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FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for New Zealand.
155.31Mb (878 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas. This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data. Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values. But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands? So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh. Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public. ASTER GDEM Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved. ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Oct 29, 2012 04:44 by Wayne Evans
Boeing 737-800 SpiceJet Package
Boeing 737-800 SpiceJet Package
19.25Mb (5001 downloads)
.The new Spice Jet fleet of the Boeing 737-800. SpiceJet is a low-cost airline headquartered in Chennai, India. Uses the Skyspirit FSX model, enhanced VC by Alejandro Lucena and ricardo_tv update and texture. Enjoy flying NG's new generation
Posted Oct 29, 2012 04:14 by ricardo_tv
FSX Features for Alphasim Catalinas
FSX Features for Alphasim Catalinas
0.75Mb (1400 downloads)
FSX panel bitmaps, cameras and weapon effects for the PBY Catalina from Alphasim, now Virtavia freeware. The panel bitmap is improved by headover throttles and a typical Catalina yoke. There are 5 internal and 3 external aircraft view cameras plus 1 cockpit view. The smokesystem is configured with weapon effects. Configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 28, 2012 23:38 by Erwin Welker
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Package - Late Version
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Package - Late Version
23.43Mb (14873 downloads)
Fightertown Design Group B-17G late model. All credits are for them! Full working VC, 2D-panel with minipanel and bomb-scope. All necessary gauges included. Two liveries and great sound. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 28, 2012 18:45 by erik hertzberger
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Package - Early Version
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Package - Early Version
22.97Mb (5862 downloads)
Fightertown Design Group B-17G early model. All credits are for them! Full working VC, 2D-panel with minipanel and bomb-scope. All necessary gauges included. Two liveries and great sound. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 28, 2012 18:37 by erik hertzberger
Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress Package
Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress Package
21.13Mb (4521 downloads)
Fightertown Design Group B-17F. All credits are for them! Full working VC, 2D-panel with minipanel and bomb-scope. All necessary gauges included. One texture and great sound. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 28, 2012 18:29 by erik hertzberger
Boeing B-17E Flying Fortress Package
Boeing B-17E Flying Fortress Package
23.08Mb (3569 downloads)
Fightertown Design Group B-17E. All credits are for them! Full working VC, 2D-panel with minipanel and bomb-scope. All necessary gauges included. Two liveries and great sound. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 28, 2012 18:13 by erik hertzberger
FSX Boeing 737-800 Norwegian Air Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Norwegian Air Textures
8.11Mb (3488 downloads)
Norwegian Air textures for the default FSX Boeing 737-800. The company was founded as Det Norske Luftfartselskap Fred. Olsen A/S in 1933 and became one of the three founders of Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS). In 2008 it took delivery of its first Boeing 737-800 New Generation aircraft, and a year later the journey from Seattle to Oslo to was completed in nine hours. By 2011 it became the first airline to offer in-flight WiFi on European routes, a big hit with passengers (especially as it was free) as a result the entire 737-800 fleet has been commissioned for connection. Also in 2011 their new base at Helsinki was established allowing around 1 million Finnish travellers to use the carrier.
Posted Oct 28, 2012 11:34 by Paul Davies
Sukhoi Su-17 22 Multi Livery Package
Sukhoi Su-17 22 Multi Livery Package
40.16Mb (4418 downloads)
I compiled Kazunori Ito's FS2002/FS2004 Sukhoi Su-17M4, Aaron R. Swindle,s Skysong Soundworks Soviet Mig-21 Fighter Soundpackage, and 28 textures with thumbnails. I replaced the 2D panel gauges with ones from Jan Moravec's Su-15 2D panel and Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. This package includes Michael Pearson's 26 SU-22 textures for: Luftwaffe, East German Air Force, Czech Air Force, Slovakian Air Force, Sudanese Air Force, Hungarian Air Force, Iranian Air Force, Fuerza Aerea de Peru, Polish Air Force, Algerian Air Force, Angolan Air Force, Libyan Air Force, Syrian Air Force, Bulgarian Air Force, Egyptian Air Force, Iraqi Air Force, Vietnamese People's Air Force, Russian Air Force, Ukraine Air Force and Afghanistan Air Force. And Alfonso Patron's 2 Peruvian Su-22 textures: 25th aniversary FAP Peruvian Air Forces and Tigers Grupo 11 FAP Peruvian Air Forces. No VC panel.
Posted Oct 28, 2012 03:53 by Michael E. Roberts
FSX Airbus Cockpit Texture Upgrade
FSX Airbus Cockpit Texture Upgrade
19.59Mb (8281 downloads)
Thank you for downloading the FSX Repaint "Virtual Cockpit" textures Upgrade for Airbus, A321, A330-200/300, A340-200/300/500/600 and A380-800. This package contains textures that will make the Airbus "cockpit textures" appear in full resolution and with more color to enjoy happy and relaxed flights. You can use these textures with the default fsx A321 and the Thomas Ruth A330's and A340's too. [As always with these things - back up your originals in case you want to go back!]
Posted Oct 27, 2012 21:22 by Enrique Cornejo