FSX > Page 366

15.93Mb (2489 downloads)
FSX GAF Nomad 22B. The GAF Nomad 22B is a twin-engine turboprop, high-wing, short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft. 172 aircraft were built by the Australian Government Aircraft Factories (GAF) in the period 1975-85. This model is available in three deliveries, including those from "The Flying Doctors". The Nomad 22 was used in this popular Australian TV series (1986-92). It is a brand new model for FSX, made with FSDS v3.5. This is my first model built from scratch, but has full animation of all control surfaces, nose wheel control, wheels, doors, propellers... It also features a 2D cockpit panel made with standard meters. Most of the work was put into the virtual cockpit. This is optimized for use with virtual reality glasses. I use FSX-Flyinside with the Oculus Rift. The open cockpit gives a very nice view all around. All instruments and switches (in VR) are comparable to the original cockpit and are easy to read and operate. By Ivo Verlaeckt.
Posted Aug 10, 2019 15:43 by Ivo Verlaeckt

2.17Mb (310 downloads)
ATR 72-212 Conviasa textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-200. Textures by Josh Binney
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:58 by uploader

0.65Mb (402 downloads)
ATR 72-600 Bangkok Airways textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-600.
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:49 by uploader

2.26Mb (289 downloads)
ATR 72-500 Air New Zealand Link (Mount Cook) textures for the Virtualcol ATR72-500 released as freeware. Josh Binney
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Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:43 by uploader

5.59Mb (390 downloads)
Textures for ATR42-300 Air Europa Express.
New model for FSX by Virtualcol ATR42-300 series. Antonio Diaz
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required file
Posted Aug 10, 2019 04:39 by uploader

57.23Mb (2457 downloads)
Lockheed P-3C Orion German Navy 60 05 50th Anniversary. Fixed elements which it can't run in P3d4. But it can also run in FSX. Very good model and vc. Credits to TeamKBT, Frank Schnibben. . Danny Garnier
Posted Aug 9, 2019 13:28 by GarnierD

23.25Mb (3214 downloads)
Graf Zeppelin for FSX and P3D 3 & 4.
Highly detailed model by Bill and Lynn Lyons converted to FSX/P3D native format by CirrusN210MS at SimOuthouse. Model includes detailed interior with pilot control area, passenger dining area and private rooms.
SEE Grafread.htm for more details
Posted Aug 8, 2019 11:36 by dnpk

30.57Mb (1943 downloads)
North American F100D Super Sabre USAF Package for FSX and P3D. Original model by Classic Warbirds Design Team. Panels for wide and standard screen, gauges by Philippe Wallaert. Credits in the readme_ori.txt file. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted Aug 7, 2019 04:44 by Philippe Wallaert

10.61Mb (333 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/P3dV3 textures for the payware Virtavia/Alphasim B-24J Liberator "The Dragon And His Tail". This is not the first repaint for the WWII bomber in this paintscheme but my repaint is displaying the dragon on both sides like the histroical version and not only on starboard like the restored warbird. Reworked textures by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 7, 2019 02:44 by Erwin Welker

42.83Mb (1860 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A310-300MRT Multi Role Tanker Luftwaffe (German Airforce) package. The Airbus A310 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) is an aerial refueling tanker aircraft based on the civilian Airbus A310. Previously, the A310 has been operated as a pure transport aircraft. (Wiki). Original model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Added FMC, HGS, PFD and MFD. Added panel correction by Marc Renaud. Custom Airbus sounds included. FSX : requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Assembled and tested in P3Dv4.5 by Chris Evans
Should also be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions.
Posted Aug 6, 2019 07:04 by chris evans