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FSX > Page 1542
Banking Camera ver 1.0
Banking Camera ver 1.0
0.26Mb (16930 downloads)
Automatically banks the camera view as you bank the aircraft - enables you to 'look where you're going' without having to pan around using the HatSwitch. As you roll wings level, the camera banks level again. It's almost like a head-tracking device, but without all the hardware strapped to your head! Software is free and may be copied/distributed unaltered. Code by Justin Probert, South Africa
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:34 by Justin Probert
OTBD - Doha International, Qatar
OTBD - Doha International, Qatar
0.45Mb (1176 downloads)
FSX OTBD - Doha International, Qatar A beautifully mastered AFCAD for the current Doha Intl for the Default FSX Airport. Built using Google Maps and Jeppesen Charts. Includes the new Eastern Apron and a remastered Terminal area. Hangars, Aprons, Vehicle paths, Military Parking, Cargo Area and General Aviation areas added. Taxiways have been re-aligned and added where needed. All Terminal area gates have been coded as per real life Airline operations and schedules. By Tom Kellock.
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:25 by Tom Kellock
American Iowa Class Battleship Updated
11.79Mb (3064 downloads)
FSX American Iowa Class Battleship. This is an update for the first release of the Iowa class battleships by gary shetter.Includes reworked camera views and a few new effects. By Gart Shetter. Late 1940's Iowa class battleships. All are represented including the two that never made it into service. By Gary D. Shetter III
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:25 by Gary D. Shetter
Virtuavia F-111 PIG HUD Project
Virtuavia F-111 PIG HUD Project
14.84Mb (826 downloads)
FSX F-111 PIG HUD PROJECT - Navigation/Situation awareness cockpit. For use with the payware Virtuavia F-111. REVISION 6.UPGRADE. MUST already have installed. New features:In cockpit Pave Tack Display with full control allows views in all directions, pitch,zoom and altitude, Terrain shading added to 2 GPS displays, Virtual Cockpit layout improved, Flt Pln leg toggle SW,Precision airspeed capable,Revised 56 pge Flight Manual includes new TFR procedures. Adds to what is already an extreme capability panel and package packed with custom instruments and concepts not available in other aircraft. All instruments and text are sized to be clearly and easily readable. Includes enhanced HUD, multiple radars,GPS units,MFDs,and effects,TFR, autopilot/autothrottle, is Carrier and Air to Air capable,ICAO entry and day/night/IFR/VFR navigation with constant current position awareness. HUD available in all views including the 10 Camera views. This package sets the benchmark for the amount, type of data provided and its presentation. Possibly the best pilot friendly military aircraft available. By Karol Chlebowski.
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required file
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:17 by Karol Chlebowski
Boeing 737-800 Virgin Blue Textures
14.03Mb (1000 downloads)
Virgin Blue VH-BZG textures for the FSX default Boeing 737-800
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:12 by Andrew Cary
Real World textures for default Cessna C172
5.79Mb (207 downloads)
This is a repaint of a real world livery for the FSX default Cessna C172, G-BRNK, but registration changed to G-BOBV per request.
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:03 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
Real World textures for default Cessna C172
5.80Mb (244 downloads)
This is a repaint of a real world livery for the default Cessna C172, G-BCKV.
Posted Sep 18, 2010 12:02 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis
PC-6 OO-PCV Textures
PC-6 OO-PCV Textures
4.61Mb (202 downloads)
Textures only for the PC-6 by Tim Conrad in the colours of the OO-PCV, flown by a Skydivergroup called "Paracentrum Vlaanderen (PCV)" in Schaffen, Moorsele and Zwartberg, Belgium. Made by Marius Kramer.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 18, 2010 11:59 by Marius Kramer
Airbus A319-110 Mexicana New Colors
Airbus A319-110 Mexicana New Colors
50.47Mb (5390 downloads)
Airbus A319-110 Mexicana new colors. The company ceased operations in October 2010 Model by Project Airbus. Edited by Ivan Contreras "IvanGDL". This plane includes: Wingviews Working Dynamics Default 2D panel and VC original Airbus sound.
Posted Sep 18, 2010 10:54 by Ivan Contreras
Airbus A319-110 Avianca
Airbus A319-110 Avianca
72.81Mb (11411 downloads)
Airbus A319-110 Avianca NEW Colors. Model by Project Airbus. Edited by Ivan Contreras"IvanGDL". This plane includes: Wingviews Working Dynamics Default A321 and VC Nice plane from POSKY
Posted Sep 18, 2010 10:52 by Ivan Contreras