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FSX > Page 267
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-145 (EMB-145) Western Air package
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-145 (EMB-145) Western Air package
39.91Mb (970 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-145 (EMB-145) Western Air package. Western Air is based at San Andros International Airport, Andros Island, and is the biggest privately owned airline in the Bahamas. Currently Western Air have 4 ERJ145 flying to destinations around the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-145 FSX native model and VC. Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky. VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky. XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky. 2020 updated FSX and Prepar3Dv4 Adaptations by Speedbird77. Textured and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and other P3D versions.
Posted Sep 28, 2020 04:52 by chris evans
Airbus A319 ACJ SL FARE
Airbus A319 ACJ SL FARE
82.46Mb (676 downloads)
Airbus A319 with Sharklets. Fictional livery. VIP transport of the Republican Air Force of Spain (FARE). Model by Project Airbus. VC edits by Collin MacKenzie. More accurate ECAMS lower screen. Credit to "FsWorX". Repaint by JALopezR
Posted Sep 27, 2020 13:02 by JALopezR
Update for FSX of the T-28C
Update for FSX of the T-28C
11.74Mb (1228 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the T-28C trainer by Tim Conrad. I added a picture so it would show on the choose the aircraft screen; changed and/or added gauges to both panels, 2 of them would not work with FSX; corrected any contact points that needed it; corrected the position of the tail hook; changed the sound to the Beaver sound; and updated the flight dynamics.
Posted Sep 27, 2020 07:46 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/FS2004 Boeing 757-200 Tarom textures
FSX/FS2004 Boeing 757-200 Tarom textures
12.17Mb (209 downloads)
P3d/FSX/FS2004 Tarom textures for the TDS Boeing 757-200 Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
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Posted Sep 25, 2020 12:03 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
P3D/FSX Mirage F1C Armee de l'Air Textures
6.87Mb (516 downloads)
This is a repaint of the updated Gmax Mirage F1C by Kirk Olsson/Henk Schuitemaker. It is a demonstration of the Mirage F1C in its original configuration without any RWR antenna on the tail. It is painted as an F1C from the Armee de l'Air during 1975. This aircraft was assigned to Escadron de Chasse 1/5 'Vendee' at BA 115 Orange. It wears the original Mirage F1C markings for EC 1/5 with the insignia of SPA 26 (stork) and SPA 124 (Joan of Arc). Repaint by Frank Safranek using paintkit by Henk Schuitemaker
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Posted Sep 23, 2020 18:18 by Frank Safranek
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Sharklet Nordwind Airlines package
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Sharklet Nordwind Airlines package
75.08Mb (696 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Sharklet Nordwind Airlines package. Nordwind is a Russian leisure airline based at Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport. Norwind currently have 9 Airbus A321-200 and fly to holiday destinations around Europe, Middle America, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. Includes 2020 revised model and VC. Model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and 2020 updated VC by Speedbird77. Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v5 and should work in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Sep 23, 2020 09:13 by chris evans
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Package v2.0
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Package v2.0
52.91Mb (3019 downloads)
FSX/P3D Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-600 Package v2.0. Includes 3 liveries: Factory colors (F-WWEY), Air Senegal (6V-AMS) and White. Updated VC and 2D panels V2.0, with new XML gauges. This aircraft is based on the ATR 72-500/600 FSX native model by VirtualCol. It features updated exterior and internal Models, a new Air file and improved flight dynamics. All textures are very detailled with new alpha layers, specular lighting and reflections. All textures are DXT5. Improved night lighting, with a new set of effects. The new panels are using the following extra gauges: VSpeed, Altitude Callout, Icons32 and new Cockpit sounds. Most of these gauges are using the FSX XML Sound gauge by Doug Dawson. Realistic Pratt and Whitney PW127M sound file. Tested in FSX Acceleration (DX10) and FSX Steam Edition (DX9). Not tested in P3D but should work correctly up to V3. Sound effects may not work in V4.
Posted Sep 22, 2020 12:25 by Philippe Marion
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 FSX Native 'Aero' Package
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 FSX Native 'Aero' Package
36.64Mb (681 downloads)
FSX/P3D Embraer ERJ-135 FSX Native 'Aero' Package. Aero is a ultra 1st class jet airline offering flights to holiday destinations around Europe and elsewhere. Project Opensky Embraer ERJ-135 FSX native model and VC. Models: Exteriors by Project Opensky. VC Models by Jacob Kubique and Corey Ford of Project Opensky. XML Coded Animations by Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky. FSX and Prepar3Dv4 conversions by Speedbird77. Textured by Chris Evans
Posted Sep 22, 2020 12:10 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 787 Family + Virtual Cockpit
FSX/P3D Boeing 787 Family + Virtual Cockpit
After five months of production I am pleased to present a new virtual cockpit. This is the Boeing 787. This cockpit is the most advanced of all (in the Freeware category) and is based on MagKnight's 3D assets (see permissions section). But not only, it's also a complete package. Indeed, I have merged the 3D models of the Boeing 787-8 / -9 / -10 GEnx from TDS hence the name "Family". In a few words, I present the Boeing 787 "all inclusive version" ready for immediate departure. Everything is pre-programmed for you, the VC is 100% integrated with the TDS B787s. I have rewrote all the XML gauges to make them compatible, I have created all the animations of the virtual cockpit, every switch, every lever, every button, every function. I have tested and modified the FDEs of each aircraft to match the B787 flight model. I have added 54 high quality liveries that I have configured one by one. And, much more!
Posted Sep 22, 2020 10:51 by Erik BENDER (Rikoooo)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 2020 updated models and VC Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 2020 updated models and VC Package
128.28Mb (2478 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319 updated models and VC. Textures : British Airways, Aeroflot, American (Sharklets), Avianca (Sharklets). Fixes a number of things in the cockpits of the airbuses. The autobrakes are now fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever. ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX" Edits by Collin MacKenzie.
Posted Sep 22, 2020 08:35 by anon