1.62Mb (3140 downloads)
JR Sea Parrot Experimental Carrierborne Aircraft.
Model & textures created by J R Lucariny. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.20Mb (3179 downloads)
Harrier GR7 Update: Description:
This is an update of the Harrier GR7 by Kazunori Ito (here).
I have changed two navred/strobe combinations to just beacons
and slightly moved the wing tip nav lights and strobes. I fixed
the wheels so they all touch the ground now and the aircraft
doesn't start to roll with the brakes off and zero thrust. I
also updated the flight dynamics the best I could for now. Bob
Chicilo. 208K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
62.23Mb (15000 downloads)
Mirage 2000N EC 2/4 v2.0 naked (not armed) Package.
A Mirage 2000 from La Fayette Fighter Squadron with more accurate
flight model. Features virtual cockpit, HUD, animations, pilot
ejection, etc. Includes four textures. By Roland Laborie, Jean
Pierre Bourgeois and Pierre Marchadier. 63.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.09Mb (3043 downloads)
SU-27 Flanker Update. This
is an update of the Peter Davies SU-27
Flanker (here)
that I had previously updated. I have put the wings, tail, wheels,
and engines where they should be in relation to the datum point.
I also fixed the problem of the aircraft moving at 0 throttle
with the brakes off. This allows shorter landings without using
reverse thrust. Bob Chicilo. 95K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
5.56Mb (3295 downloads)
FS2004 Dassault Mirage F1AZ, 237, South African Air Force Textures only. This is a repaint of the new Mirage F1AZ (F1V25.zip here by Kirk Olsson. It is painted as F1AZ "237" from No.1 Sqn in the original paint scheme. This aircraft was damaged by SA-3 SAM's during combat operations over Angola in 1980. Pilot Captain IC du Plessis managed to land the aircraft at a friendly forward airfield despite the damage sustained. He was awarded the Honoris Crux for airmanship and courage. Repaint by Jens-Ole Kjølberg
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
1.36Mb (3237 downloads)
Boeing C-172 Big Cargo Jet
. Experimental Airplane By J R Lucariny. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.10Mb (2091 downloads)
TU-16 Badger Update. This
is an update for the TU-16 Badger by Dmitry Dobronravin and
repainted by Javier Montes (required here).
I have updated the flight dynamics, added a white nav light,
changed the smoke effects, and put the engines and wheels closer
to where they should be. Bob Chicilo. 101K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
7.95Mb (6261 downloads)
Aermacchi MB326H Package: Version Update with added VC Model
and Flight dynamics This version has been created by using Abacus'
Flight Simulator Design Studio version 2.24. Features include
full moving parts including undercarraige suspension, opening
canopy and reflective textures. Flight dynamics constructed
using the 1% spreadsheets, v2.82.104.Full functioning Virtual
Cockpit. By David Friswell. Textures By Garry.J Smith Update
By Warwick Carter. 8.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.25Mb (1823 downloads)
C-17A Globemaster III - USAF 452nd AMW(AFR) Textures only.
This repaint of Mike Stone's C-17A Globemaster III (required
above) represents 05-5139 operated by the 452nd Air Mobility
Wing (Air Force Reserve) at March Field in Riverside, CA. Deliveries
of C-17s to March Field began in the Summer of 2005. Model and
original textures by Mike Stone. Repaint by Frank Safranek.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
15.57Mb (9167 downloads)
2004 Team FS KBT F18 Super Hornet in Blue Angels colors.
Clean model for all six airplanes.This is the final Blue Angels
pack. Just add corect panel and sound folder from original
KBT FA-18 Super Hornet aircraft - fa-18e_sh.zip (here).
Texture Lucian Lie. 15.9MB
For those
who do not already have the original KBT Super Hornet - this
package contains the Sound & Panel folders. 24MB
Team FS KBT F18 Super Hornet in Blue Angels colors Aircraft.cfg
FIX and Installation Help.By Lucian Lie. 4K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive