating on flights around Europe and North Africa.
The A319 is a shorter version of the A320 family. Custom Airbus sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D5 (Should also work in other P3D and FSX) by Chris Evans
Posted Dec 2, 2020 08:25 by chris evans

8.56Mb (591 downloads)
Short S.30 Empire, the long-range version of the C-class flying boats. G-AFCU Cabot was the second of the S.30s, and was used on the Atalantic route before being taken over by the R.A.F. in 1940. Cabot was destoyed during the Norwegian campain in may 1940. Original FSDS3 model by Jens B. Kristensen. FSX native coversion.
Posted Dec 2, 2020 05:45 by Goto Dengo

13.85Mb (547 downloads)
FSX/P3D Short Hythe FSX Native.
The Short Hythe was a civil conversion of the Short Sunderland III
patrol flying boat of WW2 fame. A number of Sunderlands served
BOAC from 1943, and 22 of them were converted to proper airlines in 1946.
Many of them were taken over by Aquila Airways in 1948-49, and served
into the 1950's. Original model by Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Dec 2, 2020 05:36 by Goto Dengo

7.56Mb (395 downloads)
FSX/P3D Short S.23, S.30 and S.33 Empire. Updated from the Jens B. Kristensen. These famous aircraft formed the backbone of the British national airline, Imperial Airways, it's sucessor B.O.A.C. and its partners Qantas Empire Airways and TEAL from the mid ‘thirties and through World War Two. The aircraft that survived the war were replaced by more modern aircraft in 1946-47
Posted Dec 2, 2020 05:17 by uploader

14.73Mb (569 downloads)
FSX and P3D Short S.8 Calcutta. FSX native conversion.
The Short Calcutta was a three-engined, British flying boat
airliner, used by Imperial Airways from 1928 to 1939.
For more details see the included documentation. Original model by Jens B. Kristensen.
Posted Dec 2, 2020 04:58 by uploader

9.66Mb (576 downloads)
The Short Singapore I of 1926 was the forerunner of a long series of flying boats from Short Brothers, including the Calcutta, Rangoon, Kent and Singapore III\n\nFamous for Alan Cobham's Africa Survey flight 1927-28
Posted Dec 2, 2020 04:49 by Goto Dengo

57.94Mb (686 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR42-500 Zimex Aviation. Swiss airline Zimex Aviation is headquartered at Zurich Airport and offers passenger and humanitarian flights as well serving the oil and mining industries. This ATR42-500 HB-ATN is the single passenger ATR-42 in their fleet.
Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware.
Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 30, 2020 07:23 by chris evans