FSX > Page 639

35.94Mb (2353 downloads)
This is the Project Airbus A320 in FSX Competition Center textures. This is an approved add-on aircraft for use in FSX (Steam Edition) multiplayer landing competitions. Package includes a standard A320 model (with VC) and a sharklets model (without VC). Model by Project Airbus. Textures by Northwest787. www.FSXCC.com
Posted Nov 26, 2016 17:59 by kilocharlie1

8.83Mb (340 downloads)
FS2004/FSX JetBlue Airways Airbus A320 Retro, registration N763JB. Textures only - requires original full model. Retro livery for the Project Airbus A320-200 IAE engine model. Textures by Santiago Spears.
Posted Nov 26, 2016 15:03 by Santiago Spears

44.48Mb (2782 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Thai Airways Package. Thai Airways currently (2016) operate 10 Boeing 747-400. These are intended to be phased out/ replaced by 2020.
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), fixed jetways and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the realistic textures by Xudeva Irribarra.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 26, 2016 09:02 by chris evans

14.96Mb (1393 downloads)
Photoreal scenery for Saarbrucken airport [EDDR], Germany. By flightsimulation-freeware
Posted Nov 26, 2016 06:06 by flightsimulation-freeware

10.54Mb (973 downloads)
Photoreal scenery for Aachen-Merzbruck airfield [EDKA]. By flightsimulation-freeware
Posted Nov 26, 2016 06:02 by flightsimulation-freeware

55.35Mb (4611 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A340-600 Qatar Package.
Qatar Airways is the flag carrier of Qatar and currently (2016) operate 4 Airbus A340-600 aircraft.
Model by Thomas Ruth. Added Garret Smiths FMC, enhanced Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Added the great textures by Francesco Monzeglio and internal textures by Enrique Cornejo and custom CFM soundpack. Added correct jetway configs. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 25, 2016 11:35 by chris evans

5.46Mb (1176 downloads)
FSX House Colors Airbus A350-1000 V5 / Lights. This version V5 / Lights, features more improved and detailed aircraft model, ( image comparison between v5 and v4 inside ), also modifications have been done on both taxi lights and wing lights.
Taxi lights will add new night lighting on main landing gears and wheels and add bleu LED ground lighting effect for each gears.
Landing light will add logo lights on winglets, ( more info regarding proper functioning of the night effects in the Read Me FSX ).
Version V5 / Lights, included CamSim's own static displays and updated Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). 2d panel but no VC.
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Nov 25, 2016 10:58 by Camil Valiquette

19.34Mb (2446 downloads)
Tim 'Piglet' Conrad's Beagle Bulldog in FSX native, MDL X format, materials and animations. Developed by Scottish Aviation from the Beagle Pup light aircraft, the prototype Bulldog first flying in 1969. Main user was the RAF, with others going to Nigeria, Kenya, Jordan, Ghana, Sweden,(as the SK-61) and Malta. Several are also on the Civil register. This plane has full FS animations, shiney tex's and V-Cockpit with some custom gauges. Includes RAF, Maltese, And Swedish paint schemes, the Swedish scheme having its own SK-61 model. Works in P3D v4 also
Posted Nov 25, 2016 01:33 by LLS

2.67Mb (2175 downloads)
Updated textures for the VC model for the FSX native Alpha Bleu Ciel F4U-6/7/AU-1 Corsair, addressing the
gunsight issue. It's better.
Just replace your interior model, add updated texture to textures.shared folder. Each model folder will require replacement of the interior
model, so copy to each, double check the model cfg.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 25, 2016 01:16 by LLS

16.59Mb (445 downloads)
There are three top fuel freeware dragsters, aka railers, in this package with flights included to put them at the Pomona Drag Strip 4 FSX's start line.
Although meant for FSX simulation, Pomona DragStrip 4 FSX is an ideal multi-user game for two !
You can check on the availability for Pomona DragStrip for FSX at AutoSportsSimulations.com
Have Fun !
Posted Nov 24, 2016 11:14 by Orion K. Daley