FSX > Page 1540

0.04Mb (4081 downloads)
FSX KLGA, Laguardia Airport, New York. Version3.0 This scenery is for FSX SP2 only. This Version 3.0 fixes the issue with DME not working.The jetways not showing up. Added a few new terminals,and Tower.Added all correct gates for Southwest Airlines and US Airways,Delta, American, United, and Air Tran. This updates all gates and parking. All jetways are visable and work. Made using ADE. No extra files needed. Created by: Rob Touchtone
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:28 by Rob Touchtone

0.15Mb (975 downloads)
FSX KLEX Lexington Blue Grass Airport,Lexington, KY, USA. This scenery is for FSX SP2 only. Complete new terminal,and Tower.Added all correct gates for Allegiant and US Airways,Delta, American, United, and Air Tran. This updates all gates and parking. All jetways are visable and work. Made using ADE. No extra files needed. Created by: Rob Touchtone
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:26 by Rob Touchtone
0.02Mb (424 downloads)
Asheville, NC upgrade from stock FSX airport using satellite imaging and my knowledge of the airport. David Hinson
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:25 by David Hinson

0.43Mb (12295 downloads)
This is Miami International Airport for Flight simulator X. Corrected and added taxiways and expanded new the terminal D, formerly A, B, C Terminals for American/American Eagle. Also added Cargo parking for UPS, DHL, Amerijet and Fedex just to name a few. Shanard Letang
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:24 by Shanard Letang
0.21Mb (875 downloads)
LSGL - Lausanne-La Blécherette. Lausanne-La Blécherette Airport is located in the north of Lausanne in Canton Vaud, Switzerland. It has one Runway (18/36) of 875m/2870ft length. ATIS-Frequency: 118.825Mhz, AFIS-Frequency: 123.2Mhz
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:21 by Lukas Koeng

1.25Mb (667 downloads)
These are the missing Flight files in "Your Flight ..todarien.zip..If you don't wish to download these, Just start the Flight at the waterfront in Panama City and follow the Pilot's Map in the Read Me document.
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:17 by Gera Godoy Canova

2.01Mb (1348 downloads)
FSadventureSky New Flight Series-" Your Flight "---WW2 started yesterday and Laura Fokkler is missing. This female scientist has been working on a secret project for the US Army Air Corps since 1932. The juice of a plant called "Sangrilla Fuculentus Blafimus" has been found to have strong explosive qualities. Fokkler came to Darien, Panama where the plant is used as a fire starter and has been here since 1939. Now she has been missing for over two weeks. You are being paid to fly out to this jungle region to find and bring back to the Canal Zone this valuable and needed scientist...good luck
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:16 by Gera Godoy Canova

8.35Mb (2371 downloads)
FSX Pakistan International Airlines
Boeing 737-800 Pakistan International Airlines Quetta Natures Orchard
Livery Textures for the default FSX
737. by Rashad. Included 737
Boeing Cockpit Textures repainted.
removed Dull textures in the default
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:04 by Rashad

0.99Mb (1360 downloads)
This program selects a random airport and displays it within the program. Features V2: -Displays: ~ICAO ~Country ~Altitude ~Latitude ~Longitude ~No. of app frequencies ~Airspace class ~Runways (Length(feet), Width(feet), Surface type) ~Gates (Radius, Type) ~Ability to copy ICAO code at generation ~Ability to clear clipboard at program finish. Features V1: -Simply displays a random line -Clear display boxes. Plans for V3 is to include optional sorting facilities of some kind if I get round to making it. Happy flying :) Alexander Aschacher -
Posted Sep 23, 2010 09:03 by Alexander Aschacher

7.46Mb (757 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a Royal Netherlands Air Force livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. This repaint represents a "what-if" RNLAF PC-6C in 327 Sqn colours based at Zandery, Surinam 1972 (when Surinam was still Dutch territory). You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 23, 2010 08:54 by René Spaan