FSX > Page 276

0.91Mb (372 downloads)
This texture represents the newly adopted New South Wales Rural Fire Service livery on their long term contracted 737-300W Fireliner from Coulson Aviation used as an aerial firefighting airtanker. Formerly, T-138, she now is Bomber 210, officially named the "Marie Bashir." in honor of the 37th Governor-General of New South Wales, who was also the longest-serving Governor-General in the state, as well as the only female Governor to date in New South Wales. B210 is the 2nd converted 737-300W Fireliner, the first ship, T-137 serves mainly in the United States. The Fireliner is capable of carrying 4,000 US Gallons of Fire Retardant in a unique split fore-aft of the main gear bay retardant tank system. Also, these Fireliners also retain some passenger carrying capacity and have ferried fire fighters in Australia to and from Fire Areas during the most recent 2019-20 devastating Bush Fire Season. Completed in P3Dv4.5. Intended to be used on the FSX Native converted Vista Liners 737s linked below. Repaint by Nicholas Mitchell.
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Posted Aug 12, 2020 02:31 by Nicholas Mitchell

76.41Mb (1756 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-100 Volotea. 2020 updated model and VC. Volotea is a Spanish low cost airline and currently have 19 Airbus A319-100 with another 4 on order.
The A319 is a shorter version of the A320 family. Custom Airbus sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus with 2020 FSX native updates by Speedbird77. Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textures by Stefan Bree. Assembled for P3D v5 /FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 12, 2020 02:13 by chris evans

3.30Mb (316 downloads)
FSX Ants freeware Tiger Moth by Anthony Lynch.
G-ANRX textures by Gary Harper.
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Posted Aug 12, 2020 01:56 by Gary Harper

76.53Mb (2863 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A319-100 United Airlines NC package. United is the world's 3rd largest airline and is based in Chicago. Currently United have 75 Airbus A319-100 and have purchased a further 31 from other airlines, mainly Easyjet and China Southern.
The A319 is a shorter version of the A320 family. Custom Airbus sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus with FSX native updates by Speedbird77. Revised original VC by Microsoft updated by Collin MacKenzie to include built in FMC and more. Textured and assembled for P3D/FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 11, 2020 05:36 by chris evans

36.79Mb (2689 downloads)
Cockpit Textures Upgraded V2 for all aircraft using the FSX Boeing 737-800 VC.
Thank you for downloading the -VC- Repaint Cockpit textures Upgrade V2 for the B737-800 FSX and not tested in
P3D but if it has the B737_800_1_C, B737_800_2_C, B737_800_3_C, B737_800_4_C, B737_800_5_C VC textures it will works . This package is painted in 32bit that will make the B737-800 cockpit textures view in full resolution and with more color and better details like the real one. VC repaint V2 by:
Enrique Cornejo
Posted Aug 9, 2020 17:03 by Enrique Cornejo
0.37Mb (240 downloads)
This file contains a correction to the VFA-34 LINE texture from the FSX CVW-2 mega bundle. Download this file along with the CVW-2 mega bundle and you should have pretty accurate liveries.
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Posted Aug 9, 2020 13:55 by Dustin Kosman

59.42Mb (2460 downloads)
FSX/P3D ATR 72-600 Aurigny Air Services. Aurigny Air Services is the flag carrier airline of Guernsey in the Channel Islands between the UK and France. Currently Aurigny have 3 ATR72 600.
Model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware.
Textured and assembled for P3Dv5 and should be ok in FSX and earlier P3D versions by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 9, 2020 03:26 by chris evans

6.18Mb (574 downloads)
Philippine Airlines (RP-C8764) Texture for the Thomas Ruth A330-300 RR Engine model. This texture is a part of my project to attempt to re-texture the Thomas Ruth A330s with 4096*4096 HD Textures. Special thanks to Oniel Black for helping with the engine intake and slats textures. Feel free to join the JetRepaintsSG group on Facebook for more of my repaint works! Installation instructions have been included in the file. Made by Muhammad Akmal Farhan
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Posted Aug 9, 2020 02:29 by Muhammad Akmal Farhan

340.81Mb (654 downloads)
Virtual Aircraft Restoration poudly presents: Our complete Repaint-Package for the Warbirdsim-Restored-Part-2-Pack! This Package includes not less than 27 Repaints! The The Planes displayed are the following: Famous „Bald Eagle“ „Big Beautiful Doll“ in natural Aluminum and polished finish „Cisco“ (Movie-Mustang from „Memphis Belle“) „Connection Lost II“, fictional Racer „Contrary Mary“ „Double Trouble Two“ Red Tailed Aircraft from the Ericson Aircraft Collection „Frances Dell“ Famous „Shark“, G-SHWN, Norwegian Spitfire Foundation Famous Reno-Racer „Goldfinger“ „Little Ite“ „Louisiana Kid“ „Miss Kitty II“ „Moonbeam Mc Swine“ „Nooky Booky IV“ „Old Crow“ „Pecos Bill“ „Quick Silver“ „Queen of Hearts“ RAAF-“Strega“-Hybrid Special Colour-Scheme for the Super Bowl 53 Champions „Trusty Rusty“ Fictive Navy Colours „VFA-103“ Famous Reno Racer „Voodoo“ „Wee Willy II“ , also in its Racer-Design from Reno 2019, numbered „0“ All Textures are made with a modified Version of the Original Paintkit, provided by Warbirdsim and are displayed in highest Resolution (4096 X 4096 Px). To use these Textures you MUST have the Warbirdsim „P-51D Restored _Part2“ installed in your FSX, wich has to be purchased seperately, since we only provide Textures! No Models, no Panels or other Features are included in here! We added an „Aircraft“cfg so you could simply copy those Entries to your Aircraft.cfg, deleting the „xx“ in the [fltsim.xx] rows, just adding 1 to your last Entry. Visit us at: www.facebook.com/VirtualAircraftRestoration
Posted Aug 8, 2020 23:35 by Virtual Aircraft Restoration

18.28Mb (259 downloads)
Virtual Aircraft Restoration poudly presents: The newly released „Miss Kiity III“ for Warbirdsim´s P-51D! All Textures are made with a modified Version of the Original Paintkit, provided by Warbirdsim and are displayed in highest Resolution (4096 X 4096 Px). To use these Textures you MUST have the Warbirdsim „P-51D Restored _Part2“ installed in your FSX, wich has to be purchased seperately, since we only provide Textures! No Models, no Panels or other Features are included in here! We added an „Aircraft“cfg so you could simply copy those Entries to your Aircraft.cfg, deleting the „xx“ in the [fltsim.xx] rows, just adding 1 to your last Entry. Visit us at: www.facebook.com/VirtualAircraftRestoration
Posted Aug 8, 2020 14:40 by Virtual Aircraft Restoration