1.23Mb (5218 downloads)
FSX Alf's UK Airfields Volume 7. Upgrades many small UK airfields whose default versions have little or no detail. Based on Google Earth and airport guides. This volume includes EGFA Aberporth/West Wales; EGPR Barra, Outer Hebrides; EGHU Eaglescott. By Alf Denham.
Posted Jun 13, 2008 05:21 by archive

1.43Mb (5642 downloads)
FSX Alf's UK Airfields Volume 6. Upgrades many small UK airfields whose default versions have little or no detail. Based on Google Earth and airport guides. This volume includes EGHJ Bembridge, EGTU Dunkeswell and EGBK Sywell/Northampton. By Alf Denham.
Posted Jun 13, 2008 05:19 by archive

66.47Mb (6486 downloads)
FSX Snow Dog Tours III, Anchorage, Alaska (AK). Includes these airports: PABR - Wiley Post - Will
Rogers Memorial, 2AKE - Icy Cape AFS, PASC - Deadhorse, PAUM - Umiat, PARC - Artic Village, PABT -
Bettles, WBQ - Beaver, PAEA - Eagle, 9AK4 - Artic Angel, 16Z - McGrath, UMM - Summit, AK06 - Denali, PAIN
- McKinley National Park, RDV - Red Devil, PANI - Anaik, PACL - Clear, PAVD - Pioneer Valdez, PAGK -
Gulkana, DDT - Duffy's Tavern, 15z - McCarthy, PAFA - Fairbanks International, PANC - Stevens Anchorage
International, PAUO - Willow, PAAQ - Palmer Municipal, PAWD - Seward, PAHO - Homer , PAKN - King Salmon,
PADQ - Kodiak, PACv - Cordova - Smith, PAMD - Middleton Island, PATK - Talkeenta, PAEN - Kenai Mun. Also
includes these seaplane bases: 1Z9 - Ellamar, PYL - Perry Island, 52Z - Summit Lake, A27 - Seldovia, PAEN
- Kenai Mun., ALZ - Alitak, KOY - Olga Bay, AK81 - Amook Bay, WSJ - San Juan, 5Z9 - Lake Brooks, PAFA-
Fairbanks, PANC- Anchorage, 5BL - Homer - Beluga Lake. Requires SDTP2.ZIP (above) . By Chris Carel.
Posted Jun 11, 2008 08:01 by archive

66.47Mb (5434 downloads)
FSX Snow Dog Tours II, Juneau, Alaska (AK). This file replaces Part I, Snow Dog Tours, Ketchikan,
and includes several fixes. Snow Dog Tours is a fictional airline based on real world places. Includes
scenery of Ketchikan, AK with these airports: Ketchikan International (PAKT), Wrangell (PAWG), Johnson
Petersburg (PAPG), KAKE (PAFE), Annette Island (PANT), Sitka (PASI) plus many seaplane bases. Also
includes repaints of suitable aircraft. By Chris Carel. SDTP2.zip
Posted Jun 11, 2008 07:14 by archive

1.18Mb (3898 downloads)
This scenery is for FSX Acceleration only! It WILL NOT work with FS2004, FSX, or FSX Sp. 1. This scenery will add crowds, seats, and aircraft to the airport KOSH, to make it look like an airshow. Made by Daniel Kemmer.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:03 by archive

0.01Mb (2744 downloads)
FSX Middle Peninsula Regional (KFYJ) 14.43kb (8 downloads)
Update for original KFYJ making it more lifelike. Added parking and changed the runway numbers as they were changed not that long ago. The only thing I couldn't do was lengthen it out to 5000 feet. I did most of it from memory so its not perfect but definitely an improvement. Compiled us ADE v. 1.26. By Jason Friedlin
Posted Jun 10, 2008 08:16 by archive

0.28Mb (3992 downloads)
FSX Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field (KASE). This scenery update is for Aspen-Pitkin County airport. Located high in the Rocky Mountains, Aspen is known for it's challenging high altitude runway 15 approach. It updates various aspects of the airport, including taxiways, runways, and parking. Real world demensions were used through Google Earth. A few objects form the default FSX libraries were also added. View Readme file for installation and notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor. By Phillip Coyle. 287K
Posted Jun 6, 2008 13:45 by archive

3.56Mb (5256 downloads)
FSX VYMM Mawlamyine Intl Airport V2.0 with Traffic-Pack 2 Mawlamyine International Airport in Burma, Myanmar, include Traffic-Pack 2. Traffic-Pack 1 comes with vyyy4tp1.zip. Traffic-Pack 3 comes soon too. This scenery was produced based of suppositions, stories and voices. It is therefore pure speculation. Whether this airport is ever increased, the God know. If the planned Asean-Highway leads at it past, this airport should gain importance very quickly. Version 2.0 with new docks, jetways, already extended runway, taxiways and new taxisigns. First of all we corrected the airport location to the real one. With Myanmar Air Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes. You need mai321x.zip, mai738x.zip and mai744x.zip (all here - see link) to use with this. Many Thanks go to Harald Nehring and Frank Weiss, Robert Versluys, Mike Stone and the teams of HOUSE-RP in Burma, FSX Planner, SceneGenX, SBuilder X, Open Ports Scanner, AFXBgDownloader, FSUIPC, Google Earth and AI Flight Planner. This scenery is pure fiction and for FSX only, for FS2004 please download newVYMMfs9.zip and newVYMMup.zip. By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland and Burma. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 6, 2008 13:34 by archive

11.44Mb (8069 downloads)
FSX VYYY Yangon Intl Airport Mingaladon V4.0 with Traffic-Pack 1 Yangon International Airport "MINGALADON" in Burma, Myanmar, include Traffic-Pack 1. Version 4.0 with new dock "G", jetways, already extended runway, taxiways and new taxisigns. First of all we corrected the airport location to the real one. With Myanmar Air Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes. This scenery was produced based of visit and on pictures of satellites. Traffic-Pack 2 comes with vymm2tp2.zip. Traffic-Pack 3 comes soon too. Many Thanks go to Francisco Sanchez-Castaner, Fernando Martinez, Mike Stone and the teams of HOUSE-RP in Burma, FSX Planner, SceneGenX, SBuilder X, Open Ports Scanner, AFXBgDownloader, FSUIPC and Google Earth. This scenery is only for FSX, for FS2004 please download vyyy_v2.zip (here). By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland and Burma. 11.7MB
Posted Jun 6, 2008 13:22 by archive

0.28Mb (1937 downloads)
FSX Chico Municipal Airport (KCIC). This is a scenery update for Chico Muni. Taxiways, runways, parking, and other aspects were updated using real world demensions through Google Earth. This also places a few objects from the default FSX scenery library. Compiled using Airport Design Editor. View Readme for installation and notes. By Phillip Coyle.
Posted Jun 2, 2008 12:10 by archive