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FSX > Page 867
Convair CV240 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
4.79Mb (458 downloads)
FSX Aerolineas Argentinas textures for VBF Convair 240 by Hans Hermann and Georg Hauzenberger
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 1, 2014 13:52 by Gary Harper
MD-83 Multi-Textures Pack
MD-83 Multi-Textures Pack
26.43Mb (1609 downloads)
FSX multi-textures pack for the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND MD-83 . Liveries depicted: Aeromexico, Northwest, Continental, Delta and Japan Airlines. Repaints made by: Pedro Nunes
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 1, 2014 11:14 by Pedro Rodrigues Nunes
SU-33D Updated for FSX
SU-33D Updated for FSX
21.99Mb (4748 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the SU-33D Flanker. At least it was billed as the carrier version by the person who uploaded it, even though it has no seeable tail hook. There is no readme file or any other file with the download that tells who uploaded it. I updated the flight dynamics and gave it a second 2D panel with American type gauges so people like me can fly it easier than trying to learn to read metres above the ground, etc. I added a tail hook light to each of the panels so you can tell when the invisible tail hook is down, changed the size of the GPS on the Russian panel. and wrote new burner and flame effects for the aircraft. No virtual cockpit.
Posted Dec 1, 2014 11:09 by Bob Chicilo
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France)
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France)
88.97Mb (1461 downloads)
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France). A new scenery that enhances the default one: Photorealistic ground texture with seasonnal and night variations, static planes, cars, "seasonal" peoples, birds, etc. VAC chart included. Includes update. Works with FSX and FSXA. By D. Bur
Posted Dec 1, 2014 10:54 by uploader
Des Moines Iowa International Airport
5.99Mb (1226 downloads)
Des Moines Iowa International Airport For FSX. New terminal buildings and parking ramps. Both runways are open for all and AI traffic. Taxi way's have been corrected to accurate placement. There is a large cargo area for both UPS and FedEX aircraft. Extra fuel trucks have been added throughout the airport. There is a fuel parking spot as well by GA parking. A generous amount of GA parking has been added, with some lighting. There is sectioned parking area's as well, NW, N, NE, SE cargo, South cargo, & SW. A dedicated area for the Iowa Air National Guard 132nd Fighter Wing has been added, comprising of 8- F-16's and 2- A7 Corsair II, the A7's were used there before the F-16's. I have added a lot of buildings and parking details as well as some lighting. By James Foutz
Posted Dec 1, 2014 09:51 by Nicolas Neveu
Embraer 135 Eastern Airways Package
Embraer 135 Eastern Airways Package
74.43Mb (3514 downloads)
FSX only Embraer 135 Eastern Airways package. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Edited to fix missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team and thank you to them for the millions of free downloads they have provided. Please add msvcr70.dll enclosed file to main FSX folder if you don't already have it! Eastern Airways textures by Paul Craig. Also includes ground steering fix by kurmark. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 30, 2014 13:22 by chris evans
Embraer 135 HOP! For Air France
Embraer 135 HOP! For Air France
74.73Mb (3723 downloads)
FSX Embraer 135 HOP! For Air France . Model by Project Opensky with VC. Edited to fix missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team and thank you to them for the millions of free downloads they have provided. Please add msvcr70.dll enclosed file to main FSX folder if you don't already have it! Great AF Hop textures by Paul Craig. Also includes ground steering fix by kurmark. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 30, 2014 12:43 by chris evans
Addictive Vickers VC 10 Textures
Addictive Vickers VC 10 Textures
28.79Mb (795 downloads)
Here are 8 replacement textures for the addictive VC10...6 for the standard and 2 for the C1k. These are the same livery's that come with this Payware aircraft, but I have repainted four of them and reworked the other 4 from other freeware painters work to make them fit this aircraft. My reason for this is to get a more realistic look. Stephen Browning
Posted Nov 30, 2014 10:15 by Stephen Browning
3.30Mb (432 downloads)
Refuge des Grands Mulets -- For FSX Mountain hut in the Alps ,build on the "Glacier des Bossons". You can land on the drop zone roof. The refuge Great Mules is located on the historic route of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in France. You can land on the drop zone roof .
Posted Nov 30, 2014 05:14 by Manolo Dobrazil
Mig-25 Foxbat update 2
Mig-25 Foxbat update 2
9.21Mb (2894 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Alpha Mig 25 Foxbat. This is my second update for the aircraft. While flying it, I noticed that it would not slow down properly from high speed to cruise speed or below. I have fixed that, changed the smoke effects, and made minor changes to the panel. This is the whole aircraft, you don't need any other update for this to work.
Posted Nov 29, 2014 10:25 by Bob Chicilo