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FSX > Page 1440
 Curtiss Hawk 75 Captured Textures
 Curtiss Hawk 75 Captured Textures
9.36Mb (294 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Curtiss Hawk 75N textures for the The Curtiss P-36 Hawk by A.F.Scrub. This fictional texture of the Hawk 75 Captured by Germany; repainted by SJ Avila
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 19:28 by Steven J. Avila
T-34 Mentor Turbo USAF Textures
T-34 Mentor Turbo USAF Textures
10.34Mb (1150 downloads)
T-34 Mentor Turbo USAF textures Original By Alpha Sim. Updated by Mark Rooks/Danny Garnier. This fictional texture of the T-34 Mentor Turbo repainted by SJ Avila.
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 19:17 by Steven J. Avila
Aerfer Ariete Luftwaffe Textures
Aerfer Ariete Luftwaffe Textures
9.89Mb (450 downloads)
Aerfer Ariete Luftwaffe Textures. Requires the Aircraft model by Capt. I. D'Attomo,Capt. G.Quai Giovanni. This fictional texture of the Aerfer Ariete Luftwaffe repainted by SJ Avila.
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 19:09 by Steven J. Avila
FS2004/FSX Cheetah C  Desert Textures
FS2004/FSX Cheetah C  Desert Textures
6.72Mb (1438 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cheetah C Desert Textures. Requires the Cheetah package for FSX and FS2004 by Thinus Pretorius This texture of the Atlas Cheetah C repainted in Desert colours by SJ Avila
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 16:57 by Steven J. Avila
 Grumman F11F Tiger US Navy Textures
 Grumman F11F Tiger US Navy Textures
8.00Mb (588 downloads)
Grumman F11F Tiger US Navy Textures only. Texture for FSX of the Grumman F-11F Tiger by Capt. I. D'Attomo and Capt. G.Quai., repainted by SJ Avila using the fs repaint v2 by Abacus.
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required file
Posted Apr 6, 2011 16:49 by Steven J. Avila
Wilco 737-500 Continental Textures
4.94Mb (713 downloads)
Continental textures for Wilco's 737PIC
Posted Apr 6, 2011 11:21 by Johnny Mitchell
Wilco 737-500 United Textures
6.61Mb (410 downloads)
New United merger colors for the Payware Wilco 737PIC by Johnny Mitchell
Posted Apr 6, 2011 11:20 by Johnny Mitchell
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt/Farnsworth 108 Textures 5-Pack
FSX/FS2004 Messerschmitt/Farnsworth 108 Textures 5-Pack
10.42Mb (1225 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Messerschmitt-Farnsworth 108 repaint textures 5-pack for the Guenter Kraemer freeware FS2004 Me108 B-1 Taifun, which you must have previously installed in FS2004 or FSX. Built under license to Messerschmitt by the Farnsworth Fictional Aeroplane Company, these five uniquely original yet nearly completely identical Farnsworth 108 models strive to deliver maximum airborn excitement while maintaining the meek, mild handling and performance traits we weekend throttle jockeys have come to crave in our civil aviation machines. What? Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 06:37 by Tom Tiedman
FSX-Grumman AA-5A Cheetah Textures
3.74Mb (213 downloads)
Textures for the Tim Piglet Conrad's AA-5A Cheetah package for FSx and FS2004.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 5, 2011 18:20 by Benjamin Bookman
FSx-Mooney Bravo Red Textures
FSx-Mooney Bravo Red Textures
2.24Mb (922 downloads)
This is one of my first tries at repainting an airplane. It is the FSX default black and white Mooney Bravo painted with a red underside.
Posted Apr 5, 2011 17:53 by Benjamin Bookman