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FSX > Page 826
Panel Fix for the Avro CF-100 Canuck
Panel Fix for the Avro CF-100 Canuck
0.38Mb (953 downloads)
This is a panel fix for the Avro CF-100 Canuck. While changing some parameters in the panel.cfg, I messed it up (the turn coordinator does not fit the gauge frame). Sorry for the inconvenience!
Posted Mar 29, 2015 10:21 by Michael Pook
FSX Alphasim  CF-100 Canuck Updated
FSX Alphasim  CF-100 Canuck Updated
11.50Mb (2072 downloads)
The Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck (affectionately known as the "Clunk") was a Canadian jet interceptor/fighter serving during the Cold War both in NATO bases in Europe and as part of NORAD. The CF-100 was the only Canadian-designed fighter to enter mass production. For its day, the CF-100 featured a short takeoff run and high climb rate, making it well suited to its role as an interceptor. This package is an FSX update of the Alphasim FS2004 version and features FSX compatible gauges for the VC and 2D panel as well as an entirely modified and enhanced VC. It includes five additional beautiful repaints. In addition, smoke effect and thumbnails have also been added to the aircraft. Original model by Alphasim, repaints by Ed Desroches, FSX update, VC modification and smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 29, 2015 07:30 by Michael Pook
FSX Lockheed C5 Galaxy Package
FSX Lockheed C5 Galaxy Package
74.01Mb (16303 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the Alphasim Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. The package features a modified and enhanced VC which now has more gauges added than the original VC had. The panel has corrected popup windows for the autopilot and other gauges as well. In addition, four great repaints by different authors are included in the package. Also, The aircraft has now new smoke effect. Original model by Alphasim, repaints by unknown authors, camera views by Erwin Welker and new panel modification and smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 28, 2015 07:44 by Michael Pook
FSX Competition Center (FSXCC) Textures Package V 2
FSX Competition Center (FSXCC) Textures Package V 2
49.04Mb (4840 downloads)
This package includes all current FSXCC textures (as of March 2015; Version 2). Included in this package are textures for the default B747, B737, A321, CRJ7, LJ45, B350, BE58, C208, C172, and M20. Join our landing competitions at PLEASE VIEW THE ENCLOSED READ-ME FILE!
Posted Mar 26, 2015 16:11 by kilocharlie1
DC-3 University of Hawaii Textures
14.64Mb (602 downloads)
Repaint for Manfred Jahn's DC3V2 in University of Hawaii livery.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 26, 2015 13:48 by David Robles
FSX Iberia A319-111
FSX Iberia A319-111
62.94Mb (5977 downloads)
Iberia is a Spanish airline, founded in 1927 under the name Iberia, Air Transport Company. Full aircraft, Project Airbus, addons Jelair co-pilot voice, Callouts, Groundhanding, CFM Sounds. Ciudad de Baeza, Iberia property returned by Vueling.
Posted Mar 26, 2015 08:43 by Juan Villamor
FSX Lockheed Martin F-16 Updated Package
FSX Lockheed Martin F-16 Updated Package
85.54Mb (18928 downloads)
This is a panel update for two different models of the Lockheed Martin F-16. The package includes the original paint by Kirk Olsson and seven beautiful repaints by different authors. The focus of this update lies on a newly configured VC and 2D panel, as one of the two models had a VC which wasn't editable in some of its sections. Now, just about all the gauges of the VC, some of them original, some new, are functioning. All the models display full loadouts, due to the fact that only the Viperden model file, which is only assigned to the editable VC and a full loadout, enables it to be edited entirely. So some of the repaints like the Thunderbird that originally were clean models have now full loadouts as well, but to give them a fairly authentic appearance the pylons have been repainted to match the fuselages. Original model by Kirk Olsson and FSX Update by Danny Garnier, repaints by Mees Jansen, Kirk Olsson, Claus Vendelboe Holmberg and Juan 30005 (original name unknown). New model compilation, new VC and 2D panel configuration, new repaint modifications as well as new smoke effect by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 25, 2015 07:56 by Michael Pook
Aero Commander 520 Package
12.65Mb (4215 downloads)
Aero Commander 520 FSX. This package is an FSX native conversion for the Milton Shupe's Aero Commander 520. Features 1 gmax designed aircraft, 2 liveries, all usual animations plus the addition of specular and bump mapping, custom panel and gauges. FSX Native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. By George Arana, Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Andre Folkers
Posted Mar 24, 2015 19:08 by George A.Arana
Update AV-8B Harrier II Configs
Update AV-8B Harrier II Configs
0.01Mb (3820 downloads)
Update Air file and Aircraft.cfg parameters for IRIS AV-8B Harrier II .
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 24, 2015 08:48 by Mohammad Faali
RWD-13/13S paintkits
373.54Mb (304 downloads)
Paintkits for RWD-13/13S in .psd by Rob Kowalski from FlyFreeStudio.
Posted Mar 24, 2015 06:35 by Rob Kowalski