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FSX > Page 1620
An evening at The Antilles
8.11Mb (5248 downloads)
Mission for all FSX's versions.Perform an amazing flight around the Dutch Antilles. Estimated time to complete: 60 minutes. You should be able to take off and land in very short runways. This mission can use the fantastic FlyTampa St. Marteen scenery. ( Much more espectacular ) English and spanish versiones in the same download.
Posted Apr 7, 2010 05:23 by Jose Enrique Arino
King Air FSX Propeller Texture
0.05Mb (1392 downloads)
FS2004 to FSX Beechcraft King Air Propeller Texture File. For the entire FS2004 King Air collection by Dee Waldron/Henry Tomkiewicz. Now the C90, C90B, C90GTI, F90, A100, and Super 200 for FS2004 have a propeller texture suitable for FSX. Copy and paste this FSX "prop-hs" file into every one of your texture folders, overwriting the FS2004 "prop-hs" files you have now. Now all these magnificent FS2004 King Airs will look pretty good in FSX. Prop texture by Tom Tiedman
Posted Apr 7, 2010 05:03 by Tom Tiedman
Las Vegas Race
10.90Mb (5176 downloads)
Fly an exciting Race againts five AI controlled Planes in Las Vegas. This mission includes the Mike Goulian Extra 300 S repaint.Acceleration or Gold Edition required.
Posted Apr 7, 2010 04:28 by Jose Enrique Arino
A340-300 Qantas Textures (updated)
3.84Mb (1198 downloads)
A340-300 Qantas textures updated. only for Thomas Ruth's A340-300 package
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 7, 2010 04:11 by lee roy
Emirates A340-600 Textures
Emirates A340-600 Textures
2.72Mb (6407 downloads)
Emirates textures only for the Thomas Ruth A340-600 package
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 6, 2010 20:07 by lee roy
WestCargo Flight Scenery
2.30Mb (794 downloads)
WestCargo was a 1965 Freight Company flying along the West Africa Coast. From Morocco it went slowly down to South Africa. Here you will find scenery, new airfields, objects and many flights. The company flew DC4s,6 and 7s as well as some Russian IL-18s. For Short flights the DHC-2 and AN-02 were used to carry freight to small remote airfields in various African Countries. Flying the Desert is not as easy as you might think so pilots were given special training for these flights. The company also flew a very old DC-3 and a C-46 both called " Shaking shakers 1 and 2". Be prepared for sand storms in these skies.
Posted Apr 6, 2010 11:35 by Gera Godoy Canova
Alphasim MV22 Osprey Dresert Textures
Alphasim MV22 Osprey Dresert Textures
0.35Mb (754 downloads)
Desert Camo textures only for the payware Alphasim MV22 Osprey.
Posted Apr 6, 2010 11:15 by HOTZONER
0.34Mb (4409 downloads)
There are many AI aircraft which are not available as regular flyable airplanes and there are some FSX pilots which have fps problems due to their slower or older pc's which feel FSX is to heavy for them. Flying AI planes can help those slow machines and give the pilot plane that fly really well. This tutorial will show you how to make AI planes Flyable in a few minutes.
Posted Apr 5, 2010 18:21 by Gera Godoy Canova
0.01Mb (839 downloads)
EHRD Rotterdam, Holland Update+PATCH. Only taxiway/parking and building update(VLM, feul depot, the Liveliner, the Jet center(+the hangar) and the Rotterdam flying clubs,) no custom buildings used Unzip/rar to the FSX map. Please report any problems to author for correction
Posted Apr 5, 2010 10:14 by Hugo van Pelt-DMM
0.01Mb (649 downloads)
Updated scenery for Groningen, Holland and Seppe, Holland; has new layout and textures. Thanks to Jon Masterson for ADE. Please report any problems to author for correction.
Posted Apr 5, 2010 06:32 by Hugo van Pelt