FSX > Page 745

11.71Mb (260 downloads)
SkySpirit 2010/Project Opensky Boeing 767-300ER in the fictional colours of Quest Airlines from the movie "Final Descent". Model by Hiroshi Igami. Repaint by Jacques Louw
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 12, 2015 00:18 by Jacques Louw

79.12Mb (1795 downloads)
This is an update to the Louis Vosloo repaint of Star Triple Seven, Boeing 747SP owned by televangelist Ernest Angley. Model by Project Open Sky. 2d panel but no vc.
Posted Dec 11, 2015 21:42 by Michael E. Roberts

222.33Mb (1858 downloads)
Photoreal scenery of the city of Bolzano (Italy) with seasonal and night textures. The scenery is compatible with the freeware scenery of Bolzano LIPB by Orbx.
Posted Dec 11, 2015 12:23 by Carlo Boninsegna

4.31Mb (308 downloads)
Avnoe Airbase on the southcoast of sealand was the home for Royal Danish Airforce flightschool founded in 1931 until the airbase were closed in 1993 and flightschool moved to EKKA Karup Airbase in jutland, where it still are.
This scenery covers the entire airbase area, some vegetation, animated windsock, animated gate (made of Bob Lacy), an animated flagpole made (of Dietmar Loleit), who also helped me with designing the airport sign outside the gate and warning signs on the fence around the airbase.
The scenery are made for FSX (DVD and Steam version).
Have tested it in P3D and it works there too, however some objects is missing,(the auto-gate and some signs and lights)
Posted Dec 11, 2015 06:52 by Otto R. Knudsen

19.75Mb (1915 downloads)
Goa International Airport, more commonly known as Dabolim Airport, is an international airport located in the city of Dabolim in Goa, India. It is the only airport in the state and operates as a civil enclave in a military airbase named INS Hansa. It is 4 km from the nearest city Vasco da Gama, 23 km from the South Goa district headquarters of Margao, and 30 km from the capital city Panjim.[4]
Terminal 1 - Domestic
Less than a dozen airlines compete in the domestic market. There are 132 airports in India which can be categorised in sometimes overlapping ways into public sector, private sector, civil enclaves, international, metro, and non-metro. Goa is connected to all six main cities in India: Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai & Kolkata. There are multiple flights to Mumbai per day, operated by over 5 airlines. The first Goa - Mumbai domestic flight leaves at around 0700 in the morning and the last flight leaves at around 2350.
Terminal 2 - International. There are two versions for Goa International airport included in this package. One with the old ICAO code and then
the other with the new ICAO code. The new coded airport scenery has no AI traffic.
- If you decide to use the VOGO scenery then, you will have to activate the dummy VAGO files as well.
- It is important to set the display scenery mesh resolution to at least 19m and the texture resolution to at least 60m. Failing to do so may result in unwanted terrain abnormalities.
-Alternate boundary texture to be used at your own risk. Only use if you know what you are doing.
This scenery was created with ADE9X, SbuilderX313, Gimp2.1, XML Marker, DXTBmp.
Posted Dec 11, 2015 02:14 by Ratan Lewis

41.86Mb (2529 downloads)
Boeing 747-8i Northwest package with enhanced VC.
Boeing 747-8i Northwest package, Assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed
B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is
the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-8i GenX model, and includes ground cargo
servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose
section and more.
Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight
sound great.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their outstanding donations to the worldwide
community of flight simulation. I have included the professional Northwest textures by
Flight simStudios.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747
interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Dec 10, 2015 20:50 by chris evans
0.02Mb (227 downloads)
Work started at RAF Manby in the mid thirties as part of the RAF Expansion scheme, however, it was not a typical station of the time in so much as it only supported two grass runways. This did not detract from it contribution to the war effort however. Opening in 1938 the unit will be remembered by many as a training station for armament officers, armourers swell as aircrew such as air gunners and bomb aimers. The station continued with its training role until its closure in 1974.
Posted Dec 10, 2015 18:54 by Terry Boissel

52.83Mb (4926 downloads)
Airbus A319-100 Austrian Airlines for FSX. Austrian purchased their 1st A319 in 2004. As of 2015, Austrian operate 7 Airbus A319-100 aircraft. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with better gauges and popup FMC (Go to FSX top menu - Go to Views -Instrument Panel), GPWS callouts. Custom CFM sounds. Corrected VC views. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Model by Project Airbus. High quality textures by Stephan Bree. FSX assembled with edits and tested by Chris Evans
Posted Dec 10, 2015 05:37 by chris evans

56.41Mb (1855 downloads)
This is an update to the ai-malcontent AI 10 Tanker for fs 2004. Included are the Thomas Ruth DC-10 2d panel, the HJG DC-10/CF6-6 sounds, the Stefan Liebe auto-land gauge, the Nigel Richards fire retardant effects and texture thumbnails. 2D panel only, NO VC panel.
Posted Dec 9, 2015 21:10 by Michael E. Roberts
0.03Mb (288 downloads)
RAF Melbourne was a Royal Air Force station typical of the expansion period of the Second World War. Located 5
miles to the South-west of Pocklington, Yorkshire, England. The nearest village is Seaton Ross.
East Common just outside the village of Seaton Ross was requisitioned for use as a grass airfield in November
1940. In late 1940 the airfield was used by Armstrong Whitworth Whitleys of 10 Squadron as a relief landing ground
for RAF Leeming. The airfield soon closed for re-development as a standard Bomber Command airfield with three
concrete runways and three hangars.
The first user of the re-built airfield was again 10 Squadron but by this time operating the Handley Page Halifax
four-engined heavy bomber, little time was wasted before the aircraft were used on operational sorties from
Melbourne. The squadron continued with operation until March 1945 and lost 109 aircraft on operations.
Melbourne was unusually equipped with FIDO fog dispersant system. This made the airfield popular diversion
airfield for other squadrons returning from operations to Yorkshire.
In May 1945 the airfield was transferred to RAF Transport Command and 575 Squadron moved in with the Douglas
Dakota. The squadron only stayed for a few months operating transport flight to and from continental Europe. With
the departure of the Dakota a number of specialised Flights used the airfield for six months but by the middle of
1946 the airfield was no longer used for flying.
Source: Wikipedia
Posted Dec 9, 2015 20:57 by Terry Boissel