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FSX > Page 1156
iSDT ATR 72-500 Wings Air
iSDT ATR 72-500 Wings Air
19.93Mb (12122 downloads)
iSDT ATR 72-500. Wings Air is a commuter carrier of Indonesia, a subsidiary of Lion Air. It currently operated 17 ATRs with 42 on order(mixed between -500s and -600s). Aircraft included with default Learjet 45 panel. Livery by Joe Tan. FSX ONLY
Posted Oct 30, 2012 13:11 by RyanID
Kyushu K9W1 Cypress Package
Kyushu K9W1 Cypress Package
7.36Mb (1734 downloads)
Kyushu K9W1 Cypress Package with custom VC and gauges. In August 1942 after the completion of negotiations for obtaining the manufacturing rights of the Bü 131, Watanabe (later renamed Kyushu) put the type into production as the Navy Type 2 Primary Trainer Model 11 (K9W1) using Japanese aircraft engines. Named Momiji (Maple) and code named "Cypress" by the Allies, the K9W1 became the Navy's standard primary trainer.
Posted Oct 30, 2012 11:49 by Krop Alexander
Bücker Bü 131A Jungmann Package
Bücker Bü 131A Jungmann Package
Bücker Bü 131A Jungmann. Aircraft by O. Fischer Repainted by Krop Alexander. The German Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" (Young man) was a 1930s basic training aircraft which was used by the Luftwaffe during World War II. Includes VC and custom gauges.
Posted Oct 30, 2012 10:33 by Krop Alexander
FSX cameras for Tupolev Tu-16 Badger
FSX cameras for Tupolev Tu-16 Badger
0.25Mb (829 downloads)
FSX cameras and gun effects for the Tupolev Tu-16 Badger rom Alphasim/now Virtavia. Requires from ThatFS2004 Tu-16 flightmodel isfully FSX-compatible. My camera definitions provides 3 external close views, 4 external total views and 4 internal extra views, like bombardier and rear cockpit. Gun effects can be triggered using Light- and smokesystem. Configuration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 30, 2012 09:28 by Erwin Welker
Sukhoi Su-25K/TM(Su-39) Frogfoot Multi Livery Package
Sukhoi Su-25K/TM(Su-39) Frogfoot Multi Livery Package
38.11Mb (5416 downloads)
I compiled Kazunori Ito's FS2004/2002 Sukhoi Su-25K/TM(Su-39), Daniel CARERRI, BENOIT PLAMONDON & MARK CRANSTON -- AEROMUSICA "Pratt & Whitney PW JT8D Turbofan" sound set", and 11 additional textures with thumbnails by Michael Pearson. Included textures are: Ethiopian Air Force, North Korean Air Force, Turkmenistan Air Force, Angolan Air Force, Democratic Congo Air Force, Cote d' Ivoire Air Force, Eritrean Air Force, Belarus Air Force, Iranian Air Force, Fuerza Aerea Peru, Ukraine Airforce, Czech Airforce and Russian Airforce. I replaced the 2D panel gauges with ones from Jan Moravec's Su-15 2D panel and Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. I also gave it a ground/terrain radar. This package includes 15 textures and 2 models (Clean and Armed) for a total of 30 planes. No VC panel.
Posted Oct 30, 2012 01:44 by Michael E. Roberts
Royal Star Aviation Fairchild Dornier 328 Jet
Royal Star Aviation Fairchild Dornier 328 Jet
27.32Mb (9026 downloads)
FSX Dornier Do328 JET ROYAL STAR AVIATION RP-C8328 32 seat twin turbofan regional airliner. All new model with full moving parts, doors with airstair and animated pilots. Accurate and pleasant flight dynamics. Fully modelled interior. Full documentation including manuals and check/ref lists. Custom panel and VC with digital (glass cockpit) gauges. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design. Visit: Royal Star Aviation commercial aircraft (helicopter & fixed wing) charters. They secured their Certificate of Public Conveyance and Necessity from the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) on October 6, 1995 and Air Operator Certificate on September 15, 1998. Based in Ninoy Aquino International Airport (RPLL), General Aviation, Pasay City, Philippines.Repaint by Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Oct 29, 2012 23:33 by Gerard G. Olvis
Views for the Iris Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor
Views for the Iris Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor
0.12Mb (3012 downloads)
This package contains 2 sets of camera views ( defined by camera definitions in the aircraft.cfg file ) for the beautiful Iris Simulations ex-payware Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor ( Lightning II ). Beware : this package is meant to be used with the "FSX F-22A Raptor Package". A F-22A model by Virtavia is also available but I did not test my views with that one. Version 1.0 cameras are located at about the same level of the aircraft. Version 2.0 is based on version 1.0 but some of the cameras are placed at a higher level. 10 cameras pointing at the aircraft - including a new "Top-down" zoomable view. Total of 6 VC cams including 2 new "Over the shoulder" views. See Read me.txt file for very easy installation procedures. Camera definitions sets are included in 2 separate text files. And finally two more files - Available.pdf and Top 20.pdf for informations about my "camera definitions" packages.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 29, 2012 16:08 by Marc Renaud
Robin DR221 Widescreen 2D Panel
Robin DR221 Widescreen 2D Panel
2.53Mb (911 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for François-Denis Guidée, Yves Franckart & Jean-Pierre Bourgeois' wonderful Robin DR221 updated to FSX by Jean-Paul Ventalon. Includes main panel, landing/cruise panel, adapted minipanel and upgraded avionics. The DR200 taildragger series are probably the best Robins ever!
DR221 available here (French site. See 'download instructions' in file for information) External link. Please report when broken
Posted Oct 29, 2012 15:25 by Jean-Luc Peters
FSX/FS2004 Beechcraft T-34 Mentor
FSX/FS2004 Beechcraft T-34 Mentor
26.18Mb (4573 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Beechcraft T-34 Mentor This is Alpha Sim's Freeware release of the T-34 Mentor upgraded to FSX. The T-34 Mentor began as a private venture designed by Walter Beech shortly after WW II. Beech felt that there was a market for a military trainer based on the Model 35 Bonanza which had been flying for about a year. The first two prototypes were powered by 205 hp Continental engines while the third had a more powerful 225 horsepower engine. The prototype made its first flight Dec. 2, 1948. This aircraft.mdl has updated 2D and 3D Panel, Flight Dynamics and gauges. It can also be flown in FS2004 and FSX acceleration. Upgrade by A.F.Scrub
Posted Oct 29, 2012 12:51 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/FS2004 SO 8000 Narval Package
FSX/FS2004 SO 8000 Narval Package
29.68Mb (5845 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 SO 8000 Narval, full package, by Patrice Grange. The "Sud-Ouest" SO-8000 Narval was a French prototype designed in 1949 as a shipboard fighter and attack aircraft, with a particular twin-boom confuguration and two contra-rotating pushing propellers. The first flight took place on April 1st 1949. However, the program, like a few other ones in this period, was finally cancelled... This is a shame, since it was such a beautiful aircraft! The model has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gears, spoilers, canopy, weapons, ladder, ...) + a custom panel compatible with FS2004 and FSX + a VC. Fully compatible with both FS2004 and FSX (SP2).
Posted Oct 29, 2012 04:45 by Patrice Grange