FSX > Page 1574

8.49Mb (1376 downloads)
Trans American flight 209, from the legendary 1980 disaster-spoof movie "Airplane!" This livery for the default 737-800 is based upon the in-flight scheme, one of several seen in the film (two different ones were on flight 209 itself). As in the film, two-zero-niner is the callsign ATC uses. Flight 209 flew from KLAX to KORD, if you want to recreate the route. Repaint by Miller. Sorry, Otto not included. *lol*
Posted Jul 12, 2010 18:55 by Miller

1.81Mb (502 downloads)
SGAA livery for Dave Garwood's DH-89 Dragon. Textures only. Requires dh89fsx.zip - Repaint by Jacques Vallcaneras.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 12, 2010 15:03 by Jacques Vallcaneras

67.50Mb (2361 downloads)
Two years ago Iliana Fragatelli returned to Rome without her father who was lost looking for the cursed Crystal Skull Mountain. She and her pilot did find the last camp where the expedition had sent their last transmission but only two totally stunned members of her father's team were laying on the ground with no recollection of what had happened. Now after two years of very careful study of one of her father's maps she is sure that she will not only find the 'Crystal Skull Mountain' but her father two. In this last episode she and her pilot will face the curse of the skull and battle the elements flying high in the Chilean Andes.....will she be surprised at what she finds??? Will you wonder how you got into this mess?? (Recomend you fly Part I in order to understand what's going on in these high Mountains) New adventures in the making.....
Posted Jul 12, 2010 13:01 by Gera Godoy Canova

14.10Mb (12247 downloads)
I updated Mike Stone's C-133B I included all the textures I could find, updated the 2d panel from Tim Conrad's C-133B, and added engine exhaust smoke effects. NO VC.
Posted Jul 12, 2010 12:36 by Michael E. Roberts

3.54Mb (784 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Mongolian Airlines textures for the default FSX B737-800.
Posted Jul 12, 2010 06:23 by Chabot

3.81Mb (2590 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 Finnair textures only for the FSX default B737-800
Posted Jul 12, 2010 05:14 by by Chabot

4.18Mb (699 downloads)
West Coast Airlines textures for the FSX default DC-3 aircraft by Microsoft/Aces and modified James Eden and Jon Murchison.
These textures require AWESUM4SUM.zip modification to the default FSX DC-3
Textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 11, 2010 19:13 by Gary Harper

27.63Mb (2392 downloads)
Three fantasy British Airways "Legends of the BBC" liveries - Blackadder, Dr Who, and Red Dwarf. Textures only for the default FSX B737-800. Repainted by Miller.
Posted Jul 11, 2010 14:27 by Miller

1.71Mb (566 downloads)
Largoet Ruins of Elven as complement of France VFR FSX
This scene has been designed as a complement for France VFR FSX Britany. It adds the ruins of Largoet close to Elven, closest airport: LFRV. Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR FSX Britany. All the elements were developped in the "instant scenery" library framework, so you can modify the scene as you wish. For feedback use the france vfr forum (english tab) http://www.francevfr.com/forum/index.php and contact me ( alias Etien )
Etien / Argharg
Posted Jul 11, 2010 11:28 by Etienne V

6.15Mb (2977 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-800 South African Airways textures for the default 737-800. By Chabot Benjamin
Posted Jul 11, 2010 04:41 by Chabot Benjamin