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FSX > Page 1443
Invaders UFO  German Flying Disk
Invaders UFO  German Flying Disk
8.87Mb (6775 downloads)
he Invaders UFO for FSX / FS2004. This file provides THE INVADERS TV Sweries UFO. Includes VC. More tha mach 4.5! Many animated parts. English and spanish documents. Uses default MS B737-400 reworked sound files. Its part of a big project which includes AI models and UFO traffic around the world. By Libardo Guzman (GUZMAN-ARTES) repaint: Germans Flying Disk by SJ Avila for the 1INVADERS-GUZMAN_ARTES addon. Texture by Guzman Artes, repainted by SJ Avila using the fs repaint v2 by Abacus.
Posted Mar 31, 2011 18:03 by Steven J. Avila
Advanced Boeing 727-200 Updated for SP1 Users
Advanced Boeing 727-200 Updated for SP1 Users
34.48Mb (8599 downloads)
Thomas Ruth's great Boeing727-200 for FSX updated for FSX SP1 users, now with custom sound and simpler installation than ever! Comes in two liveries: Hapag Lloyd and Pacific Air Express. Same classic virtual cockpit as the original, gauges are combined especially for FSX users who have service pack 1 only. Not tested with SP2, but it will probably recognize the new gauges. Enjoy!
Posted Mar 31, 2011 17:51 by The Ozzman
Antonov An-72 Package for FSX
Antonov An-72 Package for FSX
0.60Mb (8048 downloads)
Samdim Design Antonov An-72 adapted for FSX. Featuring reflective DDS textures, virtual cockpit (VC) with camera definitions, moving surfaces, wheels and doors. Excellent STOL flight model. Default FSX gauges and sounds were used for this FSX adaptation. Airplane in Aeroflot livery. Adapted by Branislav Jansik
Posted Mar 30, 2011 02:36 by Branislav Jansik
FSX Turbo Arrow Package
FSX Turbo Arrow Package
16.13Mb (6663 downloads)
This is Hauke Keitel's Piper PA28-201 Updated for Flight Simulator X. This Aircraft has been updated with new flight dynamics to match the performance of a real of a Piper PA28 201R-T " Turbo Arrow" circa 1977 - 1980. This Aircraft package has a new 2D and VC cockpit with a New GPS and new effects. Textures and updates By Mark " Fireball " Rooks of RDG Aircraft
Posted Mar 29, 2011 22:30 by Mark Fireball Rooks
48kW and 72Kw GPU's
3.06Mb (1735 downloads)
The library was built for use with EZ-Scenery Manager it mainly covers the 70s and 80's although the 48kW and 72Kw GPU's can be used with Tornadoes. The loaders are mud mover orientated. The models were mainly produced from photos and in some cases I managed to find dimensions. Paul Mitchell
Posted Mar 29, 2011 11:43 by Paul Mitchell
Boeing 747-800 First Flight Livery Package
Boeing 747-800 First Flight Livery Package
72.83Mb (14317 downloads)
skyspirit2011 Boeing 747-8 intercontinenal I've altered the textures so they fit the freighter version that way we get a VC . modified by Stephen Browning
Posted Mar 29, 2011 11:18 by Stephen Browning
Thunderbird 1
5.88Mb (4372 downloads)
FSX Thunderbird 1 with new effects. Includes afterburner effects and flames and smoke for hovering.
Posted Mar 29, 2011 07:00 by Ryan
Alaska Navaid Update 2011
0.49Mb (806 downloads)
The default Flight Simulator database of VOR/NDB's is fast becoming out of date, Making VOR navigation using current IFR en-route charts impractical to impossible. When flying along charted airways, this discrepancy can cause you to become far off course. This update solves that problem by re-calibrating all navigation aids in Alaska based on information submitted to the FAA January 13, 2011. This allows you to accurately navigate using any navaid in Alaska while using current IFR en-route charts. This update includes magnetic variation data, and navaid position. All data was compiled from the ground up.
Posted Mar 28, 2011 16:44 by Wilson Malone-AKFS Design
ISDT ATR 42-500 TACA Regional
ISDT ATR 42-500 TACA Regional
12.30Mb (12631 downloads)
ISDT Highly detailed ATR42-500 in TACA livery with Philippe Wallaert 2D panel (no VC). Painted by Stephen Browning
Posted Mar 28, 2011 10:40 by Stephen Browning
Seafire Mk XV
Seafire Mk XV
4.44Mb (4092 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Seafire Mk XV After the Mk III series the next Seafire variant to appear was the Seafire F Mk XV, which was powered by a Griffon VI (single-stage supercharger, rated at 1,850 hp (1,379 kW) at 2,000 ft (610 ft) driving a 10 ft 5 in Rotol propeller. Designed in response to Specification N.4/43 this Seafire version was a mixture of a strengthened Spitfire Mk XII airframe with folding wings.The fuel tanks, retractable tailwheel and broad-chord "pointed" rudder came from the Spitfire VIII. The first squadron to receive the Seafire Mk.XV in the Pacific was No.801 Squadron (HMS Implacable), which received the new aircraft in September 1945 in Australia. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 28, 2011 09:06 by A.F.Scrub