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FSX > Page 1614
Mesh of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia
Mesh of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia
84.16Mb (1974 downloads)
Mesh of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia's Kaliningrad region (without west part of Saaremaa, see image in archive). Compression and conversion to bgl with MS Flight simulator SDK at LOD 10. Based on SRTM 3 arc.sec data. Some airports have minor elevation problems, and may need flatten files. Other bug reports and comments are welcomed. Install: just copy this folder into the the FS folder called "Addon Scenery" and set the new scenery active in the MSFS "Setting library". You can also simply unzip this files into the scenery Base scenery directory of fs9 - and it will work. Restart MSFS.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 11:08 by Matlley
Ilyushin Il-2 Singleseater
Ilyushin Il-2 Singleseater
4.30Mb (3377 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Ilyushin Il 2 Tankbuster The Il-2 ground attack aircraft was produced in vast quantities, becoming the single most widely produced military aircraft in aviation history. This is the single seat first production version that came out in early 1941. The first of over 35,000 made. CFS2 mdl by Thicko, upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F. Scrub
Posted Apr 23, 2010 10:02 by A.F.Scrub
59.62Mb (5572 downloads)
This package features the complete collection of the default 737-800 repaints by FlightSim Repaint (FSR). This package includes the following repaints: -American Airlines (2018 concept livery) -Continental Airlines -B&H Airlines -Air France -Air Colorado (FSR Concept) -Air Scotland -Aerolineas Argentinas (new and old liveries) -Delta Airlines (new flag livery)! Also included are the following: -Complete flight model (virtual cockpit and exterior) -NEW! Custom sounds by Project OpenSky -NEW! Custom wing textures
Posted Apr 23, 2010 09:36 by Jason A. Lee
Japan Airlines JA852J Boeing 787-8 V2
5.15Mb (4484 downloads)
FSX Japan Airlines JA852J Boeing 787-8 V2, This CamSim Version 2 feature an improve aircraft's design with new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:40 by Camil Valiquette
SIPA 300
1.54Mb (2256 downloads)
The SIPA 300 was a tandem two-seat ab-initio jet trainer first flown in September 4, 1954. It was powered by a 350 lbst Turboméca Palas, as the Sipa 200. Provisions were made for the installation of a more powerful Turboméca Marboré II. This model features reflective metallic skin and full animations. The panel background is based on photographic material found in the net. Included in this model there is also a Virtual Cockpit, with working essential flight instruments and animated flight controls, plus camera definition views. You MUST also insert the enclosed 'GougeSound.dll' in the Main FSX folder (if you don't have it yet) otherwise you will experience an FS crash!!! Capt. I. D'Attomo Capt. G.Quai
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:11 by I D'Attomo
Griffiss AFB_KRME
Griffiss AFB_KRME
29.82Mb (3974 downloads)
Griffiss AFB, NY as it was back in the early 80's before it was de-activated due to downsizing of military bases. Accurate runway and taxiways using Google Earth.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:09 by Glenn Duerr
Airbus A350, Aeroflot DEMO
Airbus A350, Aeroflot DEMO
3.22Mb (1510 downloads)
Demo version with Banners in model and VC. The A350 XWB (Xtra Wide-Body) is Airbus’ response to market demand for a medium capacity long range wide-body family. Designed with airlines’ priorities in mind, the A350 XWB confronts the challenges of high fuel prices, rising passenger expectations and increasing environmental concerns. Panel, GAUGES, model, sound and textures by - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:01 by Andreas Meyer
FS2004/FSX Mormon Range, Enterprise, Beryl (UT82), Utah (UT) Photo Scenery Package
97.45Mb (1346 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mormon Range, Enterprise, Beryl (UT82), Utah (UT) photo scenery. This scenery covers the area of just north of St. George (KSGU) north along the Mormon Range and Enterprise to Beryl (UT82). It completes the southwestern corner of Utah and paves our way into Nevada. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 04:54 by Gottfried Razek
ILS Carrier Landings
ILS Carrier Landings
0.19Mb (1455 downloads)
This is basically an ILS approach set up for two waypoints in the middle-east (SESRA and IBKUG) near Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran. You must use AICarriers2 to spawn a carrier at the waypoint, and then the ILS can be used to safely land the plane exactly where it it supposed to hit.
Posted Apr 22, 2010 21:03 by drumaboy590
FSX Acceleration Default F/A-18C Ragin
4.18Mb (3755 downloads)
FSX Default F/A-18C Ragin' Bulls. Repaint of VFA-37 Ragin' Bulls F/A-18C Hornet using Acceleration default F-18. Textures only. By Ray Gagnon
Posted Apr 22, 2010 16:14 by admin