FSX > Page 787

2.22Mb (292 downloads)
New VFA-154 CAG Black Knights 2015 textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Aug 11, 2015 21:46 by Christopher Hammons

65.85Mb (10433 downloads)
Kirk Olssen F-16D Updated package. Panel updates. Updated panel, fixed transparent glass and added sounds.
Pilot position corrected. Panel revised to include all FSX compatible gauges. Some areas of the VC were not editable due to the model. All editable areas have been updated. Tested only in FSX Acceleration. Updates for FSX by Danny Garnier
Posted Aug 11, 2015 03:37 by Garnier Danny

0.12Mb (677 downloads)
These are the missing pushback gauges needed for the Lear45 update.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2015 15:18 by David Robles

73.00Mb (1733 downloads)
An update for the space station V/2001 a space odyssey. A set of AI Carriers V.2 formations in low earth orbit, approx 940,000 to 980,000 ft. The formations are centered on the previously released 'space station V', exploring the post Apollo NERVA's and America in space 1980. Almost. The Stuff. I don't know if it's the right kind or not...vignettes.
Hypothetical NERVA IX and advanced post NERVA vehicles.
Orbital Transfer vehicle. A proposed chemical fuel orbital tug/work platform/trash hauler vehicle in shot range configuration.
USNSC Discovery: Moderately reworked and properly scaled update of the Warhouse 3d model, more on that latter, but good enough for now.
CCCP Spacecraft Cosmonaut Alexi Leonov, totaly gutted and rebuilt warehouse Leonov, massive vertice and material reduction, redrawn, texture and light mapped,
animated rotator section. OK for a first pass.
2001 astronauts and MMU by Max Gruter, reworked and simplified for FSX.
Other bits and bobs stock MSFSX and doodles YT...only trialed in FSX acceleration, requires Rob's space gauge set, space station V latest version.
Posted Aug 10, 2015 05:26 by lazarus
9.18Mb (1455 downloads)
The Iranian Army Aviation textures for the ex-payware Alphasim Super Cobra helicopter package available on Simviation.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 9, 2015 15:54 by Mohammad Faali

20.37Mb (5453 downloads)
Fokker 50 KLM twin Package 1999/2007 livery's Model by DreamWings I have changed the sound file, I have replaced the 2D panel with Enrique Medal panel and the prop texture so it will work with SP2 (No VC). Also removed all Mip Maps.
Tested in windows 7 with SP1 and SP2. Textures by Stephen Browning.
Posted Aug 9, 2015 15:40 by Stephen Browning

2.34Mb (102 downloads)
VFA-154 CO textures for the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Aug 9, 2015 14:22 by Christopher Hammons

38.66Mb (9001 downloads)
Featuring Dash 8 Q400 in Multiple Liveries: Air Canada Express, Porter Airlines, WestJet, Spicejet, Qantas and US Department of Justice. Complete aircraft with VC and Sounds. Premier Aircraft Design (PAD) - FSDS model, panel design, XML gauge design by Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May. Safe Landings!
Posted Aug 9, 2015 09:20 by Saurav Sarkar

7.25Mb (1644 downloads)
This package contains Air Canada Rouge textures for the Project Airbus A321 CFM Sharklets model. To download the model, head to the Project Airbus Downloads page for the A321 Package. Air Canada Rouge currently do not have any of these aircraft but are due to receive some later this year (December 2015). The Aircraft has the registration C-FJOK and tail number 468.
Please DO NOT redistribute this package without permission from the original author.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 9, 2015 07:03 by Bobsman227

7.23Mb (1296 downloads)
Airfield Masera is
a small airport in northern Italy in
Piemonte region, in the province of Verbania.
Scenery optimized for ORBX-Global/Europe and UTX-Europe.
Posted Aug 9, 2015 04:14 by Voyager