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X Plane > Page 8
Alenia C-27J Spartan
17.34Mb (4594 downloads)
X-Plane Alenia C-27J Spartan. This Alenia C-27J Spartan (MM 62218) has the liveries of 46 Aerobrigata, Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 2007. The C-27J, advanced derivative of the G.222 and called by some the Mini Herc, has fulfilled the specifications of the Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA) program in the Usa and ordered in 78 units for the USAAF and the Army. The first plane has been delivered last September. This model is fully animated: cockpit, landing gear, surface controls and fuselage doors. By Paolo Matricardi and Don Bush.
Posted Dec 20, 2013 07:10 by xplaner
X-Plane 10 Oban Airport (EGEO), Scotland, UK
2.03Mb (549 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery - Oban Airport (EGEO), Scotland, UK, v1.0. Oban Airport is located 5 nm northeast of Oban, near the village of North Connel, Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Operated by Argyll and Bute council, it has a CAA licence as a commercial airport following recent upgrading. OpenSceneryX required. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 15, 2013 18:37 by xplaner
X-Plane 10 Jersey Airport (EGJJ), Channel Islands, UK
1.26Mb (780 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery--Jersey Airport (EGJJ), Channel Islands, UK, v1.5. Jersey Airport is located in the parish of Saint Peter, 4 nm west northwest of Saint Helier in Jersey, in the Channel Islands. Special thanks to GOLF1 for red and white barriers. Requires OpenSceneryX. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 15, 2013 18:34 by xplaner
Guernsey Airport (EGJB), Channel Islands, UK
0.11Mb (696 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery--Guernsey Airport (EGJB), Channel Islands, UK, v1.5. Guernsey Airport is the largest airport in the Bailiwick of Guernsey and is the only airport on the island of Guernsey. It is located in the Forest, a parish in Guernsey, 2.5 nm west southwest of St. Peter Port. Uses default objects from the XP Library and OpenSceneryX. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 15, 2013 04:30 by xplaner
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0
49.40Mb (3408 downloads)
X-Plane 10 MiG-21M v1.0. Thanks to Norman (SuperFighter2) for permission to upload this update of his MiG-21 M. Everything contained in this package has been originally created by Norman (every 3D instrument, object, .acf file, etc.). This package includes an updated 3D cockpit. Every 3D instruments in the cockpit has been created by Norman. Updated radar (from Norman's MiG-21PFM). Now shows traffic at correct angles. You can also lock targets. Night lighting in the cockpit. Optimised objects with single sided surfaces. Remapped and retextured external model. New canopy (can be opened pressing shift + F1). Three liveries included: Russia, Croatia, Romania. Also includes a paint kit. By Francesco d'Arpa.
Posted Dec 7, 2013 06:43 by uploader
EGGW London Luton Airport, UK
1.16Mb (1253 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery EGGW London Luton, UK, v1.0. London Luton Airport is an international airport located 1.5 miles east of Luton town center in the Borough of Luton in Bedfordshire, England. Requires Openscenery and special thanks to Walter Blinney for the fuel tank objects. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 6, 2013 02:56 by uploader
EIDW - Dublin Extreme 2.2, Dublin, Ireland
EIDW - Dublin Extreme 2.2, Dublin, Ireland
42.28Mb (1280 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery EIDW - Dublin Extreme 2.2, Dublin, Ireland. One of the most comprehensive sceneries made with OverlayEditor along with OpenScenery 2.0 and RUScenery for XP10. This scenery has over 2500 individually placed objects and not only includes the airport but: Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Dublin Port,Howth Harbour, Malahide Yacht Club, Skerries Dinghys, Skerries Windmill, Dublin Buses, Clongriffin Eco Park, Baldoyle Cyclepath, Baldoyle Village, new fuel depot, Harristown Bus Depot. Special thanks to GOLF1, Walter Blinney, and Mercedes for additional objects. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Dec 6, 2013 02:15 by uploader
North American Aviation F-86E-6 Sabre 2
15.92Mb (1537 downloads)
X-Plane 9.70+ North American Aviation F-86E-6 Sabre 2. This plane is based on the Canadair Sabre 6 posted earlier. To convert to a Korean war airplane some changes were made in the model. The wings have a narrower chord. The cockpit is black instead of gray. The engine has been changed to 5200 lb. thrust to represent a J47-GE-13. By Jack Wilkinson.
Posted Dec 6, 2013 02:14 by uploader
X Plane 10 Boeing Field, KBFI, Washington
X Plane 10 Boeing Field, KBFI, Washington
3.97Mb (846 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery - Boeing Field (KBFI), Washington (WA), USA, v1.0. Boeing Field, officially King County International Airport, is a public airport owned and operated by King County, five miles south of downtown Seattle, Washington. Uses OpenScenery and RUScenery. By Rene Bruun (Renair).
Posted Nov 25, 2013 04:34 by Dave French
65.40Mb (1097 downloads)
X-Plane 10 Scenery--LSZA Lugano V10.25 XP 10.25r1. The LSZA Lugano is a scenery, not only an airport, with the city of Lugano, and the villages around the lake of Lugano, Agno, Magliaso, Caslano, Pura, Porto Ceresio and Melide. I reworked The LSZA Lugano scenery from october 24th for a couple of reasons: a) there was an obj. "parasole migros" creating a loading warning. Resolved! b) added many nice details inside the boarding area, have a look at it, it is as real as possible, even the letterbox is in the right place. c) improved some night textures, now it looks a little bit more realistic. d) added a seaplane ramp just in front of the city of Lugano. Again, all objects are made from picture taken in the area and reflect the typical house style of the south of Switzerland. Cranes and sailboats are from my dear friend "Helgo" Dieter Rosenkranz with his permission. A special thanks to Dieter who was my teacher in the use of SketchUp initializing the passion for building scenery. To run this scenery you do not need libraries of any sort, just drop the file as it is into your Custom Scenery folder. It is possible that even after several checks some objects may show up misplaced, there are so many that it is almost impossible to check it all. Just report it, it will be taken care in a future version. Note: the scenery was build for XP 10 and tested on V 10. 25 r1, could not test if it works also with V 9 as i do not have V 9 installed anymore. Hope you will enjoy flying around the area I live in as I do, with all the mountains and valleys making a VFR flight a one time experience. By Antonio Menotti
Posted Nov 23, 2013 02:59 by uploader