FSX > Page 1141

8.57Mb (2678 downloads)
LAN textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800. Repainted by Maxi Salas
Posted Nov 27, 2012 10:01 by Maxi Salas

44.86Mb (2479 downloads)
The package includes the Golden Age Simulations CTO models represented as the Northwest Airways WACO fleet being operated as an airmail service in 1929-1936. The staff consists of a historical fleet (in two configurations - with or without engine jacket and landing gear pants), powered by 330 hp Wright R-975E engine and a pack of two airworthy survivors with 365 hp R-975E-1. Apart the original models and basic texture the package also includes all necessary liveries and two new VC panels. Paints and modifications by Vladimir Gonchar
Posted Nov 26, 2012 22:06 by Vladimir Gonchar

1.46Mb (1660 downloads)
Boeing 777-300ER IranAir textures for the Skyspirit Boeing 777-300ER
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2012 19:19 by Amirhossein Tarmast

2.14Mb (3591 downloads)
Fictional textures for Thomas Ruth's Airbus A340-600 in KLM livery. Original plane uploaded by T.Marson.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2012 17:58 by Lars

49.53Mb (7498 downloads)
I updated Kazunori Ito's FS2004/2002 Mikoyan MIG-23MF 'Flogger G'. I re gauged the origional panel with Bill Wolfgen's Russian gauges, Brett Hoskin's 3MS gauges, and gauges from Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. I also added the Soviet Mig-21. Soundpackage for FS2002 By Aaron R. Swindle (Skysong/Soundworks), texture thumbnails and I also included Michael Pearson's textures for: NVA Nationale Volksarmee (East Germany), Armada de Mexico (fictional), Romanian Air Force, Belarus Air Force, Cote d' Ivoire Air Force, Egyptian Air Force, Ethiopian Air Force, Hungarian Air Force, Sri Lankan Air Force, Ukraine Air Force, China-Pakistan, Algerian Air Force, Afghan Air Force, Angolan Air Force, Bulgarian Air Force, Cuban Air Force, Czech Air Force, Czech Air Force Tiger Meet, Indian Air Force, Iraqi Air Force, Libyan Air Force, Soviet & Russian Federation Air Force, North Korean Air Force, Polish Air Force, South Yemen Air Force, Syrian Air Force and Vietnamese Air Force (40 Planes total). No VC panel.
Posted Nov 26, 2012 06:26 by Michael E. Roberts

68.77Mb (2432 downloads)
This is the fully updated and compatible freeware add-on for the new France VFR Alsace Scenery 3D automation. This is the result of 4 years of hand modeling by the Alsatian authors (Etien and Laudey1) which add 140 detailed castles, churches, ruins, the main Strasbourg buildings etc. It includes night illuminations as well.
Posted Nov 25, 2012 22:36 by etien

5.60Mb (2996 downloads)
This is the compatibility update of Colmar Houssen for the New France VFR Photoreal Alsace 3D automation and its freeware mandatory complementary addon Alsace Pack by the same author.
Posted Nov 25, 2012 22:32 by etien

63.09Mb (7530 downloads)
Project Airbus A319 easyjet Unicef
Includes default VC, upgraded by Jim Fly.
You can find this aircraft under 'Project Airbus' in your FSX menu.
Repaint by Jim Fly for FSRepaintsGER
Posted Nov 25, 2012 17:06 by Jim Fly

0.02Mb (616 downloads)
This is a fix for the aliased sound.cfg for the ARX-5X Expansion Pack (arx5x_exp_jt.zip). By Jason L. Terry
Posted Nov 25, 2012 16:59 by Jason Terry

1.92Mb (2126 downloads)
Textures for the Bombardier-q400x by Premier Aircraft Design representing the current Augsburg Airways livery. Package contains textures and an automatic installer for the aircraft.cfg registry.
Thanks to PAD for this beautiful model and the repaint kit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 25, 2012 12:08 by dave_h