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FSX > Page 831
Vought F-8E (FN)  Corsair Multi Package
Vought F-8E (FN)  Corsair Multi Package
97.32Mb (4805 downloads)
Vought F-8E(FN)Package. Multiple variants, US Navy, French, Blue Angels, USAF, US Marines. Complex pack - please read docs. I added thumbs and sounds and repackaged it for FSX> Thanks to the wonderful designers - Laborie Roland (Rollus13)- Laurent correia (Lco) - Jean Pierre Langer - panel/instrumentation. - Jean Pierre Bourgeois (BeeGee) Original FS9 model repackaged for FSX by Danny Garnier
Posted Mar 11, 2015 04:59 by Garnier D
FSX/FSX SE AI Traffic Air Flamenco 2015 PACK
FSX/FSX SE AI Traffic Air Flamenco 2015 PACK
4.13Mb (1251 downloads)
Air Flamenco is a Regional Airline from Puerto Rico that gives service to the Caribbean. They do schedule flights, charters and cargo with their BN Islanders Fleet and a Shorts 360. They have been recently changing and upgrading to a new set of company Fleet colors. Here are their AI Air Flamenco 2015 New Fleet Colors Pack for FSX and FSX SE. AI Models by HTAI (Henry Tomkiewicz)included, prop textures by Tom Tiedman. Xtra files for those who wishes to add something else to their models. Also included a set of fictional Flight Plans for this Models so you can have them flying around the Caribbean and pictures. A video with more detail and with the xtra files applied to the models can be seen here:
Posted Mar 10, 2015 23:52 by Rafael Ortiz
CHILE - Quintero
0.01Mb (207 downloads)
New runway to Quintero added to Chile V.12 Juan Lucero
Posted Mar 10, 2015 15:06 by Juan Lucero
CHILE - Araucania
0.00Mb (284 downloads)
New Airport La Araucania Chile adds to V.12 Juan Lucero
Posted Mar 10, 2015 15:01 by Juan Lucero
Boeing 737-800 Pack
Boeing 737-800 Pack
95.04Mb (3224 downloads)
Default FSX Boeing 737-800 with liveries Algeria, Boeing, Ryanair, American, Transavia. Model by Microsoft. Uses the VC improved by Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND. Custom 737 sounds. Textures by various authors. Assembled by 'Spyfun' from Algeria. !
Posted Mar 10, 2015 12:43 by archive
FSX Rockwell B1B Lancer package
FSX Rockwell B1B Lancer package
9.43Mb (8935 downloads)
The Rockwell B-1B Lancer is a four-engine supersonic variable-sweep wing strategic bomber. It was designed during the seventies to replace the venerable B52 (Still in service!). Original design by Alphasim. VC modifications, 2D panels for wide and standard screen, custom gauges, GPWS and warning callout by Philippe wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Credit: Alphasim for the splendid original aircraft.
Posted Mar 10, 2015 07:12 by Philippe Wallaert
Evelop Airlines A320-214 CFM Sharklet
Evelop Airlines A320-214 CFM Sharklet
54.69Mb (1900 downloads)
Evelop Airlines A320-214 CFM Sharklet. Model by Project Airbus. Used the 2d A321 panel (No VC)
Posted Mar 9, 2015 10:46 by Juan Villamor
FSX Alphasim Douglas Boston MKIII with updated panels
FSX Alphasim Douglas Boston MKIII with updated panels
10.63Mb (2535 downloads)
The Douglas Boston MKIII was an American attack, light bomber, intruder and night fighter aircraft of World War II. It served with several Allied air forces, principally the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), the Soviet Air Forces (VVS), Soviet Naval Aviation (AVMF) and the Royal Air Force (RAF) of the United Kingdom. This is a panel update for the Alphasim Douglas Boston. It features the FSX update by Enrique Medal who designed a great 2D panel with compatible gauges. However, the VC side sections only displayed non-functional gauges. Now these sections have also functional and re-organized gauges, which makes it look fairly authentic to the real panel. In addtion, as a choice There are two panel options. The readme text explains how to change from one to the other. Original model by Alphasim and FSX update and new 2D panel by EnriqueMedal, new VC and smoke effect configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Mar 9, 2015 07:01 by Michael Pook
Airbus A340-600 Iberia Package
Airbus A340-600 Iberia Package
48.82Mb (8112 downloads)
Airbus A340-600 Iberia. Iberia is Spain's flag carrier and the largest airline in the country. Iberia operates 17 A340-600 aircraft. Model by Thomas Ruth. Added Garret Smiths FMC. Textures by Xudeva Irribarra. Added correct jetway configs. Assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Mar 9, 2015 05:25 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Saint-Georges Aerodrome, Quebec
7.67Mb (465 downloads)
FSX/P3D Saint-Georges Aerodrome, (CYSG), is a GA aerodrome located 1.5 miles west-southwest of Saint-Georges, Quebec, Canada near the border with Maine. The airport has a long, paved runway, suitable for use by jets. This scenery FSX and P3D Airport St-Georges was inspired by the great FS2004 scenery of the late pilot Virtual Hugues Caron img12. It was made in his memory. This scenery been validated and tested with FSX SP1, SP2, Acceleration and P3D v2. This is a complete reproduction, more accurate and realistic in Saint-Georges Beauce airport with all the buildings around it. Many thanks to Georges Bourgouin for creating this scenery
Posted Mar 9, 2015 02:45 by Mike Leitz