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FS2004 > Page 831
                  Embraer Very Light Jet (VLJ)
0.92Mb (3154 downloads)
FS2004 Embraer Very Light Jet (VLJ). Created by J R Lucariny. 941K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
2.03Mb (2423 downloads)
FS2004 Tupolev TU-144 No-VC MDL 3d-models for the TU144 addon without Virtual cockpits. you need the base-pack to run tis one. By Thomas Ruth and Claudio Mussner. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Tupolev TU-144 Domestic
1.37Mb (5781 downloads)
FS2004 Tupolev TU-144 Domestic Addon package for the TU144 Classic (needed to be installed prior to this package). The TU144D was equiped with the more modern Kolesov engines but none of them got the chance to fly. Today all of the are grounded and one is open to the public at the Technik Museum in Sinsheim Germany. By Thomas Ruth and Claudio Mussner. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Tupolev TU-144 LL (NASA)
3.43Mb (11648 downloads)
FS2004 Tupolev TU-144 LL (NASA) Addon package for the TU144 Classic (needed to be installed prior to this package). The TU144LL was equiped with more modern and powerful Kuznetzov engines and used by the NASA for supersonic testflights. Today the aircraft is back in Russia and grounded same as all the other TU144. This one was the last TU144 to fly. By Thomas Ruth and Claudio Mussner. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Comet 4B Channel Airways Textures only.
0.56Mb (665 downloads)
FS2004 Comet 4B Channel Airways Textures only. (ex BEA) G-APMB Channel Airways bought five Comet 4B aircraft from BEA to operate inclusive tours out of Stansted. This was the only ex BEA machine, the other four had been in service with Olympic Airways. None of the aircraft were painted in Channel colours, remaining in the basic livery of their former operators left G-APMB as the odd one out in the fleet. The first to arrive in January 1970 was one of the former Greek aircraft and the type made it debut on the 25th February with G-APYC flying from Stansted to Palma. The Comet proved a disaster for the airline and a spares shortage and technical difficulties forced it to buy an Mexicana Comet 4 in June 1971 which was immediately broken up to provide spares. The airline as a whole was in serious trouble and with fortunes continuing to decline all jet operations were suspended in January 1972. The airline ceased flying at the end of the following month. Requires the DH 106 Comet 4B model by David Maltby (here): Repaint Garry Russell. 579K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Comet 4B Channel Airways Textures only
0.78Mb (785 downloads)
FS2004 Comet 4B Channel Airways Textures only. (ex Olympic) G-APYD One of four ex Olympic Comet 4B aircraft that along with a single ex BEA machine was bought for IT charter contracts stating in the Summer of 1970. Based at Stansted it was not a happy asscociation with the airline and techincal delays and spares shortage caused Channel to buy a Mexicana machine for spares use. That arrived in June 1971 and was broken up. In September of that year continuing problems and spares shortages coinciding with a fall off in work meant the retirement of one of the active fleet. The airline was in a bad shape and eventually all jet services were suspended in January 1972 with the airline closing at the end of February. Requires the DH 106 Comet 4B model by David Maltby (here): Repaint Garry Russell. 803K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Comet 4B Olympic (BEA livery) Textures only.
1.24Mb (956 downloads)
FS2004 Comet 4B Olympic (BEA livery) Textures only. G-ARJL was flying in 1963 on lease to Olympic Airways in this modified BEA livery. The following year saw it leased to Olympic for five years and was then painted into full Olympic colours. Requires the DH 106 Comet 4B model by David Maltby (here): Repaint Garry Russell. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  A380 in old style Airbus 'A3xx-100' Textures only
3.28Mb (2776 downloads)
FS2004 A380 in old style Airbus 'A3xx-100' Textures only. This is a repaint of the Airbus A380 by Mike Stone (required here) . Repaint by Andy Nott of Anglo-Virtual Aviation. 3.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Engine Exhaust System Version 2
0.16Mb (8031 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Engine Exhaust System Version 2. Bugs fixed, updated, improved, simplified. Heat and shimmer turbofan and turbojet engine exhaust effects, auto-operated at idle and at full throttle. Easy installation for all common freeware passenger airliners - listing included. By Martyn Becker. File size - 161K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive
                  Boeing757-200 Winglets V1 Boeing Demonstrator livery
8.89Mb (5299 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing757-200 Winglets V1 Boeing Demonstrator livery. Project Opensky Boeing 757-200 with Aviation Partners winlets. the 757-200 winglet model is not in anyway a update for our earlyer released B757-200 V1 both the models (757-200 and 757-200W "W" as in Winglet) are exactly the same accept for that one has winglets and the other does not! This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model Designers : Lee Rosario, Albert Bouwman, C. Vincent Cho, Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics Designer : Warren C. Daniel FDE Advisor's : Nick Peterson, Simon Ng Hin Tat Tested : Project-Opensky Members Master textures : Jaco du Preez & Ben Hewitt Painted : Tom Harlaar. 8.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:30 by archive