Prepar3d > Page 155
259.32Mb (247 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 06:15 by Ignacio Del Muro
21.85Mb (258 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 05:38 by Ignacio Del Muro

58.14Mb (972 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the ATR 42-300, model and VC by Virtualcol. Ex payware. Packaged and painted by Chris Evans. I have made a change to the aircraft.cfg file that should allow you to stop and start the engines without using Control+E. Webmaster please replace the previous update with this one. The following is what I did before. I have changed the GPS; added an autopilot, nav/gps switch, and a trim gauge to the 2D panel; added the other 3 wheels, and the scrape points which were not there at all; and I updated the flight dynamics. Also works in P3D
Posted Jun 16, 2021 03:34 by Bob Chicilo

234.98Mb (510 downloads)
Revamped pack for the Skyspirit Boeing 747-400 with new PBR (reflective) textures. British Airways (no PBR), Lufthansa and United liveries included. Includes all new custom pbr reflections for United and Lufthansa versions. Uses the FSND upgraded VC.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 03:09 by Salyut
188.07Mb (254 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 01:43 by Ignacio Del Muro
222.52Mb (227 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 01:11 by Ignacio Del Muro
178.52Mb (161 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 00:56 by Ignacio Del Muro
8.63Mb (234 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 00:19 by Ignacio Del Muro

74.41Mb (745 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Sunclass Airways package. Sunclass is a Danish charter airline based at Copenhagen Kastrup Airport. Currently Sunclass have 8 Airbus A321-200.
Includes 2020 revised model and VC. Modified the Project Airbus A321-200 to resemble a NX model with window and door size and placements.
2020 updated A321 model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77.
Autobrakes fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX". Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v5 and should work in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 15, 2021 09:01 by chris evans
17.07Mb (810 downloads)
FS2004/P3D TDS Boeing 737-MAX9 V3 Base Package. Tenkuu Developers Studio - Boeing 737-MAX9 Version 3 For FS2004 includes P3DV4 model; no FSX model due of illegal migration to FS2020. By Hiroshi Igami.
Posted Jun 14, 2021 02:01 by uploader