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FSX > Page 878
FSX Emirates Mega Fleet Expansion Pack
FSX Emirates Mega Fleet Expansion Pack
162.57Mb (9601 downloads)
This is an expansion/update for my FSX Emirates Multi-Aircraft Package. This expansion completes the fleet by adding the Airbus A330-200, A340-500, Boeing B777-200, B777-300 & B777-9x to it. Although you don't need my previous package ( for this pack to work, you won't have the complete fleet without it. Thanks to POSKY, SkySpirit, Thomas Ruth and Project Airbus for their wonderful and realistic models. Total Uncompressed size: 634mb. Assembled by Alan de Jager
Posted Nov 1, 2014 15:03 by Alan de Jager
FSX Bombardier Challenger 300 repaint in Hanhwa (C-GNPT) Textures
FSX Bombardier Challenger 300 repaint in Hanhwa (C-GNPT) Textures
2.85Mb (1332 downloads)
A Bombardier Challenger 300 repaint in Hanhwa Airlines (C-GNPT). Textures only for the model by Richie Schwertfeger (BOMBARDIER_CHALLENGER_300.ZIP). The Bombardier Challenger 300 is an extraordinary business jet capable of traveling between continents making it an excellent choice for VIP transport with almost no need of making refueling stops between flights. This aircraft has not only seen great success in the business jet industry but also China based airline Hanhwa has chosen it as part of its fleet. This is a very interesting case as it's not common to see an airline having a business model that allows for a jet like the Challenger 300 to be part of its fleet. From its base in Dalian, China it offers flights to several Eastern Asian locations including Singapore, Yakarta and Yangoon. By 2020 the airline aims to operate around 40 aircraft. Repaint by Enrique Cornejo
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 1, 2014 13:03 by Enrique Cornejo
10m Finland mesh Q
289.67Mb (291 downloads)
G'day Cobbers, This mesh was produced with 10m dem data and is the sixth of thirteen files that covers all of Finland. *Oops, Finn N is really the fourth file and Finn P is the fifth, Sorry* Thanks and enjoy
Posted Nov 1, 2014 11:23 by Brett Simtropolis
FSX/FS2004 Spitfire MK VIII
FSX/FS2004 Spitfire MK VIII
8.12Mb (3326 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Spitfire MK VIII The success of the Mk IX reduced the importance of the Mk VIII. Although the first production model was completed in November 1942, it took until June 1943 for the first squadron to be equipped with the model. The first squadron to use it was No. 145, based on Malta. By the summer of 1943 the crisis in the Mediterranean was in the past, and the Mk VIII saw extensive overseas duty, often in a ground attack role. U.S. and Aussi version. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration, windows 7/8. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 1, 2014 05:03 by A.F.Scrub
Rodrigues Island, Mauritius
Rodrigues Island, Mauritius
2.65Mb (1597 downloads)
This project rebuilds Rodrigues Island, Mauritius. Deenesh Suddoo's Sir Gaetan Duval Airport (FIMR) is included with permission from the author, and is updated slightly for alignment and full AI traffic compatibility. Landclass polygons and coastlines were hand-drawn directly from satellite imagery to provide the most detailed and accurate scenery currently available for this island. AI road and boat traffic is activated for the region. Accurate coastlines and road data, as well as corrected land and waterclass are provided based on the latest available satellite imagery. Scenery was created using Airport Design Editor X v1.61.5298, SBuilderX 3.13, and the FSX Object Placement Tool. Scenery objects were added and modified from stock FSX scenery to resemble as closely as possible the real-life images.
Posted Oct 31, 2014 23:23 by Carlyle Sharpe
10m Finland mesh P
382.10Mb (323 downloads)
G'day Cobbers, This mesh was produced with 10m dem data and is the fourth of thirteen files that covers all of Finland. Thanks and enjoy drunk
Posted Oct 31, 2014 20:55 by Brett Simtropolis
10m Finland mesh N
404.09Mb (335 downloads)
G'day Cobbers, This mesh was produced with 10m dem data and is the third of thirteen files that covers all of Finland. Thanks and enjoy
Posted Oct 31, 2014 17:10 by Brett Simtropolis
10m Finland mesh M
366.11Mb (319 downloads)
G'day Cobbers, This mesh was produced with 10m dem data and is the third of thirteen files that covers all of Finland. Thanks and enjoy
Posted Oct 31, 2014 14:02 by Brett Simtropolis
10m Finland mesh L
309.85Mb (416 downloads)
G'day Cobbers, This mesh was produced with 10m dem data and is the second of thirteen files that covers all of Finland. Thanks and enjoy
Posted Oct 31, 2014 11:17 by Brett Simtropolis
Bell 206 IRIAA Textures
Bell 206 IRIAA Textures
6.02Mb (1063 downloads)
Islamic Republic Of Iran Army Aviation textures for the default FSX Bell 206. Textures by unknown.
Posted Oct 31, 2014 11:08 by uploader