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FSX > Page 781
Skyline PhotoScenery - Schiphol V1
84.44Mb (961 downloads)
Here is a good photoscenery for Schiphol which greatly enhances default FSX. It looks especially good from above! This also uses an updated AFCAD and therefore is up to date.
Posted Sep 1, 2015 07:56 by Arron Cawthray
FSX PA-42 Piper Cheyenne 400LS
FSX PA-42 Piper Cheyenne 400LS
9.79Mb (9040 downloads)
FSX PA-42 Piper Cheyenne 400LS. The PA-42-1000 Piper Cheyenne 400LS is a high performance pressurised turboprop corporate aircraft seating up to nine passengers & is powered by two 1000shp AiResearch (Garrett) TPE-331-14A engines normally driving four bladed Dowty rotol propellers, this model features improved performance five blade constant speed composite MT-propellers increasing max speed to over 400 knots. Gmax model with detailed interior & full animation of major parts.Uses default B350 2D panel & VC. Layered PSD paintkit included. Model & master textures by Paul Craig.
Posted Sep 1, 2015 02:57 by uploader
FSX Douglas C-133 Cargomaster Package
FSX Douglas C-133 Cargomaster Package
27.90Mb (3841 downloads)
A reworked version for FSX of Tim Conrads legendary C-133B Cargomaster, original for FS9! I have added new photorealistic main, overhead and flight engineer 2d panels, reworked gauges for the VC and added new in- and external views! I have added also a new air.file for this version, because some systems didnt worked properly with the old one in my sim! I am not an expert with air.files, so I have left the original file in an extra folder if someone want to use this one! I have included also an interesting Iceing mod by Charles Owen! How it works please take a look in his read me, included in this dowload! Many thanks to Tim Conrads for his great C-133 sim, Philippe Wallaert and all the other unknown guys for the gauges I could use in the main and VC panel and Halcyon Skies for the C-133 cockpit photos! This is the whole aircraft, only tested in FSX + Acceleration!
Posted Aug 31, 2015 03:17 by Andiroto
FSX - Skyline Bangkok PhotoScenery V1
16.50Mb (961 downloads)
PhotoScenery for Bangkok. Installation instructions located in the readme. Also don't forget to enjoy :)
Posted Aug 30, 2015 11:36 by Arron Cawthray
EPGO Goraszka 2010 X, Poland Airshow Scenery
EPGO Goraszka 2010 X, Poland Airshow Scenery
254.07Mb (1469 downloads)
EPGO GORASZKA 2010 X The Airshow Challenge (2010) features an extremely detailed scenery of EPGO small airfield located 15km from Warsaw, Poland, fully compatible with FSX. EPGO Goraszka is a small airfield built in 1994, which currently belongs to General Aviation company offering aero-taxi flights, air transport, special flights (air photo, patrol) and airport services. The airport has a 800m-long runway and a lightened helipad. It held an annual International Aviation Picnic from 1996 till 2010. The 2010 scenery recreated one of the "Picnics" in EPGO airfield, with hundrieds of various real-life objects (static displays), people, static aircraft and the airport itself in a great detail. The scenery features high quality photoreal textures of all airport buildings, hundrieds of 3D objects, life in the airport (people and cars), AI traffic, animations and effects, change of season textures, interior of control tower and much more. The package also includes charts and airfield specification. The product is equipped with an automatic installer, but you need to manually add the airport into the Flight Simulator Scenery Library (see attached manual). Please uninstall all previous versions of this airport you may have installed before. Please make also sure that no duplicated AFCAD files are installed. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design!
Posted Aug 30, 2015 01:23 by Drzewiecki Design
TDS 787-800 Multi-livery AFA Virtual Airline Package
TDS 787-800 Multi-livery AFA Virtual Airline Package
294.75Mb (2874 downloads)
AFA (American Flight Airways Virtual Airline) multi-livery 787-800 FSX (TDS). Includes AFA CityBird and AlphaJet liveries. Model by TDS. Interior model by Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND. Also includes custom sounds pack.
Posted Aug 30, 2015 01:17 by Rick
Panel Patch for the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow
Panel Patch for the Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow
0.28Mb (1152 downloads)
This is a patch for the black VC of the Alphasim Avro Canada CV-105 Arrow in FSX, posted by Bob Chicilo. It's not based upon my own work, but I found it on the internet a long time ago and I thought it might be a good idea to upload it for the simmers who like a functioning VC with this interesting model. Uploaded by Michael Pook.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 28, 2015 15:45 by Michael Pook
Update for FSX/FS9 of Alpha CF-105 Arrow Mk2
Update for FSX/FS9 of Alpha CF-105 Arrow Mk2
7.03Mb (1247 downloads)
This is an update for FSX/FS9 of the Alpha CF-105 Arrow Mk2. I have updated the flight dynamics, added the other 3 wheels, changed the smoke effects, made the center canopy divider narrower to see a bit better, changed the size and position of the GPS, added a nav/GPS switch. a trim gauge, a hud, and changed the autopilot. The VC works OK in FS9, but has a black partition in front of the gauges in FSX. If you know a fix, some people would be happy. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Aug 28, 2015 12:32 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/FS2004 Boeing 737 Max8 Delta Air Lines Textures
11.27Mb (707 downloads)
Boeing 737 Max8 Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines "widget" textures only for the "TDS Boeing 737 Max8" model for FSX and FS2004
Posted Aug 28, 2015 12:09 by LUIS CASTRO
EPMO Modlin, Poland, 2009
EPMO Modlin, Poland, 2009
147.11Mb (736 downloads)
EPMO MODLIN 2009 features an extremely detailed scenery of military airfield near Warsaw, Poland, fully compatible with FSX. In the past it was a payware scenery, but Drzewiecki Design decided to provide you that old full product for FREE! The airport was upgraded around 2012 and currently it has a nice passenger terminal and serves low-cost carriers like Ryanair, however back in 2009 it was an almost abandoned military airfield with some amazing structures inside. This scenery shows the status of Modlin aiport in 2009 having many tumble-down buildings, deformed and rusty metal stairs and much more. Nothing has left of that old airport by now but using our scenery you can go back in time and check for yourself how it looked like. The scenery features accurate positioning, modelling and texturing, high quality photoreal textures of all airport buildings (some buildings include interior) and high quality aerial photos of the airport. The package also includes charts and airfield specification. The product is equipped with an automatic installer, but you need to manually add the airport into the Flight Simulator Scenery Library (see attached manual). Please uninstall all previous versions of this airport you may have installed before. Please make also sure that no duplicated AFCAD files are installed. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design!
Posted Aug 28, 2015 07:19 by Drzewiecki Design