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FSX > Page 1071
Mandala Air B737-800 Texture
Mandala Air B737-800 Texture
2.20Mb (647 downloads)
Mandala Air RI PK-RRI Indonesia DDS Good textures for the default Boeing 737-800 (FSX Only).
Posted May 20, 2013 23:33 by realweb_id
Ai Star Wars Rebel Fleet
Ai Star Wars Rebel Fleet
12.32Mb (1481 downloads)
Ai Star Wars Rebel Home One Mon Calamari Cruiser and fleet V 1.0 These models have been exported to FSX, as ai model, for use with AiCarriers, and thus able to be located anywhere, as mobile scenario. At an altitude of 900,000 FT, which is equivalent to a low earth orbit.
Posted May 20, 2013 22:31 by EC-LPZ
Restauravia Mirage III B Epner v.1 Textures
Restauravia Mirage III B Epner v.1 Textures
6.19Mb (1078 downloads)
Mirage IIIB Textures - EPNER, Istres, (France) 1996 V.1 (French Air Force training) These textures are intended for use with the superb freeware Mirage IIIB by Restauravia. They represent a Mirage IIIB assigned to the Ecole du Personnel Navigant d'Essais et de Reception (EPNER) at Istres-Le Tube (BA 125) in 1996. The EPNER used to train crews involved in flight tests, there is a theoretical and implementation of test. Repaint by Fabien RAOUL
Restauravia Mirage IIIB (external site)
Posted May 20, 2013 14:36 by Fabien RAOUL
Hawkeye Simulations Hopkinsville-Christian County Airport KHVC
Hawkeye Simulations Hopkinsville-Christian County Airport KHVC
20.01Mb (944 downloads)
Welcome to the quaint little town of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Located in western Kentucky, right next to a highway, general aviation flights in this area are beautiful to fly around here, esspecially at sunset. Package includes Photo-Realistic Ground textures, custom objects aswell FSX Generic objects. FSX Acceleration is recommended. This is a requested scenery, if you'd like to request a scenery - Email: - - Created by: Tom Neubauer
Posted May 19, 2013 20:42 by Tom Neubauer
Up River...
Up River...
0.54Mb (1529 downloads)
The Chinmey City had always intrigued Professor Bummbaloo so he set up a fund to go there. Last week he got his wish and took a party of professors from the University of Meega to go along with him. Today an Indian, Buco Lungo Pooks, as he is known here in the Colombian jungle area brought the professor's notebook with quite a story. Due to what is written there some pilotos have been called to go look for the professor. The rainy season has started and bad weather sorrounds the area. Some pilotos will go others find the situation very dangerous so they'll stay away...that's life down here in the southern part of amigo.
Posted May 19, 2013 17:05 by Gera Godoy Canova
Mirage IIIB CEAM - Fix
5.66Mb (1167 downloads)
I was apparently too tired to be packaging and uploading files when I zipped up this set of textures last night. The M3B_CIFAS file set was ok but the M3B_CEAM set ended up with CIFAS texture files. So this fix will correct that. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience. These textures are intended for use with the Mirage IIIB by Restauravia. They represent a Mirage IIIB assigned to the Centre d'Experiences Aeriennes Militaires at Mont de Marsan in July 1974. Created using paintkit by Philippe Penot. Repaint by Frank Safranek.
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required file
Posted May 18, 2013 21:19 by Frank Safranek
CaptainSim C-130 Air Algerie Cargo Textures
CaptainSim C-130 Air Algerie Cargo Textures
2.36Mb (1766 downloads)
Air Algerie Cargo textures for the payware C-130 from Captain sim.
Posted May 18, 2013 20:45 by archive
FSX RAF Tornado GR4 617 Sqn 100 Yrs Textures
3.03Mb (1207 downloads)
FSX Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 617 Sqn 100 Yrs textures. Textures for ZA412 of 617 SQN RAF Lossiemouth, UK. Requires the freeware Tornado from UKMil. Textures by UKMil
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required file
Posted May 18, 2013 04:56 by UKMIL
FSX/FS2004 RAF 17 Sqn Typhoon Disbandment FGR4 Textures
7.81Mb (1325 downloads)
RAF 17 Sqn Typhoon Disbandment FGR4 textures. This pack will add 17 sqn textures for the ex payware Typhoon from Alphasim/Virtuavia. Textures by UKMIL
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required file
Posted May 18, 2013 04:52 by UKMIL
FSX/FS2004 RAF 41 Sqn Typhoon FGR4 Textures
7.77Mb (998 downloads)
RAF 41 Sqn Typhoon FGR4 textures for the ex payware Typhoon from Alphasim/Virtuavia. Textures by UKMIL
Required files:
required file
Posted May 18, 2013 04:40 by UKMIL