FSX > Page 1449

31.62Mb (16905 downloads)
Boeing 747-400LCF 'Dreamlifter'. Uses the default Boeing 747-400 virtual cockpit, and comes with a custom Pratt & Whitney soundset. This model is very frame rate friendly! By POSKY/Free Sky Project. Updated to fix VC textures
Posted Mar 17, 2011 10:31 by Jesse Cruzu

7.97Mb (7453 downloads)
B-66 Destroyer package for FSX. Features opening crew entry hatch (shift-e) speed brakes (/-key, opening bomb bay on B-66B model only, (Concorde visor key), toggle pilot on/off - shift-W. Turbine Glow Effect - this is automatic and cuts it at a medium throttle setting Vapour Trails - as well as the usual wingtip vapour trails, this model also has flap vapour trails, these are only visible when airborne and when the flaps are on their first setting. Ex payware from Virtuavia.
Posted Mar 17, 2011 10:01 by virtuavia

3.87Mb (2128 downloads)
Widescreen (16:9) version of my update of Danny Garnier's 2D FSX panel for Romain Lucas great Super Etendard Modernise, including easy access landing panel to facilitate perfect approaches.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 17, 2011 05:24 by Jean-Luc Peters

21.70Mb (2049 downloads)
FSX-SP2 compatible update of the freeware FS9
DeHavilland Heron by Dee Waldron. Includes
5 repaints and a flyable, easily paintable
'paint kit' model. Textures are 32 bit with
no mips for clarity. Uses the FSX default DC-3
panel and sound (no VC), but feel free to
install your own favorite 4-engine panel
and any sound you please.
Posted Mar 16, 2011 21:59 by Tom Tiedman

6.92Mb (1644 downloads)
Grand Theft Auto FLYUS Textures for the default FSX B747-400.
Posted Mar 16, 2011 20:05 by groach10

10.43Mb (2299 downloads)
This is Tim Conrad's T-33 ( T-Bird ) Updated For Flight Simulator X. Design work for the Lockheed P-80 began in 1943 with the first flight on 8 January 1944. Following on the Bell P-59, the P-80 became the first jet fighter to enter full squadron service in the United States Army Air Forces. This Aircraft is the Photo Recon Version a RT-33. The RT-33A carried a 12-inch focal length nose oblique camera and 6-inch cameras in the left, right and vertical 'tri-met' stations. This Aircraft has a new 2D and 3D fully functioning cockpits and new Effects.Textures and Updates by Mark " Fireball " Rooks of RDG Aircraft. Package Includes Pictures and History of The T-33 Nicknamed " The Ace Maker ".
Posted Mar 16, 2011 16:51 by Mark Fireball Rooks
![Embraer Legacy 600 [N515JT]](https://static.simviation.com/Legacy 600 [1].jpg-thumb.jpg)
![Embraer Legacy 600 [N515JT]](https://static.simviation.com/Legacy 600 [3].jpg-thumb.jpg)
19.05Mb (8789 downloads)
This is a repaint of OpenSky Embraer Legacy 600. Tested in FSX Acc. pack. Uses default 737 2d panel. No VC.
Posted Mar 16, 2011 14:35 by Nael

0.73Mb (920 downloads)
Kawasaki T-4 Trainer of 304 Hikotai/8 Kokudan (304th Tactical Fighter Squadron/8th Air Wing)
Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) based at Tsuiki AB (RJFZ) in 20th Anniversary markings. Texture mods by Frank Safranek. For use with "Kawasaki T-4 FSX Exterior.zip" by Team FS KBT.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 16, 2011 12:14 by Frank Safranek

4.53Mb (3066 downloads)
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Interior Model Revised
This is a revision correcting a parts overlap error in the original version.
This interior model complements the C-47 Skytrain Exterior Pack, adding wing
and engine views and Marvin Carter's "green" cockpit texture repaint. By
Manfred Jahn and Marvin Carter. Prior installation of Manfred Jahn's Douglas
C-47 Skytrain Exterior Base Pack 1.0 required.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 16, 2011 08:46 by uploader

13.51Mb (1406 downloads)
FSX Douglas DC-3 / C-47 Swiss Airlines Textures
This is a repaint of Manfred Jahn's Douglas C-47.
Repaint only, C-47 Skytrain Exterior Base Pack 1.0 required (C47BASEPACK.ZIP), optionally also the interior model tweak C47_INTERIOR.ZIP.
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 16, 2011 08:45 by uploader