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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 107
                  Gambo Fictional Airport, Newfoundland, Canada.
0.17Mb (371 downloads)
FS2004 Gambo Fictional Airport, Newfoundland, Canada. Joey Smallwood was the first Premier of the Province and the last Father of Confederation for Canada. I built the airport and the dock in Freshwater Bay. You can fly, drive, or boat from this airport! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to EZ Landclass, Russ Dirks, RWY12, and AFCAD2.21. 176K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
1.45Mb (1330 downloads)
FS2004 Frontier Airlines AI Traffic. Adds Frontier AI traffic to FS2004. Models : EVAI A320-200 Repaint : Jasper van Zuuk Flightplans : Jeffery Andrews. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Lawrence, Kansas Airport
0.53Mb (194 downloads)
Fs2004 Lawrence, Kansas Airport This is the Rock Springs-Sweetwater County Airport. The model is built with SceneGenX,Abacus FSDS2,JASC Paintshop, Rwy12 and AFCAD. The model has full AFD and AI support. I included the rwy12 ramp lights in case you don't have them. 546K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Task Force Falkland Islands Carrier Scenery
3.29Mb (2184 downloads)
FS2004 Task Force Falkland Islands Carrier Scenery. This is a modification of Simon Swallows 'Portsmouth Highrise' scenery. The carrier and frigate from the above scenery have been moved from portsmoth harbour and positioned to the east of Stanley Airport in the Falklands. The Task Force Consists of:1 Carrier - HMS Ark Royal (Not Historically accurate because it was HMS Invincible used during the Falklands War of 1982 but it is the exact same class of carrier) 4 Frigates - All have landable flight decks. Author: Thomas Pitts Original Author: Simon Swallow. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Lawrence, Kansas Airport
1.62Mb (279 downloads)
FS2004 Lawrence, Kansas Airport This is Lawrence, Kansas Airport. This model includes the scheduled improvements that are under construction or will soon be started. This includes the full new taxiway on 1-19 and the lengthen of 15-33 to 6100 feet. The model is built with SceneGenX, Abacus FSDS2, JASC Paintshop, Rwy12 and AFCAD. The model has full AFD and AI support. I included the rwy12 ramp lights in case you don't have them. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Pocatello Regional Airport, Idaho
2.41Mb (388 downloads)
FS2004 Pocatello Regional Airport, Idaho This is Pocatello Regional Airport at Pocatello, Idaho as it is today. This airport started as Pocatello AAF during WW2. The 4 large hangars and sub-depot warehouses are original building on the base. The model is built with SceneGenX,Abacus FSDS2,JASC Paintshop, Rwy12 and AFCAD. The model has full AFD and AI support. I included the rwy12 ramplights in case you don't have them. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Dunsfold Airfield, UK (V2)
9.05Mb (1088 downloads)
FS2004 Dunsfold Airfield, UK (V2). This folder contains all the scenery detail for the old British Aerospace Airfield of Dunsfold in Surrey. Dunsfold was where the BAe Harrier was developed and first flew and also was instrumental in the design of the Hawk. It is now privately owned and used for filming (007's Casino Royal) and is where the BBC's 'Top Gear' motoring series is currently filmed. The Top-Gear track is now depicted on these files along with a car at the start line. Created by James Cartner. 9.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Olathe NAS Aux #7 WW2 Scenery.
0.21Mb (247 downloads)
Fs2004 Olathe NAS Aux #7 WW2 Scenery. Recreation of a real WW2 training airfield updated for use today This a semi-fictional field located south of New Century Airport (Olathe NAS) in Olathe, Ks. The airport was Olathe Navel Air Station Aux #7. I have given if the designation K102. This field had the 8 pointed star configuration often used at such fields. It was originally paved with gravel with 8 runways each 1800 by 200 feet. I have modified it as I would if I owned the field. The N-S west runway is lengthened to 3000 ft. I think if would make a great glider port located on a peninsula at Hillsdale Lake. You will need RWY 12 installed with the standard libraries. The NDB is on 392 kHz. The hangars will open with Comm 2 on 113 MHz. I used AFCAD and ScreenGenX to design the field with Terraserver and Google Earth images. Robert Pearson. 216K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  The ¨Swiss Ramp¨ Air Racing Scenery Updated & improved...
3.75Mb (910 downloads)
FS2004 The ¨Swiss Ramp¨ Air Racing Scenery Updated & improved... 2 ramp of 200 meter, 2 ramp of 150 meter and 2 ramp of 120 meter. Created using "Airport 2.60" and EOD by Ronald "Woodylepic" Dandurand and thermal generator. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Amsterdam Schiphol 1963 Package
12.94Mb (1718 downloads)
FS2004 Amsterdam Schiphol 1963 Package. We have tried to reflect something of the atmosphere and feel of that period, prior to the all jet era of today. This scenery is as detailed as possible because we found it essential to reproduce certain buildings and surroundings that were so typical for Schiphol Amsterdam. It will show the platforms, hangars, tower and terminal of the old airport but also the Fokker aircraft factory and the building area of the "new" Schiphol Centre under construction. by Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch and Harry Biard. 13.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive