FSX > Page 1447

11.23Mb (6730 downloads)
FSX/P3D Short Empire flying boat ver 3.0.
These famous aircraft formed the backbone of the Imperial Airways, it's sucessor BOAC. and its partners Qantas Empire Airways and TEAL from the mid 1930s and through World War Two. Three variants in six color schemes included. Version 3 model it the native FSX format, with more accurate cockpit. An FS2004 version is available separately. By Jens B. Kristensen
Posted Mar 22, 2011 03:49 by Jens B. Kristensen

7.45Mb (1289 downloads)
Deep in the North Eastern mountains of Guatemala is Milpa Alta Gold Mine belonging to Canada Bushquak Metals and H2O. The Miners are changed every three months and it is time to take the next batch up there. As Chief pilot of the only DH6 you have been assigned to this task. You will take off from Puerto Barrios(MGPB) under a wet sky. Most of the miners going there have quite a bit of booze inside them so fly gently otherwise you will have to clean the plane upon return to base....Good Luck!
Posted Mar 21, 2011 22:39 by Gera Godoy Canova

2.87Mb (1691 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Nakajima E8N1 floatplane
The Nakajima was basically an updated version of the E4N2. Of similar biplane configuration, with a central float and underwing stabilising floats, it was powered by a 433kW Kotobuki 2 KAI 1 radial engine. Used successfully, during the Sino-Japanese War in roles which included artillery spotting and dive-bombing as well as reconnaissance, some were still operating from navy vessels at the beginning of the Pacific war, gaining the Allied codename 'Dave'. They were soon diverted to secondline duties such as communications, liaison and training.Gmax mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 21, 2011 18:21 by A.F.Scrub

0.90Mb (794 downloads)
UKMil Tornado RAF ADV 25th Anniversary Textures only. Requires the UKMil Tornado base package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 21, 2011 16:34 by UKMIL

0.33Mb (4042 downloads)
Widescreen 2D panel for the default MS Boeing 737_800.
Posted Mar 21, 2011 16:15 by Jean-Luc Peters

7.75Mb (958 downloads)
Estuary Eagles textures for Tim Comrad's PC-6C_H2 Fairchild-built version of the Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter, with the Garrett TPE 331 turboprop engine. Repaint by John Hauck.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 20, 2011 17:19 by John Hauck

120.64Mb (20981 downloads)
CRJ-200 and 700 packages. Models by Project Opensky with the default CRJ vc added to the 700, soundsets, 2d panel, views, dynamics, animations and much more. Liveries: CRJ-200: United Express, US Airways Express, Delta Connection - Comair, CRJ-700: Delta Connection NC, American Eagle, Brit Air (Air France), Lufthansa Regional CityLine
Posted Mar 20, 2011 13:19 by Rob "Ace_Pilot_Rob" McAlister

25.30Mb (16773 downloads)
Thomas Ruth's Airbus A340-300 in Turkish Airlines livery. Includes VC
Posted Mar 20, 2011 10:15 by daniel

54.26Mb (7367 downloads)
Vans RV-7 Package. With multi liveries and FSX updated VC.The RV-7/7A is an all-around sport airplane, with excellent cross-country capability, fine aerobatic qualities and superior handling. This was originally from FS2004 and has been updated for FSX. Could not discover original author. Initial FSX updates by RV8r with gauge corrections and thumbnails added by Chris Evans.
Posted Mar 20, 2011 04:28 by RV8R

52.14Mb (12320 downloads)
Project Airbus A380 with Thomas Ruth A340 virtual cockpit painted in Korean air
livery by Stephen Browning
Posted Mar 19, 2011 16:32 by Stephen Browning