FSX > Page 646

52.32Mb (679 downloads)
Makeover of 5 FSX airports located in Valparaiso Province in Chile. SCER, SCRD, SCSN, SCIR, and SCCV (Region Metropolitana). Layout is modified following satellite coordinates including background DAY/NIGHT, SPRING/ FALL AND WINTER Photoscenery. (+ 3d objects)
Posted Nov 3, 2016 12:55 by Orlando Veas

8.92Mb (2382 downloads)
FSX Bombardier CS100. The replacement of Air Nostrum CRJ. This company operates regional flights under the name Iberia Regional. Fictional airplane.
Model design by Camil Valiquette. 2d panel but no VC.
Paint by JALopezR
Posted Nov 3, 2016 12:39 by JALopezR

32.07Mb (1907 downloads)
FSX Airbus A321 EasyJet. Painted on the default FSX Airbus A321 - full model included.
Posted Nov 3, 2016 09:21 by KorbiM.

2.33Mb (848 downloads)
Recreate the 1st aircraft flight over the English Channel.
Take off in a Bleriot XI from Wizernes airport in St Omer, France, fly to Calais, and then over the English Channel to Dover, UK.
Posted Nov 2, 2016 08:11 by Donald Olsson

58.63Mb (6711 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A380-800 ANA (All Nippon Airways) package.
Japanese carrier ANA have, as of 2016, orders for 3 Airbus A380-800RR aircraft and are expected to enter service in 2019. ANA will be the 1st Japanese airline to operate the A380.
Includes full working VC, working wipers, with ground handling gauge and FMC. Added exits for Jetways (press Ctrl J) and better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. Model/VC by Project Airbus/Thomas Ruth. I added the great textures by Mike Jancke. Fixed tail ANA textures. Zip preview for larger images. Prepared and assembled for FSX/P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 2, 2016 07:09 by chris evans

6.12Mb (850 downloads)
This texture set was inspired by the few beautifully camouflaged Vigilantes that operated in the US Navy during the early 70s.
It might not be 'politically correct' in many respects, but I only could work with what I could find on the Internet.
I therefore did what I can with what I have and had to improvise a lot along the way to make this what it is now.
Aligning the patterns took many re-visitations to the textures after viewing the sim-supplied aircraft in order to make the necessary adjustments in order for it to look like this - but I suppose all you painters are familiar with this process.
It depicts a North American RA-5C Vigilante # 150834, 604, that operated from USS Independence, circa 1974. Textures by A. Ludick. Requires the full model.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2016 01:07 by Andre Ludick

12.18Mb (639 downloads)
Derived from open source, and provided here as freeware, the Le Mans Shelby Cobra prototypes 65 and 66 are specifically built to meet the needs of the GT class cars with a top speed in simulation of 180, and with manifold pressure increase, 212 MPH.
Posted Oct 31, 2016 10:47 by Orion K. Daley

40.31Mb (2945 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Rossiya - Russian Airlines "Caring for Tigers together". Rossiya is a Russian airline and part of the Aeroflot group. Currently Rossiya operate 7 Boeing 747-400 with a further 2 on order. This special Caring for Tigers livery was carried out in cooperation with the Amur Tiger Center, a research and conservation organization founded in 2013 by the initiative of President Vladimir Putin
Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), fixed jetways and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the fantastic textures by Stefan Bree.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 31, 2016 06:48 by chris evans

0.00Mb (505 downloads)
Important LimeRock 4 FSX Update 10/30/2016 - Mesh Correction -
If you have downloaded and installed LimeRock4FSX, please replace CVX_PROJECT.bgl with this new update.
This update smooths out the down hill track that leads to Lime Rock 4 FSX's straight, as illustrated in this video.
Note - although smoothed out significantly, observe in the video, that when reaching the bottom of the hill when over 140 MPH, you might still leave the ground for a moment - but in the slower approach's, the Le Mans 4 FSX Cobra Prototype 65 remains on the ground when entering the straight.
With mt best regards,
Orion -
Posted Oct 30, 2016 22:17 by Orion K. Daley

210.64Mb (359 downloads)
Lewis University Airport, Romeoville Illinois.
1 meter/pixel resolution. This is a summer day only scenery, It has no seasonal variations. All the structures are from FSX's own library BGLs. With no texture files it allows you to keep the framerate high. I tested it with FSX: Acceleration. It will probably work with P3D.
Posted Oct 30, 2016 08:20 by Mike Leitz