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FSX > Page 1545
Milwaukee Gen Mitchell International Airport
3.80Mb (1262 downloads)
Milwaukee Gen Mitchell International Airport (KMKE), Wisconsin (WI). Remodelled for FSX. SEP 2010. Overhaul of base FSX version using ADE 9x only. Highly detailed version of the airport requiring no additional addons etc. Runway and taxiway shoulders, stopways, service roads etc. Slight fictional adjustments to secondary runways and some taxiways, but essentially same layout as in real life.
Posted Sep 15, 2010 05:57 by joe patroni
Private Honolulu Island
Private Honolulu Island
0.33Mb (1852 downloads)
Fictional Island scenery with short runways, heliports, carriers, oil rigs etc... a small but fun scenery!
Posted Sep 14, 2010 07:23 by JM-Works
PC-6 D-FJMO Textures
PC-6 D-FJMO Textures
2.49Mb (673 downloads)
Textures only for the PC-6 by Tim Conrad in the colours of the D-FJMO, flown by a Skydivergroup called "Skydive Nuggets" in Leutkirch, Germany. Made by Marius Kramer.
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Posted Sep 14, 2010 07:22 by Marius Kramer
Andorra Photoreal – FSX
650.01Mb (12259 downloads)
Andorra Photoreal – FSX Officially the Principality of Andorra (Catalan: Principat d'Andorra), also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra is a small country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. It is the sixth smallest nation in Europe having an area of 468 km2 (181 sq mi) and an estimated population of 83,888 in 2009. Its capital, Andorra la Vella, is the highest capital city in Europe, being at an elevation of 1023 metres I have added 2 Heliports & 1 small runway to the scenery and those that love VFR or Chopper flying will love this scenery very much. By Andy Aundrias
Posted Sep 13, 2010 23:05 by Andy Aundrias
Andorra Photoreal Version 2 Update
153.25Mb (8550 downloads)
Andorra Photoreal Version 2 Update for FSX. This files adds about another 650 sq kms of photoreal Scenery to the areas around "LESU & LECD"(Spain) as well as fixes for both Airports. Also you MUST have "" installed before using this Update and is available here. You MUST install the "Scenery Objects Libray" for this to work and you can download this from my website By Andy Aundrias
Posted Sep 13, 2010 20:07 by Andy Aundrias
Pilatus / Fairchild Hiller Porter 2D Panel
Pilatus / Fairchild Hiller Porter 2D Panel
1.02Mb (1583 downloads)
2D panel for Tim Conrad's outstanding Pilatus / Fairchild Hiller Porter.
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Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:44 by Jean-Luc Peters
FSX PC-6C U.S. Army "Golden Knights" Textures
6.38Mb (1018 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a U.S. Army "Golden Knights" livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. The Golden Knights are the world famous U.S. Army parachute demo-team, that have used a variety of turboprop aircraft in the past. Among these types are the Fokker C-31 troopship and the DHC UV-18A Twin Otter. This livery represents a "what if" PC-6C Turbo Porter in a "Golden Knights" livery. You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
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Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:37 by René Spaan
FSX Acceleration F18 Red Arrows Textures
1.04Mb (1471 downloads)
Red Arrows textures for the Default FSX Acceleration F18.
Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:32 by HOTZONER
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter
14.18Mb (3023 downloads)
FSX Cessna 402A Utilifreighter. "Schropeshire Air Freight Express, Ltd.", royal warrant holder of the royal charter "By Appointment To Her Majesty", on 24 hour on-call standby to provide rapid delivery of polo equipment and equine veterinary supplies, as well as canine veterinary supplies, to the royal household polo pony stables and Welsh Corgi kennels of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth and her dashing son, Prince Charles. Serving the royal polo grounds and kennels of Schropeshire, Maudlinshire, Hampdenshire, Northampdenshire, Worcestershire, Dinsdaleshire, Crumpetshire and Shire on Glengaryshire-shire, Schropeshire Air Freight Express, Ltd. is the only air freight service fit for a queen! Also includes the Henry Tomkiewicz blank white passenger model, flyable as well. Uses default Baron sound and panel (no VC). Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Sep 13, 2010 13:03 by Tom Tiedman
Guatemala DeLuxe...Part I
Guatemala DeLuxe...Part I
7.56Mb (766 downloads)
This is the first part of the Series "Central America Airports and airfields". Here in Part I you will be able to fly to the Western part of Guatemala. New AFCADS, new objects and Land Class as well as some out of the way Bush airfields. Enclosed also several Flights under all kinds of weather like: Very Dangerous Helicopter flight to a truck accident, Vaccine flight to a flew infested town, a tourist flight to a Mayan complex with no airfield!! and others.
Posted Sep 13, 2010 12:39 by Gera Godoy Canova