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FSX > Page 1617
Kingair 350 Red Airlines Textures
2.83Mb (1240 downloads)
Kingair 350 Red Airlines Textures only for the default kingair 350.
Posted Apr 16, 2010 21:28 by DONZ
Boeing 747-400 Red Airlines Textures
1.77Mb (1860 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Red Airlines Textures only for the default FSX B747.
Posted Apr 16, 2010 21:23 by DONZ
5.29Mb (814 downloads)
This is a try to put Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (LFSB) into FSX. It's not finished and a long way to go.
Posted Apr 16, 2010 10:40 by Othmar Egli
Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow Textures
Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow Textures
2.94Mb (844 downloads)
FSX Purple Piper PA28R201 Arrow. Repaint textures only for Hauke Keitel's Freeware Piper PA28R201 Arrow which you must have previously installed. A plethora of polished purple pipertude pleasuring pilots by profoundly provoking wide-eyed wonder and ear to ear grins. Oh happy joy! Repaint by Tom Tiedman
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 16, 2010 06:53 by Tom Tiedman
Iceland Volcano 2010 V2.0
Iceland Volcano 2010 V2.0
0.97Mb (4069 downloads)
Created for multiplayer and single free flight. See the volcano errupt and added new smoke effects and huge fire balls there is an aircraft crash rescue scene on the side of the mountain. Can you find them?
Posted Apr 15, 2010 19:24 by Jim Abbey
FSX Beech D18S N412K Package
FSX Beech D18S N412K Package
29.52Mb (6289 downloads)
This is a FSX adoptation of the FS9 D18S passenger plane by Milton Shupe, presented in the livery of "Touch O' Texas" Twin Beech with registration # N412K, which is now a part of the Flight of the Phoenix Aviation Museum, Inc, Gilmer (TX) and serves as essential business transportation for Dean Lumber Company. The package include a new authentic VC panel with neseccary additional gauges. FSX adoptation - by Vladimir Gonchar
Posted Apr 15, 2010 19:16 by Vladimir Gonchar
Training in the Pyrenees mountains.
Training in the Pyrenees mountains.
20.70Mb (5988 downloads)
Fly a commando squad onboard your Agusta H101 over the Pyrenees Mountains in the south of France. Real weather condition, a flight very chaky du to the turbulence. After dropping the troups an other mission is waiting for you. All details on Have fun and good flight. Also available in french. Mathieu O'HARE.
Posted Apr 15, 2010 08:50 by Mathieu O'HARE
3.94Mb (5662 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Edge 540 of Kirby Chambliss Zivko Edge 540 is a very hot aerobatic competition aircraft.It is designed to take over 15 G's of sustained loading. The E-540 aircraft has the highest aerobatic thrust to weight ratio of any competition aerobatic aircraft currently available. This is ยด97 World aerobatic champion, Kirby Chambliss' personal Edge. GMAX model by A.F.Scrub
Posted Apr 15, 2010 04:20 by A.F.Scrub
Alphasim F-104 JG74 Textures
Alphasim F-104 JG74 Textures
2.29Mb (1346 downloads)
Textures for the payware F-104 Alphasim Starfighter represent a German JG74 texture. By De Kergariou Geoffrey
Posted Apr 14, 2010 02:50 by de kergariou geoffrey
Bombardier CRJ 700 Andalus Lineas Aereas
3.29Mb (1785 downloads)
Repainting of the Bombardier CRJ 700 FSX default included in the colors of Andalus Lineas Aereas, This repaint is not completely true because it has the Andalus lineas aereas only have the Embraer ERJ 145.
Posted Apr 13, 2010 18:24 by Luis López