FSX > Page 1074

1.69Mb (900 downloads)
Adam Air KI PK-KKG Indonesia textures only for the default Boeing 737-800 (FSX Only).
Posted May 13, 2013 08:54 by realweb_id

48.66Mb (10814 downloads)
FSX Scenery--DublinX. This is proably the most realistic freeware for Dublin International airport (EIDW), Ireland, that you will ever download. It features lots of custom buildings made in Google Sketchup and part from the 3D warehouse. The scenery features the new terminal 2, Critchford, plus the old terminal building and very realistic ground textures also modeled in Google Sketchup and converted in Model Convertor X. The scenery also comes with fully functional AI traffic to really bring the airport alive (doesn't interfere with UT2 or Traffic 360 etc.). Plus many 3D cars and buses. The RBS jetways were modeled and are static however the other are default ones which are animated. By Harry Patten.
Posted May 13, 2013 08:51 by uploader

0.03Mb (1803 downloads)
Updated Version to my earlier upload of Norfolk Chambers Field Naval Station, Va, which is an enhancement of the standard scenery, according to Google Map Information. This airfield has been neglected by default FSX and not even one scenery free or commercial I found of it. Tested with UTX USA. Not tested with default scenery, but should work.
Version 1.4, complete, no need for the old file.
Posted May 13, 2013 06:56 by Blaunarwal

85.12Mb (5043 downloads)
Star Trek space scenery for AICarriers2 and Rob's space gauges(RCBS 20)- (Required)
This package features Bruce Fitzgeralds entire colection of Star Trek ships overhauled to FSX standard with light maps and hard decks
where possible as AI or pilotable objects.
RicardoPjr's TOS Enterprise modded for AI carriers use with landable deck.
Many new ships and space infrastructure added, all night lit and/or internaly lit, landable decks where
applicable. AIcarriers config provided.
Posted May 13, 2013 05:24 by Lazarus

1.15Mb (1993 downloads)
Contains a built-out White House south lawn with trees etc for a realistic helicopter landing experience. Also includes Anacosta Heliport, a staging area for WH missions for the USMC. The readme.txt file contains a link to a relevant You Tobe video that helps.
Posted May 12, 2013 07:00 by BigDawg205

61.80Mb (13607 downloads)
Boeing 777-200ER American Airlines Oneworld with new Virtual Cockpit and FMC for FSX.
American Airlines Oneworld livery Boeing 777-200ER N796AN. Includes revised VC and FMC
(via Views-Instrument panel). Model features are Opening doors & Cargo doors, detailed
textures, accurate paint, dynamic shine & effects, dynamic flexing wings that respond
to turbulence, fully independent suspension, trim animation, gear steering, accurate
flight dynamics, spoiler animation, reflective cockpit windows, crash effects,
animated tilting bogies, full night lighting, ground service vehicles when cargo
door open, (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), detailed virtual
cockpit and more. Added jetway configs (Ctrl J to enable jetway when parked) and custom B777 sounds. Model, VC model by
Project Opensky and professionally textured by Juan Rodriguez. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris
Evans. See FMC docs. FMC needs to be set in Flight Planning in FSX. (you cannot enter
into the FMC direct)
Posted May 12, 2013 06:30 by Chris Evans

12.98Mb (528 downloads)
N7029X "Air Dog" textures for the default FSX C172. Painted as a 1960 Cessna 150A, was owned and flown by Flight Instructor Ed Belsky at Barstow, California. Now flown by EAS29X in "Eastern Hops Cessna Sunday". Easy Installation. Screen shots enclosed. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Posted May 12, 2013 02:11 by Kevin Derby

15.98Mb (1992 downloads)
A HALO ringworld training site for AICarriers 2, to complement Bruce Fitzgerald's Sabre aerospace Starfighter and Rob Barendregt's Space Gauges- both required and recommended.
USNC Charon class frigates by Josh Wagstaff, updated with nightmaps, specular assignments and hard decks by Lazarus. Ringworld, spacestations,
incidental spacecraft and dropable nuclear warhead by Lazarus. Warhead dropable from saved flight only.
Posted May 11, 2013 01:48 by Lazarus Starkweather

17.67Mb (2091 downloads)
A group of AI military Starships for FSX(A) AIcarriers2 and Robs spacegauges.
Foss/Mckee inspired spacecraft, for use with Tim Conrads ACV-15 space carrier as Battlegroup components.
Crusier, Destroyer and Strike/AASW/General Purpose Frigate classes
Landable where applicable, specular and night lighting, internal lighting, multiple
paint schemes. AICarriers config provided.
By Lazarus.
Posted May 11, 2013 00:45 by Lazarus Starkweather

6.31Mb (626 downloads)
Albanian Airlines textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400. Made by Pashtrik Zekolli
Posted May 10, 2013 22:42 by Lirat Zekolli