3.72Mb (4840 downloads)
SP-2 Grumman American AA1-5B Tiger Package.
FSX rebuild of my earlier AA-5B Tiger . Includes updated VC,
resized textures, and XML Gauges. Not tested in Vista/DX10.
Tim Conrad. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive

15.08Mb (4671 downloads)
Cirrus SR-20
This is a Repaint Wolfram Beckert,Guenter Kraemer and Thomas
Roehl's Cirrus SR20 Aircraft Modified for Flight Simulator X
. The SR20 and SR22 are constructed with composite construction
and advanced aerodynamics, This design was awarded FAA Type
Certification in 1998. with a final level of protection known
as the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System(tm) (CAPS). This aircraft
is in line with the paint scheme of Patty Wagstaff Airshows
Inc ..Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft Package
Includes Pictures of the Actual Aircraft . This aircraft has
the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (Note:
No visible gauges in VC - 2d panel gauges OK) . 15.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
22.54Mb (9667 downloads)
De Havilland DHC8-Q311 European Quintet Package.
56 seat twin turboprop regional airliner. Five aircraft, complete
package, British Airways (Tartan Tail), Sabena Airlines (Belgium),
Cirrus Airlines (Germany), Air Southwest (UK), Air Nostrum (Spain).
New design for FSX with updated 2D panel, updated dynamic VC,
updated sound, full moving parts, dynamic shine, operating airstair
& cargo door, new FD, HTML Check/Ref lists and more. Compatible
with Acceleration/SP2 By Barry Blaisdell, Jean-Pierre Brisard,
Bob May, Kevin Pardy and Danny Crance Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
35.57Mb (6552 downloads)
Beech 18 Package.
The Beech 18 was designed as a fast light travelling airplane.
The prototype Beech 18 flew in January, 1937, following conventional
design of the time, and the aircraft in production was quite
successful. World War 2 added its demand for transport and training
aircraft, and 5000 Model 18s were built as C-45s for the USAAF.
4 Versions: Canadian Airways, Pan American Airways, N2917G,
USAF All credit goes to simTECH Flight Design Ltd. Originally
a payware aircaraft released as freeware for FS2004 and I found
this great bird in my FS2004 collection & as it works fine
in my FSX SP2 I have prepared thumbnails to make it easier for
FSX users. Thumbnails for FSX created by Danny Garnier. 36.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
3.24Mb (4342 downloads)
Taylorcraft Auster MkV.
The Auster's ability to get in and out of small, rough fields
made it a very successful "spotter" plane during WWII.
From a standing start, it can take off in about 70 meters and
maintain a climb of 1000ft/min to clear obstacles. Features
a South African Air Force livery, full animations, virtual cockpit
and custom panel. By Bjorn Buchner. Presented for FSX by NorCal
Prop Club. 3.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
16.13Mb (3126 downloads)
Beechcraft Baron 58 Cape Cod Package.
This Beechcraft Baron was designed for FS2004, however I have
had no problems with it in FSX. Unfortunately this Baron is
not DX10 compatible, so if you are using the DX10 preview, you
must disable it. The liveries include Cape Air, Nantucket Airlines
and Island Airlines, all liveries from Cape Cod Massachusetts.
None of these airlines use a Baron, however I have been unable
to find a decent Cessna 402 (aircraft used by Cape Air, Nantucket
Airlines and Island Air). Until a decent 402 comes along, the
Baron will do. Original Aircaft by Microsoft. 16.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
4.84Mb (5973 downloads)
Turbo Piper Arrow-III PA28RT-201, in U.S. and U.K. liveries.
Model made in GMax. Panel with xml gauges, in part custom made.
Pilot with animations. Opening passenger and cargo door. By
Rien Cornelissen. 4.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
5.68Mb (1866 downloads)
Super King Air 300 FAA N74 Textures only. These airplanes
are used by FAA for flight checking duties. Includes a custom
made model. Requires AFG B300 v1.0 with 1.01 update (above).
Authors: Allied FS Group. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
3.52Mb (4691 downloads)
Piper Arrow III PA-28R-201,
non-turbo. Latest revision, with XML gauges. Especially the
virtual cockpit was improved. There are two 2D panels: one for
4x3 and one for 16x9 monitors. The N1927H is owned by Ben Weltevrede
and is based at Rotterdam Airport. By Rien Cornelissen. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive
97.64Mb (7468 downloads)
Lockheed L-188 Electra II Package.
Multiple livery Electras with new start sounds and sound system
for FSX. This is the Reeve Aircraft with wing and prop textures
that look and work a bit better in FSX. Included is the PSA
aircraft along with it. Included with the package are smoke
effects. Multiple Panel views but no VC. Model by J R Lucariny.
Multiple liveries by various painters. Assembled for FSX by
Victor N Merculief Jr. 100MB
Electra pilot and co-pilot wing views.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:16 by archive