FSX > Page 1541

0.80Mb (3219 downloads)
FSadventureSky New Flight Series-" Your Flight "---A stormy day in Southern Italy. Your flight leaves from Taranto to Tirana with full house. After crossing the Adriatic you have your lunch at the New Tirana Airport and get assigned to a late afternoon Cargo flight to Kukes. Weather has been bad all week and there is nothing you can do but man your plane and get on with the job which you love...Introducing a Multi-Media instruction manual with interactive maps and ....good music for the flights!!
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:48 by Gera Godoy Canova

11.21Mb (1672 downloads)
Fictional texture for the Posky B737-700 WL of Viasa from Venezuela. The Project Opensky model includes taxi and landings ligths, dynamics shine and all moving parts, flexing wings, wings view, 2d panel (No VC) and repainted by David Espinoza Michelena
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:06 by David Espinoza Michelena

4.61Mb (513 downloads)
Textures only for the PC-6 by Tim Conrad in the colours of the OO-PCV, flown by a Skydivergroup called "Paracentrum Vlaanderen (PCV)" in Schaffen, Moorsele and Zwartberg, Belgium. Made by Marius Krämer.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:00 by Marius Krämer

61.29Mb (9185 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-800 Winglets Version Aeromexico Mexican Airline EI-DRA Complete Package for FSX. Texture by Ivan Contreras "IvanGDL". Using Panel, Virtual Cockpit of the default B737-800, Original sound B737. Operation Manual by Warren C.Daniel of Project Opensky Team is also included.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 07:53 by Ivan Contreras

5.80Mb (544 downloads)
This is a repaint of a real world livery for the default Cessna C172, G-BCKV.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 07:31 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis

5.79Mb (510 downloads)
This is a repaint of a real world livery for the FSX default Cessna C172, G-BRNK, but registration changed to G-BOBV per request.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 07:29 by L.T. 'patchz' Davis

45.62Mb (2778 downloads)
Flight Simulator X Scenery
Trabzon (LTCG) Airport, Turkey. Detailed scenery package.
Detailed and realistically depicted scenery of Trabzon (LTCG) Airport in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey, for FSX (SP2).
Created mainly by FSDS 3.5.1, the scenery includes many accurate and detailed airport buildings including the new domestic terminal, afd file, various objects, detailed surroundings and some photo real terrain textures.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 07:14 by Sunay KILIC

14.03Mb (1754 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-800 Virgin Blue texures only for eht default Boeing 737-800.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 07:00 by Andrew Cary

14.84Mb (1188 downloads)
FSX Virtuavia F-111 PIG HUD Project - Navigation/Situation awareness cockpit. For use with the payware Virtuavia F-111.
REVISION 6.UPGRADE. MUST already have fxpiggb5.zip installed.
New features:In cockpit Pave Tack Display with full control allows views
in all directions, pitch,zoom and altitude, Terrain shading added to 2 GPS
displays, Virtual Cockpit layout improved, Flt Pln leg toggle SW,Precision
airspeed capable,Revised 56 pge Flight Manual includes new TFR procedures.
Adds to what is already an extreme capability panel and package packed
with custom instruments and concepts not available in other aircraft.
All instruments and text are sized to be clearly and easily readable.
Includes enhanced HUD, multiple radars,GPS units,MFDs,and effects,TFR,
autopilot/autothrottle, is Carrier and Air to Air capable,ICAO entry and
day/night/IFR/VFR navigation with constant current position awareness.
HUD available in all views including the 10 Camera views. This package sets
the benchmark for the amount, type of data provided and its presentation.
Possibly the best pilot friendly military aircraft available.
By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 06:30 by Karol Chlebowski

0.45Mb (2762 downloads)
FSX OTBD - Doha International, Qatar
A beautifully mastered AFCAD for the current Doha Intl
for the Default FSX Airport. Built using Google Maps and
Jeppesen Charts. Includes the new Eastern Apron and
a remastered Terminal area. Hangars, Aprons, Vehicle paths,
Military Parking, Cargo Area and General Aviation areas added.
Taxiways have been re-aligned and added where needed.
All Terminal area gates have been coded as per real life
Airline operations and schedules. By Tom Kellock.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 06:20 by Tom Kellock