FSX > Page 704

68.29Mb (3154 downloads)
McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 Continental Airlines 1990's package for FSX and Prepar3d.
Continental operated 31 DC-10-30 aircraft. This livery was introduced in the 1990's.
Includes custom VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Includes comprehensive VC with working wipers. I included the great textures by Pedro Nunes.
Added FMC by Garret Smith. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 25, 2016 09:33 by chris evans

0.02Mb (276 downloads)
RAF Keevil (ICAO X2KV) is a former Royal Air Force station located 4 miles (6.4 km) east of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England.
The airfield was built on a site previously ear-marked for the purpose in the mid-1930s. Consisting of 3 long concrete runways the airfield was used by the Royal Air Force and the United States Eighth and Ninth Air Forces.
In March 1944, No's 196 and 299 Squadron Short Stirling glider tugs of No. 38 Group RAF arrived followed by a large number of Horsa gliders, crewed by Army pilots of the Glider Pilot Regiment.
The RAF Stirling aircraft were crewed by RAF, RCAF, RAAF, RNZAF and SAAF personnel and were engaged in SOE and SAS drops. largely in France, and in glider towing.
Their involvement in the Normandy invasion of France and Operation Market-Garden is well remembered by Keevil and Steeple Ashton villagers. Casualties of army and air force personnel were heavy and a number of aircraft were lost.
Posted Apr 24, 2016 13:57 by T K Boissel

0.13Mb (1878 downloads)
This patch fixes some problems with the previous distribution: lack of speed, hight altitude stability, range, etc. Simply replace the aircraft.cfg and Boeing_797.air files by the new ones.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 24, 2016 11:20 by Philippe Wallaert

149.00Mb (1345 downloads)
FSX Port Columbus International Airport (KCMH)
Port Columbus International Airport is located 6 miles
east of downtown Columbus, Ohio, USA. KCMH is the largest
passenger airport in central Ohio and second busiest in the
state after Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Modeled
in version 1.00 is an updated AFCAD airport layout,
custom-made terminal building, and surrounding facilities.
By Matthew Derr.
Posted Apr 24, 2016 09:43 by uploader

0.88Mb (588 downloads)
50th French Strategic Air Force textures only for the PAD KC-135 available on simviation
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 24, 2016 09:31 by Fabien RAOUL

60.30Mb (1037 downloads)
A Boeing 737-800 in the Retro America West Airlines livery. America West Airlines was a U.S. airline headquartered in Tempe, Arizona. Their main hub was at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona, with a secondary hub at Las Vegas McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes the great 737-800 VC by Alejandro Rojas Lucenda. Works in both FSX and P3d. Model by Project Opensky & Hiroshi Igami. Repaint by Jacques Louw
Posted Apr 23, 2016 17:43 by Jacques Louw

2.56Mb (802 downloads)
Small airport in Slovenia, close to Croatia. Just copy content of LJCE folder into your Addon Scenery folder in FSX or P3D. It uses standard FSX object libraries. It looks best with ORBX FTX Global, as you can see on screeenshots.
Posted Apr 23, 2016 08:50 by Zeli

46.38Mb (2740 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A300B4 Lufthansa package. The A300 is a short to medium range wide bodied jet airliner produced between 1971 and 2007.
Lufthansa operated the A300 B4 between 1977 and 1987.
Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Added FMC by Garret Smith. I included the textures by Thomas La Gerfo and custom CFM soundpack. Added correct jetway configs. Manual included. Zip preview for larger pictures.
Assembled for Prepar3D and FSX by Chris Evans. Requires FSX Acceleration or Service packs installed
Posted Apr 23, 2016 04:47 by chris evans

1.55Mb (630 downloads)
Textures only for the Dengan Senjata beta FSX Yak-38. These textures represent the aircraft that took part in 'Rhomb Operation'- evaluation in Afghanistan. Requires the model available from the link below
Posted Apr 22, 2016 14:37 by Hadi Tahir

1.18Mb (284 downloads)
RAF Tarrant Rushton was a Royal Air Force station near the village of Tarrant Rushton east of Blandford Forum in Dorset, England from 1943 to 1947. It was used for glider operations during World War II and later revived for civilian operations. It is currently disused, though some buildings survive.
Horsa gliders from Tarrant Rushton left for France on the eve of D-Day, to begin Operation Tonga with an action that would later become known as Pegasus Bridge. Among the glider pilots was Jim Wallwork, on a Horsa nicknamed Lady Irene. The Tarrant Rushton gliders landed in occupied France shortly after midnight. Wallwork's aircraft was the first to touch down, but it landed heavily: the force of the impact catapulted both Wallwork and his co-pilot John Ainsworth through the front of the cockpit. Although stunned, this made them the first Allied troops to touch French soil on D-Day.
Other gliders were later flown from the airfield to Arnhem to take part in Operation Market Garden. During the closing stages of WWII, aircraft were used for SOE operations.
Posted Apr 22, 2016 10:45 by Terry Boissel