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FSX > Page 1612
Ilyushin Il-10
Ilyushin Il-10
4.71Mb (3612 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Ilyushin Il-10 Tankbuster The Ilyushin Il-10 Bark 2 seat Ground Attack aircraft. This is the production version that came out in mid 1944, a complete re-design of the Il-2 Stormovik. It saw service late in WW2 and again in Korea. CFS2 mdl by Thicko, upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F. Scrub
Posted Apr 30, 2010 16:47 by A.F.Scrub
Northrop A-17
Northrop A-17
2.98Mb (3064 downloads)
The A-17 was developed from the very successful and high performance Northrop Gamma series of aircraft. It served as the USAAC attack aircraft until it was decided to fill that role with twin engine aircraft. This is a FSX Acceleration native project. It includes both the early Blue - Yellow livery and a reflective silver paint job. It has .dds textures, reflective glass and either a specular shine or reflective surfaces. The VC is based on a photo and has working gauges and animated flight controls. There is no 2D panel. By Paul Clawson
Posted Apr 29, 2010 22:32 by Paul Clawson
BOAC  BOEING 707- 436 Model and Textures Update
12.98Mb (4886 downloads)
FSX / FS9 BOAC BOEING 707- 436 Model and Textures Update. New mdl file: Now you can move around cockpit and first class in fs9. Requires Boeing707 Collection. By Guzman Artes -Libardo Guzman By Guzman Artes -LIBARDO GUZMAN-
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 29, 2010 21:26 by Libardo Guzman
Boeing 737-700 AirTran with VC
Boeing 737-700 AirTran with VC
72.53Mb (6582 downloads)
Original Project Opensky 737NG model. I intergraded the Microsoft 737-800 virtual cockpit. Jetways connect to it as well. Fully ready for install. Just expand and drag the expanded folder to aircraft folder and the effects to their folder. VC and Winglets! HID Landing lights and HID Taxi lights. AutoBrake works in this version. Thanks POSKY for Model and thanks Microsoft for VC. Everything else by Donald D. Newport News, VA.
Posted Apr 29, 2010 08:37 by Donald D
ILS Carrier Landings 2.0 Updated Package
ILS Carrier Landings 2.0 Updated Package
0.29Mb (2991 downloads)
This is basically an ILS approach set up for two waypoints in the middle-east (SESRA and IBKUG) near Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran. You must use AICarriers2 to spawn a carrier at the waypoint, and then the ILS can be used to safely land the plane exactly where it it supposed to hit. This also includes refueling spots located on the rear operating lift. The updated version includes several frequencies to make navigation to the ILS easier.
Posted Apr 29, 2010 00:52 by drumaboy590
FSX Marine Corps Military Base
FSX Marine Corps Military Base
0.01Mb (2639 downloads)
A Military Base for the FSX Marine Corps... Airport ID is FSMC. There is a Bombing Run as part of a side mission too, id BOMB, in the GPS, it is an Industrial area with a few fires where others have tried to bomb it for practice.A few carriers just off the coast too from the base.
Posted Apr 28, 2010 22:55 by HOTZONER
DC-4 Lufthansa Textures
DC-4 Lufthansa Textures
3.67Mb (1161 downloads)
Repaint V.2 for the Jens B. Kristensen DC4/C54. Soon after re-starting in 1955, Lufthansa had the requirement for cargo aircraft. Among others, three DC4/C45 were wet-leased for transatlantic routes, two of which came from Transocean and were flown in Lufthansa colours between 1957 and 1959. Replaces V.1 and update.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 28, 2010 15:15 by Joachim Liethen
FSX Airbus A330-300 Delta Airlines textures
1.14Mb (6532 downloads)
Textures only for Thomas Ruth's A330-300. Registration N808NW previously operated by Northwest Airlines but now operated by Delta Airlines as a result of the Delta-Northwest merger.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 28, 2010 01:19 by Ryan Gabuyo
Let-410 UVP E20 CAA
3.76Mb (4466 downloads)
Central American Airways is a small airline in Honduras, Central America. Virtual Cockpit and panel are included. Model by Bence Benedek & Tibor Kokai. Textures by Fernando Pacheco
Posted Apr 27, 2010 22:59 by Fernando Pacheco
FSX EC-121/WV-2  Updated Package
FSX EC-121/WV-2  Updated Package
80.24Mb (11763 downloads)
I compiled all of the Team 1049 aircraft, patches, and textures I could find. And Added thumbnails for all textures. All have working VC and 2D cockpits. By Team 1049 - Roland Berger, Volker Boehme, Manfred Jahn, Luis Pallas, Bill Tyne, and Stefan Werner.
Posted Apr 26, 2010 23:18 by Michael E. Roberts