FSX > Page 406

73.37Mb (705 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320-200 Ural Airlines package. Ural Airlines was founded in 1943 and became part of Aeroflot and later became independant. Ural is based at Koltsovo International Airport and as of February 2019, operate 24 Airbus A320-200. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and Chris Evans. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel). Added better views. Model by Project Airbus. Added the textures by Eric Hansen. FMC by Garret Smith. Includes A320 checklist by Werner Schott. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v4.2 and should be ok in FSX and other P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Feb 15, 2019 12:54 by chris evans

24.57Mb (1406 downloads)
This package is the XF-91 Unit No.2 with a V-type butterfly tail.
I personally name it as XF-91V.
As its name suggests, the appearance that a butterfly looks like spreading feathers is very elegant.
The inverse taper wing looks more like a butterfly when combined with a V tail.
The XF-91 Butterfly tail is a configuration of jet engine only, rocket engine is removed.
In 1949,the engine of this age was not powerful yet, even if used an afterburner, it did not exceed Mach speed.
The VC of this model is a cockpit for the XF-91 butterfly tail.
The engine became single, and the rocket switch was removed.
This is the end of my FSX XF-91 model project.
By Uenoshing.
Posted Feb 15, 2019 04:15 by Uenoshing

10.30Mb (390 downloads)
FS2004 Singapore Airlines Boeing 787-10 AGS V6.
New Animated Ground Servicing.
New static displays.
New landing / taxi soft light beams.
New 2D panel. (No VC)
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Feb 15, 2019 02:34 by Camil Valiquette

50.13Mb (7417 downloads)
FSX/P3D (incl. v4) Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird revised panel package. The legendary SR-71 Blackbird from Alphasim/LLS with new VC and panel + sound pack. This is a revised VC and 2d panel that works in P3D and FSX with revised gauges by several authors. Sound pack added for non FSX Acceleration users. Credit for this great aircraft goes to Alphasim and LLS. VC and panel revisions by Chris Evans
This however is a very old model and the VC model is quite basic so installing new gauges still look rather basic quality. Still the best free SR71 on the planet. Includes both A and B (2 pilot) models.
++NOTE:++ If you already installed the recent FSX native version - you can simply replace your panel and sound folder with the one in this package.++
Posted Feb 14, 2019 13:02 by chris evans

79.90Mb (3924 downloads)
FSX/P3D Lockheed Tristar L1011-100 TWA package. Trans World Airlines operated 41 L1011 between 1972 and 1997. Original lockheed L-1011-100 model for FS2004 by Eric Cantu/Vistaliners, converted to FSX native by Eagle Rotorcraft Design. VC by Thomas Ruth. Included Honeywell FMC by Garrett Smith. Fixed wheel sink. Sounds and smoke effect included. I included the great textures by Gabe Bierbach. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Feb 14, 2019 04:34 by chris evans

29.80Mb (1380 downloads)
Originally designed by Erick Cantu under the Vistaliners label, now available as an FSX native model. Features 1 model, specular mapping, bump mapping. Includes separate installation for FS2004. Requires panel and sound alias edit to work in P3d
Posted Feb 13, 2019 00:49 by George Arana

76.14Mb (1990 downloads)
P3D/FSX Airbus A330-300 Aeroflot package.
Founded in 1923, Russia's flag carrier and largest airline, Aeroflot, currently (early 2019) has a fleet of 17 A330-300 flying to destinations all over the world.
Model by Thomas Ruth. Added the better Thomas Ruth modified VC with latest updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. I added the high quality textures by Paul Craig. Fixed contact points. Added wing views and better VC. Includes built in FMC by Garret Smith. FMC will display in VC. Includes A330 manual. Custom A330 sounds included. FSX : requires either FSX Acceleration or Service packs 1 & 2. Assembled and tested in P3Dv4.2 by Chris Evans
Should also be fine in FSX and earlier P3D versions
Posted Feb 12, 2019 12:07 by chris evans

41.46Mb (1350 downloads)
FSX Native - Completely re-manufactured Project 1147-44 CVL, with KIROV CGN, SOVREMENY DDG and VICTOR I SSN task group. Animated rads, the VICTOR submerges, huge poly reductions, detailed, texture mapped, full hull and acceleration enabled(2 cats, 4 wires, helio pads). KA-25 and KA-27 AI plane guard helio's.
All nice and slippery on FPS.
So you'll have something to fly, a MiG-23K naval version of Alphasim's FLOGGER, Hooked, ASM's on dropped object condition so you can shoot stuff from a saved flight. Accel enabled, bumps and specs done. Next is a naval version of Piglets L-29 as a 'MAYA-M' deck landing trainer, also hooked and cat enabled.
Posted Feb 12, 2019 02:50 by uploader

20.31Mb (2192 downloads)
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Synthetic ILS - for every runway at every airport in
the Flight Simulator database.
Instrument enables selection of any of the 24,491 Airports
that exist in Flt Sim database , then selection of any
Runway at that Airport, then selection of either Rwy end.
Airports can be selected at any global distance from aircraft.
Distance Bearing and Steering arrow are displayed,the ILS
aimpoint is computed at 6% of relevant Runway length and the
ILS is full precision with usual ILS Deviation bars text data
includes current, Glideslope, Height above Runway, Distance
to touchdown aimpoint, offset (Circuit Width)from Runway
centerline,full Airport name and details , enables precise
rectangular standard circuits to be flown , also enables an
Intercept position to be set at any desired distance prior
to ILS aimpoint to easily align aircraft with the Runway.
Also includes MARK POSITION capture of any location on earth
and generation of a Synthetic Runway, ie. a paddock,a beach,
a river, lake, sea, hardened rooftop or bridge, and
subsequent ILS approach at that location. the default ILS
Glideslope is the usual 3.00 degrees but any angle can be set.
Can be used in any aircraft, Helicopter, cropduster, float
plane, or fire fighting aircraft. 16 page notes PDF, an
Airports ICAO PDF, and several descriptive screenshots.
By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Feb 12, 2019 01:38 by uploader

41.97Mb (313 downloads)
FSX/P3D Lake Central DC-3 textures for Manfred Jahn and team C-47 v3.12.
Lake Central Airlines textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 11, 2019 17:01 by Gary Harper