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FSX > Page 582
2D panel for Grumman J2F Duck
1.26Mb (729 downloads)
This is a matching 2D panel for the Grumman J2F Duck originally modelled and designed by Swingman. To use, change the name of the existing panel file in your aircraft folder to "" and then copy the unpacked 2D panel folder complete to you aircraft folder.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 19, 2017 02:56 by Anthony Eades
Update for FSX of the AFS Boeing 767-X
Update for FSX of the AFS Boeing 767-X
3.54Mb (757 downloads)
This is my second update for FSX of the AFS Boeing 767-X by Andreas Meyer. What I did before: I changed the panel for one from Mike Stone's b737-800 and added a hud and a speed brake light. The hud makes it easier to line up with the runway for landing, at least for me. I added all the wheels, changed the touchdown effect and corrected the scrape points. Now: I have updated the flight dynamics so that you can fly at low altitude on autopilot without the nose going up and down. No virtual cockpit.
Posted May 18, 2017 11:53 by Bob Chicilo
FSX Mooney Bravo White & Royal Blue Textures
FSX Mooney Bravo White & Royal Blue Textures
2.25Mb (227 downloads)
FSX default Mooney Bravo "White & Royal Blue" textures. This is a texture only using 'Project Mooney' paint kit by Mark Rooks.
Posted May 18, 2017 07:36 by DAvid Shearer
FSX Mooney Bravo Green & White Textures
FSX Mooney Bravo Green & White Textures
1.61Mb (160 downloads)
FSX default Mooney Bravo "Green & White" textures. This is a texture only using 'Project Mooney' paint kit by Mark Rooks.
Posted May 18, 2017 05:32 by David Shearer
FSX Grumman F9F Panther Package
FSX Grumman F9F Panther Package
8.13Mb (1850 downloads)
The Grumman F9F Panther was the first jet fighter produced after WW2 by Grumman. Original design by William Tell. Adaptation to FSX, VC modification, 2D panels for wide and standard screen, gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file.
Posted May 18, 2017 04:08 by Philippe Wallaert
Iris Phantom FG.1 Blue Angels 6 Textures
1.55Mb (465 downloads)
This is the Blue Angels 6 repaint of the freeware Iris F-4K/FG1 Phantom Package. The original package is missing the last aircraft, the number 6. This package will fulfill it.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 17, 2017 17:37 by Willie Arnon
Wilco CRJ-1000 'Binter Canarias' Textures
Wilco CRJ-1000 'Binter Canarias' Textures
21.02Mb (448 downloads)
Binter Canarias texture for the payware Wilco Nextgen CRJ1000.
Posted May 17, 2017 14:56 by Alejandro Gonzalez Ramos
Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Russian Updated
Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Russian Updated
25.45Mb (2512 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Su-27B/UB/Su-30MKK Russian Package by Bill Wolfgen. I have changed the touchdown, burner, and flame effects, and changed the engine gauges on the panel. I updated the flight dynamics so it will now fly at low altitude on autopilot without pitching up and down. This is the whole aircraft, 3 models and 10 paints. No VC.
Posted May 17, 2017 08:12 by Bob Chicilo
RAF Predannack FSX/P3D Scenery
RAF Predannack FSX/P3D Scenery
3.13Mb (316 downloads)
RAF Predannack was opened in May 1941 as a satellite for RAF Portraits. Accommodation was dispersed over a wide area, with officers accommodated in the Mullion Cove and Polurian Hotels. The number of personnel reached peak strength of 3,600 by 1944. The first squadron to arrive was 247 Squadron with Hawker Hurricanes, specialising in night defence of the South West's towns and ports. The night fighting element was later augmented by 1457 Flight flying Douglas Havocs with its unsuccessful Turbinlite searchlight tactics. However, the arrival of 600 Squadron with radar equipped Bristol Beaufighters produced better results. GCI (Ground Control Interception) in the area was covered by RAF Treleaver radar station. A more detailed history can be found on Wikipedia.
Posted May 17, 2017 06:20 by Terry Boissel
Default P-51D Quick Silver Textures
3.48Mb (670 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Acceleration default P-51D in Quick Silver colors, currently flown by Scott 'Scooter' Yoak.
Posted May 17, 2017 06:16 by Willie Arnon